1 minute read

It's time to put the break back in spring break


This brings us to the second question: are the professors being unrealistic? For me, the answer has to be yes. If we can’t make spring break two weeks long, then it is up to the professors to ensure that their students are suitably recharged. However, making their students write papers and study for exams doesn’t recharge anyone. While this article is not designed to be an attack on professors, I do believe that they are so invested in their own schedules that they sometimes forget that students have other classes that they need to do work for, so they all give us something, and all of those somethings add up to too much.

We’re all grown-ups, so I’m not advocating for professors to hold our hands when we get back from spring break. Instead, it’s more about the types of assignments. If you need to assign something, make it due the second class after we get back from spring break. However, it would be better if written assignments such as long essays are due the weeks after you get back, since a writer’s perspective is one of the hardest to get back into. Having more minor assignments following spring break would let students gradually wade back into using their brains again so that they don’t get any stress shocks like the ones that we have been experiencing up to this point.

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