The Falling Leaf Review, Summer 2018

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VOL. 3 # 1 SUMMER 2018

THE FALLING LEAF REVIEW © 2018, Jay V. Ruvolo Publishing and Contributing Editor Jay V. Ruvolo

5 I read your silence, by responding in silence to your heavy absence

A HAIKU SERIES By Jay Ruvolo Variation in Theme… 4 haiku

Serious: 3 haiku

1 On the steps at my feet, bottom to bottom, two cicadas mating;

i a squirrel scurries up an oak with an acorn never to be an oak

2 a seagull gliding drops a crab onto the rocks splitting a wave;

ii sunlight on the sill–– mid-morning shadows––a breeze blows through the branches––

3 pigeons surrounding a woman on a park bench not feeding them;

wrens outside my kitchen window—cacophony with sparrows––a breeze blows

4 waves spread into wakes at my feet sucked in the sands–– I step and stumble 5 I catch my balance quick by stretching my arms out in a cross . . . Again; 5 haiku 1 No moon above; No night of stars—the clouds cover November sky rains 2 not the cruelest month–– November is the cruelest–– everywhere graying 3 through the window, on the bed—the full moon shining the crickets take pause 4 the telephone rings in my dream––I answer it–– no-body responds.

3 by 3 ONE shower water runs down the length of my body down the shower drain . . . TWO the window, I look out to see you––alone with you with me, a lone–– THREE the tree I see in me in the window––leaving a puddle at my feet Contingency Plans 1 a handful of rice at the wedding of a friend–– in my pocket, put 2 I throw rice at them–– I must not have thrown it all–– months later, found some

Outside My Window the window is closed— the morning sun on the sill–– eyes opened wide–– a hole in the bricks of the wall of my house–– perpendicular

6 spinning on the pole on the train, over the bridge— a boy without words. 7 . . . ten hundred thousand, thousand ripples of East River water flowing below me to the sea––waters flowing below my feet on the Brooklyn Bridge to the sea––to the sea

Another's Shoes to the wall with the window I look out—I see sparrows.


Twice Told

When he was an undergraduate, on all forms to fill out

i on the ground, at my feet, shaking—the absence of a leaf above me on a branch ii a boy and two girls run away from a boy with two boys—playing.

[a flash fiction polemic]

for the college bureaucracy, there was a choice labelled "other" when the question of race or ethnicity was raised. He used to check this choice "other," and in the line provided would write Non-White Caucasian. This was the early 80s. There are essays he has written explaining what he thinks on this; however, herein is offered only a quick look at, what might be called a scan of, what he means,

Six Haiku and a Stream 1 without the clock, without you––it deafens even my thoughts of you again–– 2 a toppled bird bath, flower petals frozen in the ice, still colorful–– 3 larger than you–– your still-presence anywhere— your absence tonight; 4 so I can make it to you late—I wait for the doors of the train to close. 5 muted by the train–– guitar strings lightly strummed— I wait for another

might have meant, by Non-White Caucasian, or so you could assume. I know you already have your axe out to grind upon his head. Let's follow her who had known him––you need names now, don't you? I suspect as much concerning place--where is this? You ask. I imagine. Nothing by way of an answer will be forthcoming. She, she, who else, what else, other than, who she is when she is she and not her name, other than what you think defines someone by how they have been described? I don't even know if that is exactly what I wanted to say. And so she said he had said––who is she? You ask, I hear . . . it does not matter, could not matter, only what he said thought imagined matters now, how he found it amusing . . . if not sometimes also annoying, when White Protestants living in New York City from somewhere outside of the city that no one from anywhere in the world not interested in agriculture, or being a rabid Trump supporter, or hunting deer, alligator or students (on days when the world seems bleak) would want to visit, ask me if I know what the Day of the Dead is, having themselves recently discovered it. In a protracted adolescence of

mind, these white people assume they might be some of

Whenever these pasty-faced White people come to

the earliest finders of such knowledge, exactly the kind of

Brooklyn to gentrify black neighborhoods, and then

thinking that lead the West to call Columbus landing on

reconstruct out of their own guilt the term 'White' so that

what he later called Hispaniola, a discovery.

a new-found rhetoric of outrage gets adopted by other

She added that he had said, "I once in a while ask if

really stupid White people, to include all the Caucasians

they are really asking an Italian Catholic, who is also

the term had never included before––yes, there are Non-

Irish Catholic, that particular question because the Day of

White Caucasians. Let me then say that White-White

the Dead and the festival of All Hallow's Eve (the origin

People had never allowed inclusion to me or mine in any

of Halloween) and All Saint's Day, November 1st and All

kind of real or imaginary America before; and so they

Soul's Day, November 2nd, have, all of them, been

now reconstruct Whiteness, principally, so they can then

familiar to me since childhood."

