Tejss 11 people’s perception on commercialized representation of women

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The Explorer: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132, Vol-1, Issue (2): 42-45 www.theexplorerpak.org


Nimra Riaz1, Sobia Khalid2 Department of Anthropology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi,2 Department of Anthropology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi

Corresponding Author: Nimra Riaz PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi ehtashamk40@gmail.com Abstract: TV industry is the major source of entertainment which is being regulated by the advertisement industry. The research was conducted to study the role of women in commercial industry. The study was focused on the commercialized representation of women. For this purpose the data was collected from students of Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi by using semi-structured questionnaire. The study is both qualitative and quantitative in nature. 72 respondents were interviewed through an interview guide over a period of two month. The results were analyzed by co-relating the data through SPSS. The study showed that women are being used for marketing product and that appearance of women show the advancement of the commercial ads.

Key Words: Perception, Commercialization, Moral values, Women, Marketing Product INTRODUCTION Perception is defined as “the way in which people detect, understanding, and interpret events to create a sense of order for their environment” according to structural behavioral theory (Patil 2008). Commercial industry is based on manufacturing works. Each work typically contributes in one minor stage of business process, rather than making a whole product from twitch to end. It is a procedure to convert an advanced idea to a commercial product. (Patil 2008). “Women have been used in ads as early as the 1980s in Pakistan. Even since the 1980s, the image of being thin has been the ideal image for women all over the country”. Women’s make-up has great importance in the beauty industry. Through ads on television and in stylish magazines, the media has fixed perfect Western looks of women (James 2013). “Beauty is a currency system” it could be claimed that the media preserve the beauty industry as commercials sponsor a wide range of beauty products and activities (Naomi 1991). The models used in commercials are erogenous which propose to the conventional woman, that in command to be reflected beautiful she also, must look like what she sees in commercials. (Klein 2013). “In the 19th century, the solicitation of make-up was related with prostitution”. Particular women who wore

make-up would find looking for their future spouse very difficult, as no highly regarded man would marry a woman like that (James, et al. 2013). “Females are able to become top front-runners, but the way towards the top managing place is confused and not easy to find” (Marianne 2007). The effect of commercial industry on women is that they actually lose their personality. The images of women that we see in the magazine covers and in T.V commercials doesn’t set progressive influence on the mind of their relatives and other women and as well as male member of our society. Resultantly women who belong to a noble family gain the idea of this illusion and want to see their self like those, which create sense of insecurity among their family and dissatisfaction in their own mind about their appearance (Greer 1992). Social media is not the whole root of the problem of problematic mental sicknesses, but instead, is a normal aspect that effects the body satisfaction of all women, whether disposed to certain psychological disparities or not. (Klein 2013). Anorexia is normally reproduced an “individual pathology” or “managing tool” that narrates to a woman’s deepest hesitations and lack of self-confidence, appreciation, control and skill” (Biber, et al. 2010).


MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted amongst the students of Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid agriculture University Rawalpindi from where the data was collected through 72 respondents by convenient sampling. The nature of study was both qualitative and quantitative. Following results are being correlated in SPSS. RESULTS Table. 1: Suitability of Commercial Industry for Women Variable

Sig. Values


In the fifth question the significant value is -0.16 which is smaller than 0.05 so our null hypothesis is rejected. The alternate hypothesis suggested that since women are being used as a sexual object hence this field is unsuitable for women are hence proved.


Table. 2: Role of Physically Fit and Beautiful Models in

used disproportionately in the commercial ads Woman are being used as decorative object in T.V industry Young female models are Considered as an important component of commercial industry Images of woman appearing in T.V ads are affecting our moral values Women are used as a sexual object

Field of commercialization (Commercial ads) suites women.

Women are being

Commercial Industry






Women are instrumental in advancement of commercial industry

-.25 Female models -.16

This table shows the relationship between different dependent and an independent variable. The significant value of first question which was on disproportionate use of women in commercials is 0.009 which is lesser than 0.05, so the null hypothesis is rejected which is there is no relationship between women being disproportionately used and suitability of women in this field. In the second question significant value is 0.04 which is smaller than 0.05 which shows the rejection of null hypothesis and acceptance of alternative hypothesis since there is a relationship between two variables. Rejection of null hypothesis indicates that since women are being used as decorative object in T.V industry hence this field is not suitable for women. In the third question the significant value is 0.12

enhance salability goods


Sig. Values

.12 for commercial industry




Physical fit and beautiful women are


which is greater than 0.05. This show the acceptance of null hypothesis It means there is no relationship between the suitability of women in ads and significance of female models in commercial industry. In the fourth question on field of commercial ads unsuitability for women since the images of woman appearing in T.V ads are against our moral values as an alternative hypothesis is accepted with a significant value of -0.25 which is less than 0.05.


