theFix Analogue Photography Magazine ISSUE #11

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Louve Dubuc-Babinet France

Clermont Ferrand, 2016. Expired Kodak Gold 200.

(c) Louve Dubuc-Babinet

Clermont Ferrand, 2016. Expired Kodak Gold 200

(c) Louve Dubuc-Babinet

La Baule, 2016. Cinestill 50

(c) Louve Dubuc-Babinet

La Baule, 2016. Cinestill 50

(c) Louve Dubuc-Babinet

La Baule, 2016. Cinestill 50 (c) Louve Dubuc-Babinet

Superia 200, Pag Island, Croatia 2017

(c) Louve Dubuc-Babinet

Paris, 2016. Lomo Color 400 ISO.

(c) Louve Dubuc-Babinet

Liège 2016. Color Implosion (usually 100 ISO, but I used it as a 200 ISO film)

(c) Louve Dubuc-Babinet

My name is Louve Dubuc-Babinet, I’m 22 years old and I live near Paris, France. I finished my cinema school 2 years ago and I discovered analog photography about and year and a half ago when my mom gave me her old Nikon she used to shoot my brothers and I with. Since that day I never stopped taking my camera with me. I mostly do portraits, and natural photos, I am not very comfortable with shootings yet. To me, it is a way to keep people I love with me, and to give them a proof of my love for them. Websites:

Jason Barraclough Australia

Project title: Unseen Red

(c) Jason Barraclough

(c) Jason Barraclough

(c) Jason Barraclough

(c) Jason Barraclough

(c) Jason Barraclough

(c) Jason Barraclough

Project title: Unseen Red We are surrounded by light and shadow on a daily basis, yet rarely do we stop to think about what our world looks like outside our own narrow view of it. We dream about alien places, with strange beings and vegetation, yet don’t realise that our world can look just as strange as in our dreams. My infrared photos try to bridge the gap between the visible and the invisible. They create a surrounding that looks surreal and alien, yet with a photographic fashion/storytelling style that we are all familiar with. This makes us look twice at the images and think about our world beyond what we can see. These images feature Kiko Berry in the Royal Botanical Gardens in Melbourne, Australia. Infrared light allows us to have a completely new perspective on such a frequently photographed area. The brilliant hues of red and crimson were a perfect match for Kiko with her vibrant energy on the day.

I am an Australian-born doctor and photographer. My medical training and my passion for photography resulted in my preference for scientific photography - particularly in the invisible light (infrared) spectrums often used in forensics. I am 33 years old. I am interested in orthopaedic surgery and emergency medicine. I love 35mm film photography and chemical photographic processes. I am obsessed with coffee. You can follow my photography on the following pages: (portraiture) (landscapes)





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Carly Siciliano Australia / USA

(c) Carly Siciliano

(c) Carly Siciliano

(c) Carly Siciliano

(c) Carly Siciliano

(c) Carly Siciliano

(c) Carly Siciliano

(c) Carly Siciliano

(c) Carly Siciliano

(c) Carly Siciliano

(c) Carly Siciliano

Carly Siciliano, a fine art film photographer from San Francisco, now living in Melbourne, Aus. All photos are shot in Australia on 35mm film. I specialize in double exposures and moody landscapes creating a feel of ‘madness made us’. Cameras and film: Canon a-1 with a 50mm f/1.2 lens using Kodak Ektar 100 film and Cinestill 800. Instagram: @carlysiciliano Website:

We would love to see your photographs So we can then show them to a wide international audience Please visit our website for more informationon You can also email us your sample images to: info@thefi

Ludovica Anzaldi Italy / France

(c) Ludovica Anzaldi

(c) Ludovica Anzaldi

(c) Ludovica Anzaldi

(c) Ludovica Anzaldi

(c) Ludovica Anzaldi

(c) Ludovica Anzaldi

(c) Ludovica Anzaldi

(c) Ludovica Anzaldi

Ludovica Anzaldi is an Italian photographer currently based in Paris, France. She grows up in Italy between Rome and Sicily where she comes from. After attending an artistic high school in Rome, she moves to Paris. In 2012 she attends the Parisian School of Photography Speos, and after she takes an internship as archivist at the Magnum Photos Paris. In 2014, she starts attending the ESAG Penninghen, the School of Graphic Design.In her images, Ludovica Anzaldi, tries to represent the human being and places in all his complexity, his darkness, his poetry, his sensuality. Ludovica Anzaldi works with film (Hasselblad 500 & Canon AT-1) or Digital (Canon 5D Mark III) - Website: - FB: - Instagram: BOAT LOST IN TIME: Every place, just like every human being, has its own time perception. The flow of time has always entailed an inevitable evolution. In this photo array taken with a film camera Hasselblad 500 during a ferry crossing between Naples and Palermo, Ludovica Anzaldi shares with us the odd feeling of being out of time. She wants to tell us about a place where time seems to have stopped. The series is entirely composed of geometric forms and lights; the lights create static images depriving it form any form of life, bringing us in an alternate dimension.

