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Learn to draw on the extraordinary power o airy tales to nurture youn children’s resilience throu h storytellin , art, music, play, and ames…and the ordinary ma ic o connection.


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Each issue sparkles with play ul ways to nurture resilience with children, usin airy tale variants rom around the world!

“With the woosh of her wand and a trail of glitter, Stephanie Goloway transforms the classic fairy tales into tools for learning and emotional support.” www.mariadeblassie.com looked different somehow. Three weeks in, her appetite returned. The food in the larder was fresh and plentiful. She grew especially fond of salad greens and fruit.The fish she discovered to be too oily.The sweetsmadeherteethache.

Topassthetime,shereadthebooksleftforher.Onemorningshediscoveredajournalandpens. Atfirstshefounditalmostashardtowriteasithadbeentogetoutofbed.Soon,however,shebeganto recordherday’sevents.Everyday,almosteverywakingmoment,shethoughtofhim.Everynightinher dreams they talked and kissed and touched. She wrote to him, letters full of promises and longing, and counteddownthedaysuntiltheywouldbetogether.Finally,aftermany,manyweeksthatdaycame.

In preparation for leaving, she cleaned and put the house to rights. A satchel appeared and she packed clothing and shoes, journal and letters, a few books, and her shell collection. One hour before he was scheduled to arrive she sat in her favorite spot on the porch, and with her best pen she composed a lettertoherfamily.Theyneededtoknowthetreatmentwassuccessful;shewashealthyandwhole.

When he appeared on the rise behind the house, how her heart leapt. He ran down the dune, laughing,andengulfedherinhisarms.Herkisstoldhimallheneededtoknow.


She pressed the contract into his hands, when he finished reading he looked in her eyes with concernandcompassion.

“So,thiswasthepayment.Ifeareditwasnotsosimpleasadvertised.Icanwalkwithyounow.I can admire your strong lovely body. But never again can I hear you say my name or whisper your love. Oh sweet, little fish–I will just have to do the talking for both of us. Wait..What’s this bottle? Ah, I see…” and he threw it far into the ocean “…only way to get a message to your family now. Time and tideshouldactasanyland-boundmailservice,forsure.”

Allene looked out at the bobbing glass and, for just one second, thought she saw a tail fin. A singletearfell,thensheandCameronturnedandwalkedupthedunetotheirhappilyeverafter.

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