In the second table there are two dependent and one independent question. The significant value between the question on female models being instrumental in advancement of commercial industry and their beauty being exploited by the industry is 0.12 which is greater than 0.05. It indicates the acceptance of null hypothesis that means that there the beauty of female models has nothing to do with the advancement of this industry. Though it is a wide spread misperception that “Young female models are using as an element for upgrade of selling products� (Rasul 2000). The second question was based on the perception that there is a relationship between the beauty of 43

female models with the salability of products. The significant value here is 0.04. As 0.04<0.05 so null hypothesis is rejected. Hence there is relationship between two the two variables that means the more physically fit and beautiful a model is the more will be the salability of the product she is representing. “Women are representing in commercial ads as a symbol of beauty object and sex by unusual striking certain parts of their figure” (Jean 1999). This fake picture of women encourages the other women in the society to buy certain beauty products. DISCUSSION The study reveals the people’s perception on commercial industry women and the way they have been used in the commerciial industry. The study helps us to gain an understanding of this field of commercialization ads and showbiz industry in our social setup suites women or not. Many people are in favor of women who works in ads but some people give their views negatively. Those people who were not in favor of women working in commercial industry were of the view that women’s are inducing vulgarity and totally against our moral and cultural values. According to Standpoint Theory which was Proposed by Julia T. wood and Sandra Hardin. They were of the view that. Most of the ads on television are prepared by men. They use women only for their negative purpose in ads. A number of studies shows that women are usually portrayed in adds in stereotypical characters or use in adds such that mostly not match with the reality. These often negative images of women in advertising like ads and bill boards and its effect on young women are most important part of the study. Most of the people said that that our media does not represent the true image of our cultural/religious values and hence affecting our social values and enculturation of children. People were of a view that commercialized image of showbiz women has affected our local women in a way that they start idealizing the media women and competing to be an ideal like make them socially unfit. Though many people favored that young female model is an important component in commercial industry however but when asked about their own opinion “Is they will allow their

own female members to come in industry”. They always show the negative response. Though media keeps on bringing about changes in our society but the commodity based impression of women has been determined by the typical capitalistic move which has undermined our cultural and social values. Also it has lowered the status of women in our society and she is not being regarded the way she was in past few decades. CONCLUSION The focus of the study was towards the commercialized representation of women which help to understand that women are using as commercial commodity and it also be concluded that women appearing in commercial ads are affecting our moral values. It also be concluded that images of women in commercial ads affecting the salability of product. Her appearance in commercial ads cause advancement of commercial which indicate that women is an important component in advertisement. REFERENCES Rasul, A 2000 Women in dvertisements. Journal of Mass communication. Germaine, Greer 1999 The Whole Women. Doubleday London. James Hansen, Mary Alice Waters, and Evelyn Reed 1993 Cosmetics, Fashions And The Exploitation Of Women. Pathfinder Press New York. Biber Sharlene Hesse, Patricia Leavy, Courtney E. Quinn, and Julia Zoino 2006 The Mass Marketing of Disordered Eating And Eating Disorders: The Social Psychology ofWomen, Thinnes and culture. Women Studies InternationaForum. Elsevier 29:208-224. James,Nicole 2013 Society"s perception of beauty.




Jean, Kilbourne 1999 Beauty and Beast of Advertising. Journal of Homosexuality.31(12). Klein, Kendyl 2013 The Impact of Social Media on Female body image. CMC Senior Theses, Claremont Colleges Scholarship. Marianne,Ekonen 2007 Diversified careers – Narrative research about female leaders’ career development, Faculty of Economics, University of Jyvaskyla. Naomi, Wolf 1991 The Beauty myth:How image of beauty are used against women. United Kindom, Vintage. Patil, V. Shefali 2008 Perception of Female Managers in male Dominate Industries: Effects of Gender, Rarity, Performance and Diversity Justification. Leonard N. Stern School of Business New York University. © 2015 “The Explorer” Journal of Social Sciences-Pakistan


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