The Explorer: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132, Vol-1, Issue (2): 46-50
REDEFINING LEISURE AND PASTTIMES IN THE WORLD OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Muhammad Raza Younas1, Tanzeela Sakhawat2, Muhammad Mobeen Younas3 Department of Anthropology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, 2Department of Anthropology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, 3 Instructor at National Training Bureau Islamabad
Corresponding Author: Muhammad Raza Younas PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Abstract: The world of development and technology has completely redefined the leisure and pastimes of today’s man. The use of ICT on one hand influences leisure and pastimes of a person, on the other hand, changed pastimes effect the use of ICT. ICT a vast field is inclusive of social media. The paper explores the effects of ICT (Information and communication technology) on leisure and pastimes of people; both young and old and how use of ICT changes the perception and views regarding pastimes. The locale of the study was Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The data was collected using the semi structured questionnaire from 80 respondents. The nature of the study was qualitative. The study revealed that the ICT use majorly texting and calls were the major pastimes of the youth, the majority spent at least 1-5 hours on calls that strongly affected the health. The ICT use majorly included social networking that weakened the familial bonds.
Key Words: Leisure, Social Media, Past Time Activities INTRODUCTION Leisure is free time in which one can perform activities of his choice. It may include listening to music, sleeping, cooking, shopping, gossiping, internet surfing, indoor or outdoor games, touring, hiking etc. The idea of leisure time has been distinctly defined as free-time in which we do something according to our mind or interest as to make oneself at ease. (Omay and GĂźr 2011). There have been many researches on activities of leisure time, common pastimes of young children and changes in pastimes in comparison with past and present. (Singer, et al. 2009) noted as (Clements 2004);(Gryfe 2005);(Institute 2003). Previous studies have stressed upon the benefits of pastimes inclusive of outdoor games as they teach skills like problem solving, helpfulness, group cohesion, and ability to solve routine life problems. (Henderson, et al. 2004);(Hirsh-Pasek 2008). Art is another pastime activity in which a person can express all his thoughts and feelings. In fact art has been affirmed to be an important tool of expression for younger children who cannot write properly (DeBord and Service 1997); Russ 1993);(Russ 2004).
The change in pastimes has been quite apparent. Parents strongly agree that in past when children used to play physical games in their free time their mental and bodily health was better and learned various skills from these games. This comparison has also been explored in various western countries. (Singer, et al. 2009) noted as (Institute 2003). Now a days, children do not engage themselves in physical activities. Leisure time is mostly spent in front of screens, let it be a television screen, mobile phone, tablet, computer, laptop or video games. This drastic change in pastimes makes the individuals more prone to being overweight, obesity and depression. A study explained that there has been a rise in the number of hours of watching television in a day (Singer, et al. 2009) noted as (Steven, et al. 1996). Another study takes the point further and explains that children who are suffering from being overweight either do not engage or participate less in exercises and proper sports (Sydney 2001). A study related to electronic media explained that children are distancing from active tasks, are less likely to be involved in outdoor activities as they now prefer small screen entertainment activities 46
for example watching movies ,playing video games, using internet etc (Louv 2005);(Popkin 2001) . Internet surfing is also a major pastime. Students use it with the purpose of gaining knowledge, downloading soft-wares, books and informative material relevant to their field. Television is a world widely used electronic media, however, internet and mobile phones have now replaced this communication tool and is extensively used amongst children and youth (Ekström and Tufte 2007). In positive terms electronic media can be elaborated as a source which helps to explore children’s creativity, games as well as essentially it encourage in education willingness noted as (Singer, et al. 2009) noted as (Dorothy and Singer 2001). MATERIALS AND METHODS The nature of the study was qualitative. A detailed research activity was carried out on the topic “Redefining Leisure and pastime in world of ICT” by a structured questionnaire and secondary information collected by research article, books and internet. Data was collected from a sample of 80 respondents selected through purposive sampling from the sampling frame; Fatima Jinnah University Rawalpindi and Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, from students belonging to BS (Bachelors in Science) and MS (Masters in Science). The process of data collection was completed within four weeks. SPSS software was used for analysis of the data. RESULTS Table. 1: Free Time Activity Respondents
Call packages
Window shopping
All of these
The table reflects the activities of students in leisure time. Responses reflected that 18.8 percent people says that their free time activity is wondering.11.2 percent people says that their free time activity was talking with their beloved family member, friends and other person. 10% people says that their free time activity is window