Quinn Milton USA

(c) Quinn Milton

(c) Quinn Milton

(c) Quinn Milton

(c) Quinn Milton

(c) Quinn Milton

(c) Quinn Milton

(c) Quinn Milton

Cover photo: This was taken on a cold, wet and blustery day in Chicago. For some foolish reason, I love photographing in inclement weather, and in this instance the moisture building up around my camera provided the effect I had hoped for. Camera/film used: Minolta Hi-Matic AF2 / Fuji Superia

​ y name is Quinn Milton and I’m a film photographer from Chicago, Illinois, USA. M I studied photography from high school through college, and have traveled to Africa and Europe with film cameras. I’m inspired by the seasons and capturing the way light changes from month to month, illuminating something I may not have noticed before. Film produces a beautiful raw texture and can be completely unpredictable, I relish the anticipation of seeing a freshly developed roll. It has taught me patience, and helped to refine my photography over the years - and I don’t see myself giving it up any time soon.





„The Boy Band“ Bomber and Rüdiger (Fuji400h/Bronica EC/75mm/CanadianFilmLab)

(c) Nils Karlson

Nils Karlson is a passionate collector of colour and light. Working with colour film and a variety of formats, he searches the coastal sides of Europe for silence and peace, often accompanied by a pack of dogs known as The Boy Band. In late 2016 he published his first photo book „Earth Stands Still“, which sold out within two months. His works have been included in solo and group exhibitions in Bochum, St. Louis, and Barcelona, as well in the Film Shooters Collective book „NSEW“ and „The f/D Book of Pinhole“.

The photo is a result of a long and exhausting trip in Brittany. After driving through heavy rains for hours, we were happy to hit the beaches near Santec for a walk. The boys were just happy to get out and run, and while a short break of running and playing I was able to squeeze out this photo. I think it has some „band photo“ qualities, and both show quite some character. Just a side not: I’m working on a photo journal entitled „The Book Of Yawn“, which will feature photos of yawning dogs only, haha! Links: Website: Facebook: Instagram:

SUPPORT! You can now make a small donation to theFIX Magazine by using the DONATION button. Donations will help us to grow and cover our running costs. Any amount is valuable! *All donations are processed securely via stripe, accepting all major credit cards. Thank You! theFIX!

Contact us: Subject: Advertising

My name is Anikey. I am 19 years old. I am a student - financier. I work as an assistant of cashier at a local fast-food restaurant. I want to talk about the tattoo “Woman-swimmer” on the left hand. It all started when I got money for an article written for a city magazine. At once I bought “Jägermeister” and went to a tattoo-master. He already had a client. In general, three of us drank this bottle, but it was not enough for us and we went to buy some beer. We drank more and I already being drunk decided to get a tattoo. I was choosing for a long time and settled on this one. It seems to look stylish and cool, the woman with impressive tits and her legs are really nice. Most importantly – I sobered up immediately, as it was done. Totally I have 14 tattoos: three on the feet, two at the hips and nine on the hands. Half of them I did being drunk, but before, I was 100% sure of the sketch I wanted. (c) Sergey Melnitchenko

My name is Ruslan. I’m 19. I graduated from the Medical College, currently working in bacteriological laboratory. A year ago, I made my first tattoo (the inscription «SS» on the hands). The idea to do it came to me under the influence of light drugs. We were sitting with friends in an abandoned school and stoned I felt as if the Nazis bombed a school in which we were. After a while, when I came back to normal state, I called the master, and three hours later this inscription was made. Sketch of a second tattoo (Satan on the chest) I found too, being under the influence of drugs. I wanted to have such a tattoo immediately, but did it more consciously, on the bright mind. For a while I doubted about the correctness of my choice, but honestly, right now I have no regrets at all.

(c) Sergey Melnitchenko

My name is Daniel, I’m 22. I work as a call-center operator in the company which provides Internet services and digital television. My first tattoo I decided to do, being under strong alcoholic intoxication, after corporate party at work. I and several of my friends came to the tattoo-master home. I didn’t know what I want, I just wanted a tattoo. I started watching different sketches on the internet but I felt very bad I felt sick, so I chose almost the first available image and said the master to do it. At that moment I didn’t care. I began to follow such a principle and all following tattoos I do only when I absolutely drunk “in the shit”. I come drunk and pick any random sketch. For now I have nine tattoos, but it’s just a start. I like this style, I think it’s right for me. First tattoos looked like a prison ones, such as crosses, heads, cut off fingers. I thought it was too vulgar, so I decided to add some love: bears, Batman in gases of happiness and other. (c) Sergey Melnitchenko

