Vol. 108, Iss. 16 | Tuesday, October 23, 2018
The Flat Hat The Weekly Student Newspaper of
The College of William and Mary
Voter registration surges NextGen Virginia leads effort to register students and increase
Williamsburg voter turnout in November midterm elections as other organizations host speakers, promote voter awareness, canvassing FERNANDO CASTRO // THE FLAT HAT
ver 1,000 students took a pause in their day to register to vote at the College of William and Mary this election cycle. This was largely due to the work of NextGen America, a progressive organization that tabled around campus. NextGen Virginia Communications Fellow Robert Ostrom discussed the long-term goals of NextGen and the importance of its relationship with its younger members and volunteers. “One of the biggest things that NextGen is doing is building up a big volunteer base and teaching them the skills of organizing, so after this, we want to have an exponential increase in the amount [of] people who know how to organize, who know how to knock doors, and register people to vote, so they can do it themselves, they can start training other people, because we really want this kind of younger generation, this youth demographic to be more politically Percent increase of active,” Ostrom said. “So that’s kind Virginian voter of our overarching registration in the 18-29 long-term goal.” age bracket in this As the voter election cycle registration deadline in Virginia passed Oct. 15, all efforts have been turned to ensuring a good voter turnout in the midterms, according to NextGen Virginia Campus Organizer Olivia Thomas. In an email, Ostrom said that NextGen Virginia helped 1,114 students at the College register during this election cycle. According to Ostrom, the organization has also helped over 25,000 people aged 18-29 register to vote in Virginia thanks to the work of over 800 active volunteers. According to an article from TargetSmart, Virginian voter registration in the 18-29 age bracket has increased 3.41 percent, and voter turnout in Virginia increased from 0.5 to 3.6 percent between the 2017 and 2018 primaries. Thomas talked about the importance of students having a plan for how and when they will
physically get to the polls and vote on election day. “We’re really excited; we have a bunch of getout-the-vote type events planned for the coming weeks between now and the election,” Thomas said. “So, basically, we’ll be doing a lot of canvassing in the Williamsburg community, which again is sort of an exciting way to reach people who live off campus and still encourage them to vote.” For NextGen, efforts to increase voter registration and turnout among the youth isn’t just about tabling itself but who is doing it. NextGen Virginia Fellow Annaliese Estes ’21 talked about the importance of student volunteers running the tables on campus. “I think a big thing that resonates isn’t necessarily a method, but just the fact that it’s other college students doing it,” Estes said. “I think that they’re a lot more receptive than if it’s just an adult that comes here and works here ... when it’s your peer, I think you feel more comfortable doing that with them, and also because it’s someone you might recognize or see around or even be friends with, it’s harder to say no.” Thomas shed light on the action NextGen is taking outside of tabling and registering students, noting that the organization has collaborated with other student organizations and has had College professors help provide information to students. “We also do specifically on-campus things like reaching out to different clubs and organizations,” Thomas said. “We’ve partnered with other progressive groups on campus to do some of our larger events … and then we’ve also been doing things like speaking with professors, having them provide our information so that any students who might not pass us every day in Sadler or outside of Swem can reach out and get registered prior to the deadline.” NextGen is not the only program encouraging political participation on campus. Vote Chair of the Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote JD Damarillo ’21 talked about the growth of his organization as one that participates in pushing voter registration at the College. “As of the past few years, one of our members, Aakash Saraf ’19, did a lot of activist work for NextGen, and then in that, he reached out to this one organization, APIAVote,” Damarillo said.
