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Elizabeth Stephan PROF IL E PHO TOS


Elizabeth Stephan’s

“human happiness”

Taking childhood photos and drawing ghosts over the people in them like Phoebe Bridgers did on her album cover, “Stranger In the Alps”


To those who submitted, provided support, and helped with editing. We love you all so much!
Welcome to the 2022 edition of the EPHS Literary Magazine! With a new year comes new faces for the magazine, and we’re excited to showcase the all the wonderful art submitted. - Al Amundson
Hello! My name is Sophia Yoerks and I am the editor of the 2022 Literary Magazine. Originally, this project was supposed to be started in September of last year. When I realized that we hadn’t done it, I wanted to take on the task. Because of this late start, things have been hectic. Last month I took this on without knowing what we were going to do: themes, cover, title, submissions… everything was up in the air. I was nervous that there wouldn’t be any submissions, which defeated the whole purpose of the Literary Magazine. However, I was proven wrong, as during this process I got to know so many people throughout their passions and talents. It was so fun to experience, and I can only hope to do it again. Next time, I would like to start earlier, so as soon as the school year ends, start getting ready for the 2023 Literary magazine with excitement and submissions!!
To those who submitted, thank you so much. It means the world to me. And to readers, enjoy this jumble of creativity smushed into a ‘zine!
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