condescend to Northern, Eastern, Urban ethnic

How many tangents, diversions, digressions could I follow here? And she said he had said that these were ". . . familiar

Caucasians, most often Catholics because in their Protestant uptightness, greed and prudishness, they found themselves compatible with Northern Urban Ashkenazim,

to my Irish Ancestors since the fifth Century A.D., as

allowing the Neo-WASPS to point a finger at these Non-

Catholics, and centuries before that, as Celts, in Ireland,

White Caucasians as if these non-White Caucasians were

celebrating their Ancient Festival of the Dead that

like their pasty-faced Protestant Grandfathers--whether

coincided with their New Year, which coincided with

Klan members or not, or whether among those who

what became our November 1st. Our October 31st was

benefitted from Klan or not . . . I won't say how my skin

Celtic New Year's Eve and was a time when the Here of

crawls when around the White Protestant Neo-liberal

the Living converged with the There of the Dead."

Bourgeois, any more than I will say the same is true when

She paused thinking of what it was he had said after what she just said he had said. She then said he had said: "Patrick Christened it, and November 1st became All

around White Protestant Conservative Bourgeois––let it go! She said he did not mean Anglican when he said

Souls Day until it became All Saints Day, a day

Protestant--yes, whenever these contemporary Brooklyn

commemorating the lives of Saints and the Death of

White-People assholes talk to me like they are going to

Martyrs." She had an incredible memory, powers of

educate me in the ways of my own culture, it reminds me

recollection few I have ever known possessed. (So, who

of college students I've met over the last thirty years

am I? I suspect you ask.)

talking to me in their half baked, pseudo intellectually

She then aid he had said: "The following day,

managed third-hand dis-coveries of Post Structuralist or

November 2nd became All Souls Day, and thus there

Post-post Structuralist critique, as if they were the first

were two days commemorating the Dead, the two

ever to think what they were parroting in one American

principal days of the three days of Mexico's Day of the

received idea after another––all or some of it, most

Dead Celebration."

assuredly usually, from some pseudo intellectual

To say or not to say has become her question? Another

rehashing of French anti-humanism.

to be or not . . . and she continued on what he said, saying


what she thought she recalled, sometimes apart from

Yes, real White people parroting received ideas about

what she would and could recollect, recollection and

diversity while remaining truly terrified of races other

recall not being one and the same thing, just as all

than their own . . .including all the ethnic Caucasians they

recollection is remembering but not all remembering is

manipulate the image of in order to deflect critique of

recollection––yes, it was annoying

white-white people and hopefully get them to share some

When White Protestant farm boys and farm girls from

of their over-burdened WASPy guilt––and yes! fuckin'

Nebraska, Iowa, North Carolina or any place else where

WASPS are not just the Old Money WASPS, nor are they

everyone is, how should I say it, pasty-faced––yes!

the old New Money WASPS trying to lace curtain

themselves away from their cracker red-neck ancestors. And after shitting where they live and eat here in Brooklyn, they mostly go back to their White People lives, the fucking closet Crackers! He paused, she said. She then said he said, I am

The italics used are what they are what they are when they are how you should read them–– She said he had said as much. The when and the where and the to whom are not important, are they? He said: And you want more, I can suspect, have suspected,

Italian and Catholic, and more intelligently so than many

do know from experience--I cannot say that I really

who also claim as I have here; so I will assume that

cannot stand Protestants--I can't. I grew up imagining that

there's nothing contemporary White Protestant

Protestantism might be a disease, at least one of culture . .

Americans can teach me in just about anything,

. crackers are WASPS, red-necks are WASPS, the KKK

especially concerning Passion and Death.; that is, as far

are fucking WASPS irrespective of the pretenses many

from their traditions as too many of them are, becoming

white Anglo-Saxon Protestants want to evoke . . , of

as heinously bourgeois as too many of them have, even

course, I cannot say all Protestants are uptight, pasty-

when they think they are continuing traditions, only

faced, narrow-minded, fat mother fuckers––although a

managing to make one grotesque bourgeois revision or

whole lot of them are.

another, themselves lost to their Folk wisdom, and Folk

But there is something metaphysically incompatible

traditions and culture, succumbing to one semi- or il-

with me and mine and them and theirs, something I know

literate notion or another, half-baked as they persistently

I have felt, have seen obliquely, understood intellectually,

are, always criminal as illiteracy is in bourgeois terms;

historically, interpersonally in incidental and other than

but then, as mentioned above, they want to forget their

incidental communication . . . mea culpa, mea culpa, mea

Folk and so become even more insipidly bourgeois. But

maxima culpa.

then, I can't even begin to ell you how many people share

I want to say in order to say that I understand I should

one or another of my identities who are equally lost to

have another understanding, the ability that comes from

their traditions, their culture, their Folk . . . or so I have

having stood under what I need to carry, hold up, a

begun to think as of late.

variation on walking in another's shoes?

