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Seniors Leave The Team
The Season is Coming to an End
by Peyton Walls reporter
The year is coming to an end and that means it’s time for the seniors to leave for their journeys through life. They will be leaving classes, teams, and clubs.
“It’s sad to see [the seniors] leave because I’ve formed friendships with them,” sophomore Taylor Nielsen said.
Meeting people and forming relationships with the people you meet is what highschool is for. Being on a sports team grows people closer, building those relationships stronger because a team works, loses and wins together all season.
“It’s a weird feeling to leave a team that I treat and look at like family,” senior Danielle Desmarteau said. “I won’t be able to talk to them as much anymore, and they are my support system right now so it’s just hard to even think about leaving right now.”
People come and go, each teaching lessons along the way. Teammates will teach life lessons but also lessons that correlate with the sport being played.
“Just play your game, relax and have fun,” Junior Riley Braden said. “Enjoy every minute of the season.”
Even though teams lose people the teams gain new pictures of how things work. Others step up and take leadership roles and value what was lost but also make something new.
“I’m a leader right now and when I’m gone I want the team to take on that role and excel at it,” Desmarteau said. “I want them to take what they have seen from me and other leaders and make it better.”
Each year the athletic trainer sees seniors leave, they care for them all season and then just watches them move on. This year is a little different for athletic trainer, Cooper Sax, this class of seniors holds a special place in his heart.
“Since this is my fourth year at South, this senior class has a little extra special something,” Cooper Sax said. “I’ve been with them since they came to