The Fairy Tale Magazine Jan. Mini-Issue

Page 45

Contributors TO SEEK A SPELL - 7 Deborah W. Sage is a native of Kentucky, USA. She has been published in Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale Magazine, Eternal Haunted Summer, Literary LEO, and the 2022 Dwarf Stars Anthology. A former business executive, who after years of being committed to the bottom line. is gaining equilibrium in her psyche through her endeavors in folklore. Image: Evelyn DeMorgan, 1903

ASHES OF ROSES- 9 Renee Carter Hall's short fiction has appeared in a variety of magazines and anthologies, including Strange Horizons, Podcastle, and Daily Science Fiction. She lives in West Virginia with her husband. Readers can find out more about her and her work at, and she's also on Twitter as @RCarterHall, retweeting probably too much political stuff and definitely too many cat pics. Image: Artist Unknown from 1897 copy of Beauty & The Beast

THE LAND BY THE SEA - 11 Idalene is a speculative fiction writer and poet who has had work included in anthologies published by World Weaver Press, Darkhouse Books, and Transmundane Press, among others. She lives in Denver, Colorado, and collects vintage toys and books. Image: Lionel Walden

HUNTER’S MOON - 12 M.P. McCune lives in New York City with her family, which includes a bearded dragon. She primarily writes flash fiction and creative non-fiction. Her work has appeared or will be appearing in Atlas and Alice, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, The Mythic Picnic Tweet Story Project and The Vestal Review. She frequents Twitter as @MPMcCune2 Image: Julius Sergius Klever, 1908


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