. . . and he said, being a man who used to walk around

I do not want to walk in any other's shoes.

with a copy of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, a

No one wants to walk in another's shoes.

transcription of the Papyrus of Ani which was nearly

It's bad for you to walk in another's shoes, structurally.

4000 years old at the time of Christ, myself chanting some of the Hymns to Amon Ra and Osiris in an invocation to the rising sun on the sands of the beaches in

Brief Encounter

Rockaway when I lived there how long ago now I will not

by Jay Ruvolo

count, having viewed as many corpses and carried as many coffins as I have.

[. . .]

Hail Horus of the Horizon . . . "I really do not suspect that the pseudo intellectual,

A crazy man speaks of his having discovered he was

systematically under-educated college under graduate

crazy in a world far madder than he, or so he wants to

today has a whole lot to offer in the ways of

think, thus believe, know in a way other than how others

understanding Death, or any of the ways people deal with

know the things they say they know for certain, or so I

death, as grotesque as his being has become, as crassly

imagine, of them and of him; or as I think from time to

bourgeois, as insipidly Wonder Bread, hopelessly

time about him, remembering quite accurately everything

materialistic, a-historical, contempo-centric, emotional

this man has ever said.

rather than passionate . . ." Don't puzzle too much over the use of quotes and absence of them in other places.

Who is he? You ask. Who am I? I need to know when

potential as it is, what do we actualize? No, I am asking.

considering this man I am, was will be might have been

What do we?

in another time wearing another mask, the many roles I play in the world, in a series of contexts differing from

"Adam would have needed infinite time to name infinite

one another greatly, slightly, at times I discover new men

things," he said. Paradise is heaven on earth? If so, then it

to be, I have never had the fear of being crazy that so

is of eternity and does not participate in the laws of

many I have known over the time and course of my life--

infinite space, infinite time, duration, bow do you count

living has provided me with many courses to take,

infinity? You cannot. Yes, infinity never comes. Infinity is

traveling them as I do, the morels travelled ones, you

never reached in time or space. Infinite time would not be

remember; has provided me with many roles play, all the

enough time. No amount of time would ever come closer

world we remember, a stage, the many stages I have

to infinite time. One billion to the one billionth power is

walked on, fretting about an hour or two or more,

no closer to infinity than one. How do we not see that

sometimes repeat performances, we are always acting,

infinite possibility is an avalanche waiting to bury us, as I

acting, acting; and yes with many transformations to

have said before and again after that, before.

make, take, endure--we do endure our transformations, one or another metamorphosis, yes, who can really say he

Eden was a space for eternity to exist--the walled garden

is the same person today he was last week--and I am not

where heaven on earth . . . how does Eden relate to the

talking about Gregor Samsa transformations, you know.

Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem? But

Yes, no one the same today as he was last year or at any

nevertheless, yes, Paradise in this way was heaven on

moment or string of them extending for minutes, hours

earth. It is only from eternity that infinity is resolved. It is

days weeks months, whatever have we at our finger tips

only in this way that the Incarnation of the Son of God

to say At that time then I was nothing like I am now.

begotten not made before time and creation could be Alpha and Omega, beginning and end at once. You do

Is it only about lessons learned, or is it otherwise

have to get this, that infinity and eternity are not

something else in the metamorphosis of the being I am--

synonyms, never have been. It is confusion that allows

what is it about being and existence that I recall from

this to persist in our contemporary meaning.

some discussions I think I could recollect having had about the distinctions between existence and being . . ,

I could have considered more here, no? What else could I

what is it about my being? Firstly and lastly I have it, no?

say about existing without being--isn't that about what the

I mean, the tree outside my window exits but does it have

state wants from you, from me? Why am I again posing

being? No, right? I do--I have being. See what I mean?

the questions of we,excepot in the ways that I am this we,

No? Of course, you do.

right? So what is it that the new State as God wants from us? Or from whomever it might be possible to thrust this

He said, "One does not explain all things by one thing

upon? Existence for people--what people? For humans?

alone, but by explaining all things by all things at once."