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Amount of College students who have been registered by NextGen Virginia in this election cycle
“APIAVote is the Asian Pacific Islander American voting organization in DC, and they basically do voter registration as well as get people to be politically active, specifically in the Asian-American part of the United States.” Damarillo said that as midterm season has progressed, he has noticed more enthusiasm among voters, and he emphasized the importance of reaching out to voters through voter education events. “I personally believe that more voter education events, stuff like that, are important to do, and that’s something I think that NextGen has worked on in part to do,” Damarillo said. “I think that’s one way to reach to those students, just more voter education events, and why their voice really matters, and from that, I either go person to person, or I have close friends that I’d say, ‘Hey, if your friend doesn’t believe in this kind of vote, [or] why their vote matters, it does, [and] here’s an explanationforwhy.’So,it’salotofpersonalrelationships and partnerships with other organizations.” Young Democrats Secretary Louisa Janssen ’21 noted that her organization does not participate directly in voter registration and instead focuses on spreading awareness about local races. “We still do as much as we can to promote voting and changing registration in less competitive areas or those who do not have frequent elections,” Janssen said. “We’re a part of the 2nd District, which is currently one of the most competitive districts in Virginia for the congressional race. We just really try to stress the importance of voting in this district specifically.” Because NextGen prioritizes voter registration, Janssen said that Young Democrats, which focuses instead on canvassing, does not work with them directly. However, she emphasized the importance of collaborating with NextGen to improve overall education about voting at the College. “We still try to maintain a good relationship with them, because we recognize they’re doing something very important that we can’t actually offer as an organization, so we try to promote their events, and inform people about them,” Janssen said. “… Even though we’re not directly working alongside them, we’re still making sure that our members of our organization are aware of what they are doing and how they can help out.” GRAPHIC BY NIA KITCHIN / THE FLAT HAT
Statistics show FYE Orientation staff does not accurately represent student population Percentage of Orientation Aides in Fraternity and Sorority Life decreases, racial disparity apparent WILLIAM ALLEN FLAT HAT CHIEF STAFF WRITER
At the start of every college semester, hundreds of new students are introduced to the College of William and Mary through the Orientation process. The formative weeks of a new student’s orientation are handled through the office of First Year Experience through their campus-hired student orientation staff. The Orientation Aides and Orientation Area Directors — over 200 chanting, enthusiastic students who make up this staff — serve as the first example of the face of a well-adjusted student at the College. Among the fall 2018 group of OAs, members of Fraternity and Sorority Life and white students were both examples of populations which are represented at disproportionately high rates compared to the general campus population. FSL includes the Interfraternity Council, Multicultural Greek Council, National PanHellenic Council and Panhellenic Council. Representation of factors like gender identity, sexual orientation, economic class, hobbies and race all impact a student’s experience on campus. Among OADs — students who coordinate the recruitment, application, interviewing and selection processes of OAs — the role played by diverse representation is not ignored. “I think that the obvious reason [representation is
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important] is it’s a lot easier if you see someone who looks like you, especially if you uncomfortable adjusting to college,” OAD Sikander Zakriya ’19 said. “I’ll use myself as an example — as the son of immigrants, it’s hard if you only have a staff of white kids.” This concern about representation is something the FYE staff is conscious of as well. “So many students are concerned about, ‘If I’m going to fit in,’” Director of the Office of First Year Experience Lauren Garrett ’02 said. “‘Am I going to have to be the trail blazer, again?’” In 2014, a Flat Hat report showed a disproportionate number of members of FSL represented in the Orientation Staff. That year, approximately 75 percent of students chosen to serve as OAs were also members of social fraternities or sororities at the College. At the time, this was disproportionate as only 27-30 percent of the larger student body were members of FSL life in 2014. Currently, only 28 percent of the student body are members of FSL, and 54 percent of the OA offers for fall 2018 were made to members of FSL. The perception of OAs as predominately fraternity or sorority members persists throughout the campus community. Henry Blackburn ’20, who has been involved in FYE as an OA for the last two years, said his first impressions of the program aligned with this perception. “Until this year, my conception of FYE was [that it’s
a] cool student organization, but it’s a Greek haven,” Blackburn said. “Until this year, when I saw a huge difference in the entire representation of it.” This might be due to the fact that, while Fraternity and Sorority Life members are still overrepresented in relation to the broader campus population, they represent a smaller proportion than they did in 2014. Data provided by the Office of First Year Experience that uses information from Banner show shifts in the demographics of students who applied and were offered positions as OAs compared to previous years. Forty-eight percent of applicants out of a pool of 572 candidates in 2018 were current members of FSL. Fifty-four percent of extended offers were made to members of FSL organizations while 46 percent of students given offers were not current members of FSL out of a pool of 221 offers, not including students who may have declined their offers later. This is a 21 percent decrease since 2014. Other notable demographics were visible in the candidate and offer data. For example, 70 percent of applicants were legally identified as female and 60 percent of the final 221 offers were given to legally identified as female individuals. The OA application provides no option for self-reporting of gender identity, so non-legally defined gender identities of applicants were not known to the school as part of the OA application.
