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Annika Bobb

Annika Bobb

Ray Garness Memorial Youth Purchase Credit Program

We will be selecting from the applications we receive, a youth/s to receive a credit towards the purchase of ewe/s at our sale. Offered to youth ages 8 to 16 years old. We are offering 1 $500 credit for 2022.

Apply with an essay of your goals and dreams for your sheep production operation, what facilities and pasture you will have access to for running your sheep. Tell us about who will be mentoring you in your operation, or if you need us to help find a mentor for you. Tell us about any 4-H or FAA activities you will use your sheep for. You will need access to an email account so we can put you on the SDSU Sheep Extension e-mail list to receive their e-mails. Include a photo of yourself along with telephone number, address and e-mail. Youth may only win this credit

once. Youth will be awarded the day of the sale, and be recognized at the banquet.

Please mail them to: Newell Ram Sale Micole Braun 15156 SD Hwy 79 Newell, SD 57760 The members of the Ram Sale Committee will review the applications and select a winner or winners to be notified.

2022 Scholarship Winners Kelsi Clements and Abby Culver

Rules and regulations are subject to change, check back before sending entries!

1. The Newell Ram Sale is held annually on the 3rd Friday of September at the Ram Sale Barn on 3rd Street, Newell, South Dakota. The events shall consist of a “Stud Ram and Registered Ewe Show and Sale” and a purebred “Range Ram Sale.”

2. The Committee of the sale accepts the entries for the sale with the understanding that, upon signing of the entry blank, the consignor of the animals to the Newell Ram Sale agrees to comply with the Rules and

Regulations of the Show and Sale, and that for willful violation of any of the Rules and Regulations, the Consignor becomes automatically excluded from future sales.

3. The Newell Ram Sale Committee reserves the right to reject any or all entries and the entry fee will be returned.

4. Entries are open to all breeds of sheep registered with a nationally recognized registry association. Ram classes in each breed are Ram

Lamb (born after 1/1/22); and Yearling Ram (born after 1/1/21). Ewe classes in each breed are Ewe Lamb (born after 1/1/22); and Yearling

Ewe (born after 1/1/21). We will have fall born classes.

5. ALL animals must be bred and raised by Consignor. All animals must be enrolled in NSIP or, registered or subject to registry and comply with rules of the South Dakota Animal Industry Board. We, as the sale committee, do not promote extreme short tail docking and discourage such practice. If there is any evidence of rectal prolapse, past or present those animals will NOT be allowed in the show and sale.

6. Consignors may enter four (4) Stud Rams, BUT NOT more than two (2) of any one breed in the Stud Ram Show and Sale, a lamb and a yearling per breed, NOT two lambs or two yearlings, one of each; and not more than twenty (20) Range Rams; and may enter six (6) Registered Ewes,

BUT NOT more than four (4) of any one breed in the show (a lamb and a yearling per breed). A total of ten (10) Registered Ewes (including show ewes) may be sold.

7. Entries must be made with the Secretary by June 30th. Mail to NEWELL

RAM SALE, Micole Braun, 15156 SD Hwy 79, Newell, SD 57760. Email: newellramsale@hotmail.com. Phone: 605-515-0995.

8. ENTRY FEES: The entry fee is NON-refundable and must be included at time entries are received, unless we are forced to cancel sale.

The entry fees are $40.00 per head on Stud Rams, $40.00 per head on Registered Ewes and $40.00 per head on Range Rams. The committee makes a commission charge of 6% of the sale price on all animals. The entry fee will be retained on all animals. Regular

Commission will be charged on “NO SALE ANIMALS.”

9. Terms of sale: CASH Sales are to be settled before moving animals from pens. All bids on ewes start at three hundred dollars ($300.00) rams at three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00). Sellers have the right to bid once upon each lot offered.

10. Private sales before or during the auction are strictly forbidden. On private sales made after the auction closes on NO SALE, the regular commission will be collected. Consignors bringing extra animals to be sold outside the Sale or sell “screened animals” will be denied the privilege of selling at the future Newell Ram Sales.

11. Stud rams are to be offered as singles, Range Rams will be offered in; 1 pen of 1 range ram per consignor, and pens (same age) of two, three, four or five, entered as a specified lot which will be listed in the catalog under one number for each pen. Show Ewes should be offered as singles with all other ewes in pens of two, three or five head. Ewes and

Range Rams will have no more than four (4) turns through the sale ring, including show ewes.

