The Eyrie: March 11-12, 2021

Page 23

MARCH 11-12, 2021 OPINION

Do Schools Censor What We Read? by Jalil Smith

There are a variety of books in school libraries. They usually range from teens to adults, depending on the school. There are also books given to students by teachers for the curriculum. However, there are some books that you don’t see now that you might have seen a while ago. That’s because those books have been banned. The books that you have seen whether it be fiction and/or nonfiction have been made sure to never again appear at your school. It is for this reason that I believe that schools censor what the students read. “The Hate You Give” by Angie Thomas is a powerful book that talks about police brutality. It is a very well-written book that has inspired a lot of people to talk about the ongoing

Banned for profanity.

issues with corrupt cops. Nonetheless, some people wanted the book gone from schools.

Talia Lakritz from Insider states that “While ‘The Hate U Give’ wasn’t technically banned in Katy, Texas, the school district’s superintendent removed it from the district’s libraries while it was under review after a parent complained about the book’s profanity.” After a petition, the book was put back up in libraries. You have to wonder though, how come schools can ban someone from reading books on racial injustice?

an African-American man. It is known to have covered controversial topics like the n-word, rape, and incest. It has been “challenged” by Kansas City Mo and other schools outside of its area. “To Kill A Mockingbird” has been challenged, removed from curricula, and banned in schools across the US due to its use of the N-word and other racial epithets …” according to Lakritz.

“To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee is a classic that most students read sometime in their high school years. It’s a book that talks about racism and the framing of

Seeing as to how schools can take away books, regardless of what a student has to say, it is safe to assume that schools can decide what books you can and can not read. This is a problem because books teach you things and can impact your outlook on life. By choosing what books the consumer sees, schools can

Banned for use of the N-word and other racial epithets.

Banned for having “actual curses and spells”.

push harmful narratives that have a negative impact on either you or others. Usually when students read books, they want to relate to the main character in some way, shape, or form. By banning these types of books, you are showing that students aren’t allowed to read books that relate to them. These problems are why schools shouldn’t have a say on what students can read. Schools have a long history of dictating the types of books a student can read. They can be swayed by the public, of course, but they are the ones who have the power, not the student or the parent. Even though the schools have this power, it is the students themselves who should choose what they read no matter what the schools say.

Banned for profanity.


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