That does not amount to what being is; thus, another form

yes, he did when I did as I did as he does will do, he and I

of not to be comes with this existence without being. Yes,

another wee I become. I am we as I have said before here

not the suicide we imagine Hamlet thinking out loud

and elsewhere, over and over saying the same things

about--and is it interior monologue or soliloquy, his to be

again and again. Not in time extended can anyone explain

or not? They are not the same thing, you know, to be or

everything needing to be explained, but by explaining

not to be, being and becoming. They serve separate

everything needing to be explained in pure simultaneity.

functions, don't they? What has utility to do with what we

Pure? What is it about anything we have we do we

are talking about here. Metaphysics; Ontology;

become we say think write paint compose that is pure?

Epistemology--I remember these from Philosophy classes

There is no purity in our being so composed of uncertain

as an undergraduate when I thought I might want to be a

shore at surf's edge in Montauk. 180 degrees of ocean

Philosophy major.

horizon, from the shore looking out over the ocean to the horizon, all directions, from left to right, ocean and sky, a

I wish I had the time to make clear to you this suffering

line that sometimes appears as if it were wobbling,

of folly or madness or something else quite synonymous

horizons in New York are foreshortened, unless you get

in the mind of another, not so synonymous in mine--no two words share complete or absolute synonymy in every context of usage. I do not even imagine that they share anything other than a limited synonymy. What more will I say could only be completed by you, the reader--and now a new rub is introduced. You don't think that it is

high enough up, everyone needs to get to the 86th floor of the Empire State Building, at least once in a life. I do not recollect how many times I've been to the top, in the day and at night, clear skies most preferable, of course, the horizon is not foreshortened at Land's End, as far

interesting, at least for incidental consideration, if not

away as the curvature of the earth allows us to glimpse

ordered inquiry?

when there are no obstacles . . . Obstacles are at the ready wherever we go, wherever we are, however we arrive. No matter how we imagine

[. . .]

we can avoid them, they are ever present, and not within our control as to whether or not they come up before us . . Past Perfect; or,

. memories of the ocean, memories of the shore, more

The Reconciliation of Inaccuracies

memories of the sand of the sun of the sky, of the photos by Jay Ruvolo

I remember you every day. I am remembering you now. I remember you always; I have remembered you since the day we met. Memory engaged in the act of itself for you, I remembered you this morning. I had remembered you in my dreams. I am remembering you fondly; I was remembering you fondly; I have been remembering you fondly since we first . . . I will be remembering this for many years to come. I will have been remembering this for many years when it comes time for me to die. I have remembered fondly many times in my life; I had remembered you many times before we separated. I will have remembered you for my whole life when it comes time for me to die, I suspect. I would remember you even if I forgot my name; I would have remembered you even if I had forgotten my name; equally, I could and I could have; I should and I should have, however, whenever, wherever. To remember is to become a member of the past again. Once more ,this special membership of the mind. In memory---you are all about in memoriam. Living, an old man once told me when I was a boy, is an accumulation of death and dying; and here I am on the

I took of the clouds, the horizon, the surf with the waves rising, curling, turning, tumbling one after another in perpetuity forever and ever no mater how the beach shifts, erodes, changes irrevocably as we would see if we were to have a glimpse of things as they happen millennially. Reveries now and then, of all--how can we remember all the things that have happened except in some hyper-fragmented way, like trying to collect confetti and piecing it together into the sheets of paper they once were. I recall of each of us, both of us, there, as we were, have been this time or that, on the beach... I see her walking ahead of me. I turn to find her walking behind me. I reach out to touch her as we walk side-byside. I recollect mornings on the beach in Montauk waiting for sunrise . . . standing in the changing shades of the gloaming I cannot put precisely in words, I record on film, digital, video. I also take in photographs of the sun over the horizon, the length of shadows it casts and the changing length of the shadows as it rises higher and higher, the light in the sky from gray to blue gray to an enriching blue, at least on the day I last recorded sunrise from the shore---what the fuck is an enriching blue?

