42 WAYS TO SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES WILL HAVE YOUR REFRIGERATOR, PANTRY AND WALLET ALL FULL! If you’re as frugal as our family likes to be, you’ll know just how far you can stretch a dollar. However, when you go out grocery shopping, the ways to save money are not always as obvious as you may think. We’re going to show you a few ways that you can save money on groceries. How to Save Money on Groceries Whether you’re a homesteader or not, we all would love to save a little money in the grocery store, right? You try not to strain your budget each month, but sometimes you go over. Using this list, you’ll not only save money on groceries, but you may actually walk out of the store under budget! 1- Set a Budget
You won’t be able to save money on groceries if you’re not sure how much you’re spending in the first place. Make a spreadsheet for your usual buys. Find out how much you’re spending each month in groceries, and you’ll be able to set yourself a budget. Budgeting will also let you know when certain groceries go up in price. You could also track this in a ledger book that you can take with you.
2- Keep a Running Grocery List In restaurants, the kitchen staff and restaurant managers keep a list of everything they use on a monthly basis. When they get low on something, they reorder it. You can do the same at home. Make that list and put a check by things when you need more. The more well-stocked you keep your pantry, the better off you’ll be. Just remember: If it’s not on the list, you don’t need it! 3- Grow Your Own If you’re into gardening, this is an easy step to take. If you’re not into gardening yet, you’ll get hooked fast! It’s great to plant your own seeds and watch those tiny little things produce pounds and pounds of food for your family. It’s a great feeling to eat the food you have grown yourself, especially when it’s saving you money in the long run.
4- Forage for Free Food Learn to identify edible plants in the wild and take advantage of that knowledge.