My name is Andrew. I’m 24 years. I studied as the assistant of the machinist, but I earn a living doing tattoos. Totally on my body are around 15 tattoos, but I want to tell you about one particularly. Long time ago I made myself a profile of a woman on the leg, which wasn’t dedicated to anybody. This winter I met a girl from St. Petersburg and started to communicate with her via Skype. I liked her very much so I decided to devote her a tattoo. I signed a picture of that girl with her name - Marina. Soon, I came to her to Russia. Marina was very pleased that I made myself her name. We began a relationship, and I really want to move in with her. All my tattoos I do not deliberately, I don’t like to bear any ideas. I don’t take it with special seriousness. For me it’s just a memory of some moments of life. The main part of my tattoos I did by myself, only some small of them were made by my drunk friends. (c) Sergey Melnitchenko

My name is Semyon. I’m 18 years old. I work as a sales representative in the company which sales household products. There are 68 tattoos on my body at the moment. A lot of tattoos on my left leg from the knee to the ankle were made when I was drunk. Some of them were made by tattoo-masters, some - by me, and there are even some tattoos that did my friends who were holding a homemade machine for the first time in their lives. Few masters trained on me, when they were starting their careers. I dedicate my tattoos to nothing and nobody except the one on the right foot - the cat and the number “13�. I dedicated it to our relations with my girlfriend.

(c) Sergey Melnitchenko

It symbolizes the day we met, and it’s our pair tattoo, she has the same one. In most cases, it’s just the memory about some parties, hangouts, movements. The whole left foot is covered with small tattoos. I made them myself, being under the strong alcoholic intoxication, at the time of a stressful situation. On the left hand, between the tattoos, I have 1,020 dots. I remembered this number very well, because after three hours of work over my sleeve tattoo, dots were really painful, so every time the needle touched me, I shouted the number of the dot. By the way, it was two in the morning. How do my relatives accept such hobby? My mother got used to it, sometimes she even asks me if I did something new, and asks to show her. Father doesn’t live with us, he even doesn’t know.

(c) Sergey Melnitchenko

Sergey Melnitchenko Born in 1991 in Mykolayiv, Ukraine. Nowadays lives and works in China. Member of UPHA - Ukrainian Photographic Alternative Personal exhibitions 2015 • “Les amours imaginaries” in frames of Landskrona Fotofestival - Landskrona, Sweden 2014 • “Military Commissariat” - Valdivia, Chile 2014 • “Schwarzenegger is my idol” in frames of “OFF_festival Bratislava 2014” - Bratislava, Slovakia 2014 • Art-book presentation in frames of private residency program “The Muzychi Expanded History Project” - Kyiv, Ukraine 2014 • “Schwarzenegger is my idol” - Buenos Aires, Argentina 2014 • “Les amours imaginaries” - Odessa, Ukraine 2014 • “Les amours imaginaries” - Kyiv, Ukraine 2013 • “Schwarzenegger is my idol” - ShowOFF section of Krakow Photomonth Festival - Krakow, Poland 2013 • “Schwarzenegger is my idol” - Lviv, Ukraine 2012 • “Nails” - Krivoy Rog, Ukraine Awards and residences 2016 • “DOSTOEVSKY LIST” The Most Actual Contemporary Photographers from Russia and Ukraine (2015/2016) - Dostoevsky Photography Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2015 • Short-list of Pinchuk Art Centre - Kyiv, Ukraine 2015 • Honorable Mention at “Photo Annual Awards 2015” - Teplice, Czech 2014 • Shortlisted for “OFF_festival Bratislava 2014” - Bratislava, Slovakia 2014 • Private residency program “The Muzychi Expanded History Project” - Kyiv, Ukraine 2014 • Finalist of educational program for artists and festival of youth projects “Non Stop Media VII” Kharkiv, Ukraine 2014 • II place in contest “Photographer of the year 2013” in nomination “Fine Art” - Kyiv, Ukraine 2013 • Shortlisted for “Media art festival” - Krasnoyarsk, Russia 2013 • Nomination for the fifth cycle of the Prix Pictet, Consumption - London, UK 2013 • Featured artist of London Analogue Festival - London, UK 2013 • One of 10 finalists of ShowOFF section in frames of Krakow Photomonth Festival - Krakow, Poland 2013 • International contest “Golden Camera 2012” - 1st place in nomination “Conceptual photography”, amateur - Kyiv, Ukraine 2013 • Winner of contest “Photographer of the year 2012” in nomination “Series of the year (fine art)” Kyiv, Ukraine 2012 • Finalist of 3rd Portfolio Review - Kyiv, Ukraine

We would love to see your photographs So we can then show them to a wide international audience Please visit our website for more informationon You can also email us your sample images to: info@thefi

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