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Barefoot in Swem: A harrowing tale of discomfort
2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
“The majority of our candidates are female or at least legal sex female,” Garrett said. “There are some larger proportions that you’re going to see naturally that happen in the data. I think sometimes that tends to be personality-driven or interest-driven.” In regards to race and ethnicity, students of color are underrepresented among OA candidates. From self-reported data on ethnicity, only 5 percent of the candidates self-identified as African American, 11 percent of the applicants self-identified as Asian, five percent of the applicants self-identified as multi race and a majority of 73 percent self-identified as white. Final OA staff offers were mostly given to white applicants, with 74 percent of offers given to selfidentified white candidates. In comparison, only 4 percent of final offers were given to self-identified African-American applicants, 10 percent to selfidentified Asian candidates and 6 percent to selfidentified multi race candidates. “I don’t think there would be any surprise if I said, you know, the applicant pool looks rather shallow when you look at students of color, when we look at students who perhaps are not in the majority when it comes to gender identification, sexual orientation, sexual identity,” Garrett said. “And those aren’t questions necessarily that come on the application. I think there
Kimberly Lores ’22 says that going barefoot in the Earl Gregg Swem Library is a bizarre and unhygienic activity for such a well-traveled area. page 6
Art donation brightens Swem halls Juan Conde ’86 explains his decision to donate works by artist Roser Bru, revealing their arduous journey from Chile to Earl Gregg Swem Library. page 7
newsinsight “
News Editor Leonor Grave News Editor Madeline Monroe fhnews@gmail.com
The Flat Hat | Tuesday, October 23, 2018 | Page 2
I want to take issue first with the term the ‘New Campus Left.’ I think this is kind of a misnomer; activism has always been on campus, it’s never really died down. I think that there have been some issues on campus at William and Mary lately that have brought things to the forefront but it’s been around for a long time. — Middle East Studies Chair Stephen Sheehi on the Debate Society’s public discussion on the ‘New Campus Left’
From Fashion Week to DoG Street
Oct. 19-21
Emma Sliwinski ’22 starts freshman year after spending gap year modeling in New York SARAH SMITH // FLAT HAT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Friday, Oct. 19 — Prank call: Police reported annoying phone calls on Richmond Road.
Saturday, Oct. 20 — Can’t hack it: Police reported computer trespassing with damages of less than $2,500 on Richmond Road.
Saturday, Oct. 20 — Blown cover: Arias Rodrigo was arrested and charged for providing a false identity to a police officer on Harrison Avenue.
Sunday, Oct. 21 — On the run: Police reported a dog running at large at Capitol Landing Road. POLICE BEAT BY WILLIAM ALLEN / THE FLAT HAT
Living with 20 models in a group apartment, Sliwinski worked a packed schedule. She recalls New York Fashion Week as her favorite modeling moment.
CORRECTIONS The Flat Hat wishes to correct any fact printed incorrectly. Corrections may be submitted in email to the editor of the section in which the incorrect information was printed. Requests for corrections will be accepted at any time.