12. All animals must be in respective pens and numbered by 6:00 p.m. on

Wednesday at 6;00 pm The vet and committee will complete health checks consignors must be present during health check or they will not be allowed to show or sell. Ewe Show will be held at 9:00 a.m. followed immediately by the Stud Ram Show on Thursday. The Ewe sale will start at 11:00am on Friday, followed by the Stud Rams and Range Rams to be sold together, selling one breed at a time. The Grand Champion Stud and

Grand Champion Ewe will sell first in their breed, followed by the Reserve

Champions and then by order placed in the show for each breed.

Premier ranges rams will sell first in their breed.

13. Consignors will be responsible for lot numbers on animals according to the catalog. The animals should be lot numbered before showing. Paint and irons are provided.



15. All animals on ground are held at consignor’s risk until sold; ownership changes when they are sold in the ring. Animals are held at purchaser’s risk thereafter.

16. All animals are guaranteed to be breeders and in event of an animal proving to be a non-breeder, seller will refund purchase price or replace it with one of equal value. Seller should know this fact within a reasonable time after sale.

17. The Consignor of any Ram Lambs or Ewe Lambs that do not have their lamb teeth at eleven (11) months of age based on the birth date of the certificate of registry must refund the total price or give the buyer the option of selecting a replacement of equal value.

18. Papers showing ownership by consignor should accompany the Stud

Rams. All animals listed as registered must have registration papers.

Ram Lambs, Range Rams and Ewes may be sold subject to registry.

Seller agrees to deliver within three (3) months records necessary for registration of all animals sold at no cost to buyer.

19. Consignors will bring their animals from the pens to the sale ring and taking them from the sale ring back to the proper pens.

20. The consignors will their feed animals. Hay and bedding will be available for purchase.

21. The Committee will make every effort to protect both buyers and sellers in every reasonable way, but under no circumstance do they assume any liability. The auctioneers will settle misunderstandings as to bids made.


22. All animals sold on sale day must be picked up or have reasonable arrangements made by 6 p.m. sale day.

(Current requirements; subject to change.)

If you do not have all the health statements you will not unload!

ALL SHEEP consigned to the Newell Sale must have the following: 1. All Breeds can be listed on one Health Certificate 2. Two (2) copies of Health Certificates (per consigner not per sheep) either interstate or intrastate. 3. Must be individually identified by an official Scrapie ID tag and listed to correspond with sale lot number (painted on), we encourage larger plastic tag. 4. ALL RAMS must be palpated and Elisa tested for Brucella-ovis within 30 days of sale date or originate from a B-Ovis free flock. 5. Individual codon test results for black-faced sheep. All Black-Faced sheep must be genetically tested for Scrapie susceptibility and must test resistant with an R gene. An accredited veterinarian must draw the sample and put the results on the health certificate. Testing must be done at an APHIS approved laboratory.

STATEMENTS to be written on the health certificate: Scrapie – to the best of my knowledge sale sheep and flock of origin have not be infected, exposed, source, or trace flock for Scrapie within past five years. *This statement to be signed by owner. Sale Sheep and flock of origin have been inspected within 30 days and are free from clinical signs of infectious foot rot. * This statement to be signed by inspecting veterinarian. The minimum scrotal circumference for Yearling Rams must be 33 cm. and for lambs 30 cm. Sheep must be examined by screening committee. Consignors may pen and number their sheep anytime Wednesday before 6:00 PM. At 6:00 PM the vet and members of board will conduct health checks in assigned pens. Consignors must be present during this health check or they will not be allowed to show or sell. Any Ram or Ewe with blemish, scab, wound, lesion or ulceration of the reproductive tract, mouth or legs will not be allowed in show and sale. Screening committee may reject any or all entries. Screened animals will NOT be sold privately on the grounds and may NOT be replaced by an extra sheep. ALL SHEEP, except lambs, are to be machine shorn after March 1. Sheep with extralong wool will be disqualified. Health certificates for within the United States will be issued to the buyer prior to leaving the sale, depending on the livestock regulations of the state they enter. Export health requirements are the responsibility of the purchaser. (Any health questions, call your veterinarian or Sandra Holcomb D.V.M. 605-642-3422.)

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