What more do I say? else can I? I do not need to

opposite the window perpendicular to the window that

consider this at present . . . what present am I talking

lets in the morning light. I have tried to catch the

about? You might think to ask, ask in-loud . . . a present

shadows in the knotted hollows of the cliffs of Shadmoor,

in time, now at this moment; present in time now in my

the Hoo Doos, the natives called, the spirits that dwelled

life; present as in present tense, usually, not now at this

in the echoes, we used to pause to listen to the ocean

moment, but maybe now in my life, as what I usually do I

echoing off the cliffs of Shadmoor coming to them from

am doing now in my life, darkness everywhere pervading

our room, coming back from them, times of the day

my life . . . the shadows are shades are ghosts--ghosts, I

different, walking there late morning, coming back early

have imagined; ghost stories I have always liked more

afternoon, walking there, virtually due east, some time

than horror stories with monsters. I have learned others

mid afternoon, coming back with the nearly late

have believed in ghosts . . . all of them, these shadows,

afternoon summer sun in our eyes.

these shades, this Wayang performance I once saw,

When I was a boy walking at night, I imagined the

puppet master from Indonesia . . . all of them--are they

shadows clutching me jumping out at me grabbing me,

them there . . . here and there, now and then, everything

taking me to some unknown between, what lies between

falling between, all reaching for me, clutching at me,

here and there, I have asked this elsewhere. I watch the

scraped as I have said elsewhere . . . ghosts--I have not

branches, winter bare, on my block all the way home

seen a ghost in a long, long time.

alone after after-school, look to, look at, watch. The

A skeleton hand clutching at me from behind, not the

London Plane trees in my old neighborhood--East

ghost's hand, the ghost did not have a hand I could see,

Flatbush--we had a lot of trees on our streets. Winter bare

no skeleton ghost, always close behind me, behind

trees shaking in the wind--I would sometimes scare

everyone, the icicles of a skeleton hand. The fear of the

myself and have to run home beneath them, convinced

dark is another kind of fear of the unknown . . .

that if I slowed, they would bend and grab me, pick me

remembering is by volition or without volition,

up and that would be it, I'd be gone, I used to run out of

recollecting is to remember by volition, and to recall is to

rooms after turning out the light when I am a boy, not the

bring to mind, remember by volition, that is, to recollect

same fear now, but the memories of then are fiercely

with the intention of telling. No one recalls without

vivid, and sometimes I find myself hastening my step out

telling, even if we recollect to tell ourselves, an attempt

of room after turning out the light at night, recollecting

to fix more securely in mind so recollection can be had

with the same intensity as the felt what I had experienced

and it will not be subject to the random side of

as a boy.


To remember, to recall, to recollect, to remind, how is

We would walk to Ditch Plains and collect shells,

it we keep track of which one to use? What then do I say

collect rocks, pebbles, I have a collection of wave worn

about what it is I do in mind, in, with and for memory? I

stones on a window sill in our bedroom. I have them

now recall what the French say when they want to say I

arranged around the small pieces of driftwood we

remember; they say, Je me souviens, or, literally, I

brought back from Montauk after our son found them and

overcome myself, the French souvenir a compound of

picked them up from the beach one walk how long ago I

over and come as in the English to overcome or to be

cannot say.

overcome, a different connotation, but then, to remember

I have tried to sketch the shadows of the rocks on the sill in the afternoon light, the window in the wall perpendicular to the wall with the window facing east and the rising sun. The setting sun reflects off the windows

is a way of overcoming one's self, to be overcome with images or emotions or the echoes of words . . .

And why he imagines that he has not mis-taken the word is not beyond me. I can see why he thinks souvenir is sous venir. I just do not understand how he has not understood

rest of it is confused. Maybe not the rest of it? He is in fact only mistaken about "over" and "under" . . . Perhaps it is memory that comes under you when you remember, thus upsetting you, which does not always

that he has mis-taken sous for 'over' and not 'under,' so

mean to make you sad or angry, but just some experience

then the compound, if it is in fact one, would be under-

that takes you off of your firm position, a pulling the rug

come, or I under-come myself? What he says about

out from under you, if you need another idiom to explain

memory being a way to overcome one's self is true. The

an idiom.

ALL PHOTOGRAPHS (herein this issue) BY JAY V. RUVOLO © 2018 JAY V. RUVOLO

A Consensus Among Selves in the Self . . . and this peopled world––

you in form, she informs

a world of she and I peopling

in form–– and so on, and . . .

as might motes in a sunbeam?

What kind of phrasal verb is that?

only however yet without her here––

Is this?

I wish she were more than I wish otherwise with

All information just what seems,

her here–– summer showers

what it says, in . . .

now falling as rain falls falling

formation, the rows and columns of infantry

summer grass brown tipped blades

on parade:

once bold green outside my window

raise the child to expect death;

looking down onto a broken fence peeled of paint chips lost in the tall grass high as the post

7:51 AM Coffee and cream with a croissant, raspberry jam on the side––to inform is to put in form in order to form in the shape of data and facts . . . facts, facts, nothing but facts, nothing to add–– I in form,

raise the child to expect destruction; raise the child to accept instruction; raise the child to hope for hopelessness–– the child raised is the father of the poet

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