During her junior year of high school, Emma Sliwinski ’22 wasn’t sure where she wanted to go to college, or when. After taking a tour of the College of William and Mary and working out an agreement with her mother, she had a few answers to those questions about her future. “I came on a tour here and every single person we passed was so nice and helpful,” Sliwinski said. “It just felt like such a good community to be a part of. It was my top choice right after I saw it. I was having a hard time deciding between here and UVA, and I asked myself, ‘Where would I be the happiest? The mentally happiest?’ Because of the people here, and the conversations I’d had, William and Mary is better.” For Sliwinski, deciding where to go to college wasn’t the only question she had to answer. Once she had been accepted, she had to figure out if going to college right after she graduated was best for her. In high school, she had started to model — but was limited by still being a full-time student. If she deferred her admission to the College, she’d get a chance to work full time. “My mom told me I could take a gap year as long as I got into the College before I took the gap year,” Sliwinski said. “I was like ‘That is a great idea.’ And I got a year to try it out.” Just after her 18th birthday, Sliwinski signed with Fenton Model Management, and her mom dropped her off in New York City. Through the agency she worked for, she ended up living in an apartment with 20 other models. Then, for a whole year, she began to work. Every day she went to six castings and an assortment of jobs that her agency had scheduled for her. Sliwinski said she never got a day off, working long hours even on weekends. “My agency would send me a schedule the night before of what castings and jobs I was going to the next day,” Sliwinski said. “You have castings every single day, there are no weekends. … You would go to six castings a day and wait at each one for about an hour. At castings, you show the casting director your portfolio and your walk and they take pictures of you and hopefully you get the job. It was weird because I was figuring out modeling that whole year, but also figuring out living by myself. …” Through this work schedule and through the friends she made, Sliwinski said that she learned a lot about the modeling industry. Now, she’s considering spending her summer and winter breaks modeling, and hopes to return to New York for at least a year after she graduates to try working in the industry full-time once more.
“What I’ve learned is that it’s a crazy industry,” Sliwinski said. “It was way more fun than I thought it would be, but it’s actually a lot of hard work. The fun part is definitely bigger. You meet so many new friends and have such cool experiences doing photo shots with the amazing photographers in New York. You go to six castings a day, and you’re lucky to get one [job], very lucky. It’s constant rejection. It’s also very, very long hours for little pay, unless you’re famous, which I’m definitely not. You have to maintain certain measurements; make sure you’re eating properly and exercising enough, but also being healthy about it.” During her year in New York, Sliwinski’s favorite experience was participating in New York Fashion Week. She said that fashion shows were such a fun experience for her because of the adrenaline rush she would feel backstage before it was time for the show to start. Now that she’s once again sitting in a classroom all day instead of working, Sliwinski said that while she’s had a lot to adjust to, not all of it has been bad. For example, Sliwinski said being in New York was sometimes difficult, because there weren’t resources provided to her when she was sick. On campus, she said she’s grateful for all of the support and resources that students have access to. “It’s weird to be in school again and doing homework, but it’s also really nice to be around people who value education,” Sliwinski said. “Taking a gap year made me realize the importance of education because I saw people who didn’t go to college and it was a struggle for them to get jobs; they didn’t have as many opportunities. … Coming here has been really nice because there have been so many people to help and support you.” Sliwinski is also planning on taking what she learned from modeling to form her post-graduation career. When she was in high school, she took a yoga teacher training course, and practiced yoga every day in New York — something she said helped her maintain her health and happiness. Now as she begins her college experience, she’s auditioning to teach yoga at the Student Recreation Center and hopes to have yoga be a part of her life for a long time. “I think I want to major in psychology and maybe minor in public health,” Sliwinski said. “I want to relate it to yoga, somehow help people with the knowledge that psychology brings, but incorporate yoga into that to help people live a healthier life. I don’t know what job that would be, but I’ll figure it out.”
