8 minute read

Greetings in the Lord!

The celebration of the nativity of Jesus continues and one of the very important elements of this mystery of the incarnation of the second person of the Blessed Trinity is his manifestation to the world through certain events in history. His becoming human was revealed in nature through mysterious natural phenomena, such as the shining of a bright star, as well as divine mysterious appearance of angels who announced the event to lowly shepherds in the field in Bethlehem. These phenomena, both natural and supernatural were recognized by the shepherds but also by wise men whose astronomical wisdom led them to conclude that a person of greatness was born. They went, seeking for the infant and their search was guided by the star. This is the story of the magi whose place in history and the events that led the world to know the birth of the child Jesus who turned out to be the Savior of the world.

In contrast to the perception of the lowly shepherds and the foreign wisemen, the bible tells us how the Jewish people, who longed for their savior, found themselves ignorant in their religious experience. Their

Jesse Reyes

Continued from page 5 expectation was for somebody who was to bring salvation and liberation to them from the political, economic and cultural enslavement they were in at that period in history. They expected a Messiah, but never believed this to happen in a place like a lowly stable where actually the baby Jesus was born. Their expectations were far from the reality as it unfolded. This expectation was common among the highly place members of the Jewish society, beginning with the royalty, wise pharisees and saduccees as well as the lowly priests and also the common people.

Malaysia (46,805) and China (9,627).

The feast that we are celebrating today has been handed down in the tradition of the liturgy of the church for ages, but the focus then was the existence of the three wise men, or three kings, who came from the east, bringing their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, to the new born Jesus. The liturgy then put significant emphasis on the gifts to the newborn savior, but not to the act of bringing into the fore the purpose of his coming. Today’s liturgy shirts the purpose of the feast on the universality of the message that Jesus brings. His epiphany opens the horizons that is unlimited to all people of good will, and stresses on the attitude and outlook of the beholders of the revelation. The lowly shepherds and the wisemen are concrete models of such attitude: openness and wisdom. Only the open, meek and humble, such as the shepherds can receive the message of the Gospel with joy and jubilation. Only the wise and courageous can understand the message of salvation brought by the newly born savior whose birth is meant for all.

Let us, therefore, rejoice and be glad for the message that the birth of Jesus brings to the world. Let us receive him gladly and openly listen to him as we continue on during this new year.

Hernaez From Whom

All Blessings Flow

bearer of God, are meant to love. So when someone hurts you, instead of withdrawing, take a step back momentarily, allowing everyone some time to breathe. You can show love even if you don't see eye to eye. Don't offer something that will harm you or the other person by spoiling or indulging sin, but instead, show love. In doing so, you will remind the other person that you not only value who they are, you also recognize your own worth and dignity.

Then, ask God for help in showing this person that He has something better for both of you: a reward, as it says in Luke, that will be great!

Dear Lord, thank You for making me in Your image. I know You have equipped me to love others, even when I am so tempted to strike back at them. Show me when to set boundaries, and when to receive people with open arms. I want to bless others with Your Light. I trust You with all my relationships, even the hard ones. Help me to be bear Your image in all that I do. Amen.

The disciples thought they suffered their greatest defeat when Jesus died on the cross. However, this defeat became the greatest victory on earth. Christ's death gave liberty. Forgiveness came to all men. New life came forth - new strength for the disciples. Resurrection and new life came as a result of a "defeat."


(FYI: The Philippines has also become one of the top tourist destinations for the Israeli people in the last few years with the latter enjoying similarities in the culture of both counties. “You’ll see quite a number of Israeli tourists picking up very quickly from youngsters to families. So, you will see, of course, a lot of youth coming to the Philippines, young Israelis who are doing backpacking honeymooners,” Israeli Ambassador to the Philippines H.E. Ilan Fluss told in an interview at the sidelines of the Manila Roadshow of Israel’s Ministry of Tourism. Citing opportunities in the innovation and technology, Fluss said entrepreneurs and other people from the business sector are also traveling between Israel and the Philippines. He noted family values and openness to foreigners is a couple of resemblance seen among Filipinos and the Israeli people that are drawing his nation to the Philippines and may encourage Filipinos to visit Israel as well. “The Filipinos and Israeli are the same, very, very friendly. And I see this everyday as the Israeli ambassador. It is fantastic,” Flus stated.)

(FYI: On top of the above, the Philippines also seek to woo more tourists from Saudi Arabia, the country’s top Middle East market In fact, the DOT moved to boost tourism cooperation with the Kingdom. Before the pandemic, Saudi Arabia ranked No, 1 in tourism arrivals among the Philippines’ source markets in the Middle East, with at least 43,748 visitors recorded in 2019. To date it ranks 23rd with 9,424 arrivals since the Philippines reopened last February 2022. “We see great potential in ushering in more arrivals into the Philippines. At the same time, the development and relationship is mutual considering there are over 800,000 Filipinos in Saudi Arabia alone. Therefore our affection for each other is long standing and I am very interested in furthering this relationship

San Diego Zoo

Continued from page 1 revolutionary program at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park—joining Edward and Future, who also made history as the first southern white rhinos born through artificial insemination in North America.

