1 minute read
JessieAtkin writes fiction, essays, and plays. Her work has appeared in The Rumpus, Writers Resist, Daily Science Fiction, Space and TimeMagazine,andelsewhere. Shecanbefoundonlineatjessieatkin.com
Image: Caley Hall, Picryl
AtalefromthePhilippinesfrom Filipino Popular Tales. (1921)
Image: Pixabay
Esther Ra is the author of A Glossary of Light and Shadow (Diode Editions, forthcoming) and book of untranslatable things (Grayson Books, 2018). Her work has been published in Boulevard, PBQ, and Korea Times, among others, and received awards including the PushcartPrizeand49thParallelAward.estherra.com
Image:Amanda Bergloff
Ellen Huang (she/her) wears the occasional cape and writes lots of fantasy. She is published in K’in, Sword & Kettle Press, Apparition Lit, Awkward Mermaid, Sirens Call, and more. She has a few simultaneous projects in her tentacles, including a fairytale chapbook, adiversefantasycollection,andanacehorroranthology. Followifyouwanna: worrydollsandfloatinglights.wordpress.com
Image:Amanda Bergloff
From The Sandman’s Hour (1867)byAbbe-PhillipsWalker.
Image: Picryl,Amanda Bergloff
Dr. Sara Cleto and Dr. Brittany Warman are award-winning folklorists,teachers,andwriterswithover150publications.Together, they founded The Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic, where they teach creative souls how to re-enchant their lives through folklore and fairy tales. Their fiction and poetry can be found in Uncanny Magazine, Apex Magazine, Gingerbread House, andothers.
Images: Amanda Bergloff, John Collier, Charles Murray Padday, Elisabeth Baumann, Unknown, Unknown,Arthur Rackham, Unknown