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Hello Enchanted Friends:

Autumn, the most glorious time of the year, is almost upon us. I’m not sure what it’s like where you live, but here in Northern Indiana, summer is unbearably hot in July. Temperatures in the 90s are commonplace now, but that was not true even 25 years ago. August is slightly better, but September and October are beautiful—especially October,whichforme,isthebestmonthoftheyear.


The light here in October makes everything seem both slightly shadowed and golden at the same time.The grass is still green and mums andsedumsareattheirbest—altogethermagicalandinspiring.

“Magical” and “inspiring" are two perfect words to describe this issue. issue. “Tales From the Night Queen’s Realm” is packed with stories of love, romance, mystery, and beauty.Italsohasacoupleofpiecesthatcouldfallintothe“dark”category,whichisperfectnotjustfor theNightQueen,butalsofortheothersideoffall:Gothicsplendor.

Halloween may be the main event during the fall, and naturally makes us all enjoy a good shiver, but the darkening days and nights, the colorful decay of leaves and flowers, and the sense that winter is coming all add to the excitement and enchantment of my favorite season. Is there a better time or setting for stories of the underworld or vengeance or lost love or Gothic romance? It’s a deliciously shadowed timefortheNightQueentoholdhercourt.

Fairytales,myth,andfolkloreshimmerinthedarkeningdaysofthisseason,andinthisdelightful issue, you’ll find stories and poems perfect for the Night Queen’s life of gothic pleasures. I’m proud to say that none is more deliciously Gothic than Kelly Jarvis’s “The Ghosts of Milden Hall.” It’s a grippingly atmospheric tale of love and loss on a college campus aswirl with history and mystery and romance and darkness. I’m always proud of every piece we publish, but when one of our staff members deliverssuchastory,I’mevenhappier.

And just who is the Night Queen? She’s the creation of our Art Director and Managing Editor, Amanda Bergloff. Amanda doesn’t just design and create beautiful art—though she is entirely responsible for the ravishing look of this issue. She’s also a highly accomplished writer, as you’ll note whentheNightQueenpopsupinthisissue.Infact,IfirstmetAmandamanyyearsagowhenI published aterrificstoryofhersinananthologyIedited, Frozen Fairy Tales It’squiteastaffwehaveatFTM.


Wolford Editor/Publisher

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