shopping. 10% respondents say that their free time activity is cooking. 6.2% people select all the option and said that free time activity is all the option which we provide in the questioner. 5% respondents say that their free time activity is gossiping with people. And at last only 1.2% people say that their free time activity is dating. Table. 2: ICT Affecting Health Response Frequency
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
In this above table we ask from respondents “do you think that ICT affecting our Health” so 46.2% people agree with this Question. 26.2% respondents strongly agree. 18.8% people undecided about this Question. 6.2% people disagree and say that ICT not affected on Human health and 2.5% people strongly disagree with this Question. Younger students are become addicted by ICT and due to this mostly younger students fascinated in lust of computer games which affect the health (Bots, et al. 2007) noted as (Borsari 2004). Table. 3: Hourly Use of Mobile Phone in Leisure Time Respondents Frequency Percentage 1-5 Hour 46 57.5% 6-10 Hour 18 22.5% 11-15 Hour 5 6.2% 16-20 Hour 5 6.2% 21-25 Hour 6 7.5% Total 80 100%
In above table we ask the ask from respondents “For how long you use mobile phone in your leisure time?” so 57.5% people say that they use mobile phone in their free time exactly 1-5Hour daily. 610Hour 22.5% people use mobile phone in their free time. 11-15 Hour 6.2% people use mobile phone in their free time. 16-20 Hour 6.2% people use mobile phone on their free time and 7.5% people say that they use mobile phone 21-24Hour in a day. And they say that they have a lust to use the mobile phone. Table. 4: Purpose of Internet Usage Respondents Frequency
Social Networking
In above table we ask from respondents “For what purpose you use Internet?”So 43.8% people say that they use internet for all the purpose which we ask from them. 28.8% for social networking. 21.2% for education purpose. 6.2% people say that they use internet for their pastime. Table. 5: ICT Reduced Family Relation Respondents Frequency Excessive use of mobile 25 Excessive use of 42 computer/laptop/table limited time/girl friend 7 or boy-friend story 3 TV/Cable
Percentage 31.2 52.5 8.8 3.8
All of these
In above table we ask the respondents “how has ICT reduced free time activity between the families relation” so 52.5% people say that the excessive use of computer/laptop/tablet reduced the family relation. 31.2% people say that excessive use of mobile affect the family relation. 8.8% people say that limited time/girl friend or boy friend story effect on family relation.3.8% people says that tv/cable reduced the family relation and also 3.8% people say that all of these options which we give in our questioner affect the family relation. Table. 6: Leisure Time Increase Creativity Respondents Frequency Percentage Yes
In above table we ask from respondents “Do you think Leisure time increase creativity in your life” so 60% respondents say that yes the free time activity increase creativity in our life. 20% people say no, free time is not increase creativity in our life. DISCUSSION There are reading books and stories books, novel reading, stitching, drawing, writing, usually playing indoor and outdoor games, sitting around and noticing nature, watching cartons, visits our relatives and give time to elders, walking and eating with friends, wild life photography, watching TV, stitching and playing games physically. In past time mostly people played hide and seek, stapu, rasaa tapna and many more. These are all the free time
activity of people before the ICT. In my research I observe that the people free time activity now changes with passage of time and also huge development in ICT. In the world of ICT now a day free time activity changed because everything is change with passage of time. In my field we observe that the various new activity that is using internet, Using internet, playing online games, using social media websites, using chatting messenger (viber, whatsap, skype, tango, Line, face-book, twitter), excessive use of mobile phone increase, excessive use of computer/laptop/tablet, people do gossiping, cooking, wondering, chatting, call packages, surfing internet, window shopping, cooking and mostly use other ICT gadgets and tools. But we not play physical games we just concentrate on computer games that’s why we have some healthy problems due to ICT. With the awareness of ICT the life of people are too much busy. They busy him with these gadgets. The busy him/her in this communication world so they forget their elder people. Every person busy in his life they do not have any time to give anybody. when we start to using that things then we forget family relation, we don’t find time to spend time with our family, we gave lot of time to mobile and internet, all the time we are busy in using our gadgets, we gave important to social media friends not family relation and we ignore our blood relations, we use so much use of ICT, it has brought people in contact via ICT but not physically. Now we feel that our life is useless without these technological Gadgets. CONCLUSION The current research study conclude that ICT playing a vital role in Human Life. With these technological gadgets every person is busy in his own life they have no time for their family members. They live happy with these gadgets. ICT is also affecting the physical health as well as the mental health of people. One of the reasons behind this phenomenon is that people are not participating in games physically. REFERENCES Aman, Mohd Salleh Bin, and Basaruddin Ahmad 2006 Pengurusan Rekreasi [Recreation Management] Pengurusan Sukan: 48
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