Also featured was Msituni (pronounced see tune neee), an 11-month-old giraffe born at the Safari Park. Born unable to walk, a condition in which she would not have survived in her native habitat, she required months of critical around-the-clock care, along with several pairs of custom giraffesized orthotic leg braces, to support her while she gained the necessary strength to walk. Today, after making a full recovery, Msituni runs alongside dozens of giraffes, wildebeest, impalas, rhinos and by formalizing an agreement specifically focused on tourism development,” DOT Secretary Frasco said during her recent Riyadh trip. “We recognize the massive potential for growth to attract more tourism from this Region, especially with our drive to expand “Halal” (Arabic for permissible) Tourism in the Philippines,” she reminded. The Filipinos, meanwhile looks forward to the prospects of more Saudi Arabian tourists as it continues to invest in the sector.)

The year just ended likewise generated an estimated 5.23 million tourism-related jobs, 11,989 DOTaccredited tourism enterprises as of Dec. 29, 2022 and 25,770 tourism stakeholders who were trained.

Philippine DOT Secretary Frasco was elated over the achievements of the administration of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. just six months into office.

She noted that the tourism growth clearly showed the hard work of the entire industry in order to recover from the unprecedented crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Moments of great difficulty are also moments of growth opportunity. In the past, we have overcome a global pandemic and survived various calamities. The Philippine tourism industry has managed to exceed expectations and our tourism partners and front-liners continue to offer the best of Filipino grace and hospitality to the world,” Frasco declared in a statement.

“We welcome 2023 with gratitude and excitement for Philippine tourism to bounce back stronger than ever. We shall welcome with warmth and that distinct Filipino smile visitors from all over the world as they visit our award-winning beaches, experience the richness of our culture, and enjoy our worldrenowned Filipino brand of service excellence,” she added.

No doubts about it, Frasco is hopeful that the DOT will surpass its target anew in 2023.

(FYI: The Philippines eyes to double its tourism revenues and reach at least 4.8 million in foreign arrivals in the New Year 2023).

“We look forward to the continued

Cape buffalo in the Safari Park’s African savannas.

On the float, a pair of African crowned cranes meandered through lush landscape, as Msituni’s parents peeked with curiosity into an openair safari truck filled with guests. The riders were wildlife care specialists, veterinarians and conservation scientists from the Safari Park, who have dedicated their lives to caring for Neville, Msituni and hundreds of wildlife species in San Diego and around the globe. They were joined by the Safari Park’s executive director, Lisa Peterson, expert wildlife guides from the Safari Park and four young children representing the next generation of conservationists.

The floral array on the float illustrated that both the San Diego Zoo Safari Park and San Diego Zoo are accredited botanical gardens that feature over 2 million plants—and convergence and collaboration of our tourism stakeholders – travelers, tourism players, national agencies, local government units and host communities – in propelling our industry to the heights of becoming a tourism powerhouse in Asia,” Frasco concluded. serve as a reminder of San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s dedication to plant conservation through its many efforts, including the Wildlife Biodiversity Bank.

And to top it all off for last year (despite all the trials and tribulation, too!) our “kababayans” (fellow Filipinos) emerged as the happiest nation in the world based on the 2022 End of Year Survey by the Gallup International Association (GIA).

I say that even in the worst of times, Filipinos are quick to smile and laugh troubles away. So it’s no surprise that our “kababayans” are truly the happiest bunch of people in the world.

Laughter is said to be the best medicine, and being cheerful in the face of adversity is always good for mental, physical and emotional health. As important as a person’s level of optimism, however, are the material and other aspects that reflect the quality of life.

Of the countries included in the survey, the Philippines earned a net score of 75%. The top 5 include Mexico, Malaysia, Afghanistan and Ecuador.

No doubts about it - Filipinos are a cheerful, optimistic lot, regardless of the quality of governance and living standards. Our “kababayans” will always rank high in any happiness indexes, if I must say it.

In conjunction with the above, the national Social Weather Survey December 10-14, 2022 found 95% of adult Filipinos entering the New Year with hope rather than fear. This is 2 points above the 93% recorded in 2021 and similar to the pre-COVID-19’s 96% in 2019. On the other hand, 5% will enter the New Year with fear, down by points from 7% in 2020 and 2021…truly a testament to the Filipinos’ tenacity and resiliency further cementing the fact that it is absolutely more fun to be in the Philippines!

Certainly, the comeback country of our beloved old homeland – the hardy Philippines – leads the way as Asia’s and possibly as the world’s overall winner for 2022!


The Safari Park’s 1,800 acres are home to vital conservation efforts, with more than 3,600 individual animals from more than 300 species, and a botanical collection of more than 1.75 million plants. The Safari Park welcomes more than 1 million guests each year, providing an ideal setting for visitors to connect with nature and wildlife, while supporting San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s conservation efforts worldwide.

Prior to this year, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance had a float in the Rose Parade in 1996, in celebration of the Zoo’s 80th anniversary; and in 2022, celebrating San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s global conservation efforts.

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