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Sliwinski hopes to teach the yoga at the Student Recreation Center from experience she got from a yoga teacher training course she took in high school.
The Flat Hat
Page 3
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
At geology symposium, women rock
Six department alumnae speak on century of coeducation KATE DEAN-MCKINNEY THE FLAT HAT
Six distinguished female alumnae from the College of William and Mary’s geology department presented Thursday Oct. 18 at a symposium in conjunction with the celebration of 100 years of women. The event was organized by College’s Association of Women Geoscientists chapter and by geology professors at the College. The symposium was designed to engage the College community in current events surrounding the Geology department, but also to address the low numbers of women in the field of geology. The department saw this as an opportunity to bring in female voices who could talk about the College’s impact on their careers and on their identities as women in a science, technology, engineering and math field. Director of the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum Ellen Stofan ’83, who served as the event’s keynote speaker, saw the symposium as an opportunity to foster the growth of women in STEM fields. As the first female head of the National Air and Space Museum, she believes the number of women working in science careers can be raised by inviting them to engage with and be inspired by other women role models in the field. “When I was 12 or 13 years old and I was looking for women role models, there were only two or three,” Stofan said. “So, I do think it is important for women like me in the sciences, who have taken positions of leadership, to really get out there and speak up, because unless girls can see themselves in some role, they are going to think, ‘Oh people like me don’t do that.’” Stofan acknowledged the role she plays in making sure young girls are aware of the opportunities for them in STEM fields. She said that her
position at the Air and Space Museum is a perfect chance to create an engaging environment for those young women. During the symposium, presenters revealed tools and methods they had created for collecting and interpreting data that can be applied to other areas. Becky Flowers ’98 conducted research with the aim of unveiling the Grand Canyon’s timeline of creation using thermochronology. Thermochronology is a technique which dates the cooling patterns of rock to develop a historical timeline. This technique, which Flowers is helping to perfect, can be used in many other study sites and can shed light on new geological information. Seema Turner ’93 reflected on her time here being formative for mentorship. She, along with some of the other presenters, received invaluable guidance from the professors in the geology department, and Turner specifically has taken those experiences and applied them to her current career. The characteristics of those professors inform the way she mentors: such things as taking the time to listen, being present and valuing the connections with the people she surrounds herself with. Jessica Ball ’07 knew she wanted to be a volcanologist for as long as she can remember, and the geology department at the College helped her attain that goal. The knowledge she gained while here helped play a key role in rapidly disseminating factual information after the explosion of the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s big island as part of the US Geological Survey. Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Groundwater Geologist Todd Beach ’88 said that he enjoyed Ball’s footage of the Kilauea Volcano’s eruptions. “My favorite part was Jessica Ball’s time lapse videos of eruptions and the caldera collapse from the Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii because
it’s the next best thing to actually being there to see it,” Beach said in an email. “I think it was a great way to highlight and honor some of the contributions by W&M’s female geologists and illustrate the Geology department’s commitment to educating female scientists since the geology department’s inception here at W&M.” Nancy Lauer ’13 uses radium decay to look at when traces of toxic waste were introduced into water sources as a result of hydraulic fracturing. Lynn Wingard ’79 designed a data collection model for examining historical records in sediment coring samples. She can use this information to predict sea level rise and climate change effects in the future. Each speaker attributed a certain aspect of their career path to the College. Stofan said her success was a result of support she received during her time at the College. “I hear so many stories of women who were actively discouraged and I think if that had been me I would’ve left,” Stofan said. “That is why it is important for me to really work on diversity and inclusion because I had an unusual experience of incredible support here.” Kirsten Maygaard ’21, who is an economics and Hispanic studies double major, attended the event. “I think people think it’s only recently that there has been a bigger push for women in STEM, so being able to see how William and Mary geology has been able to do this for decades and decades makes me feel good to go to this school,” Maygaard said. Stofan said that the push for women in STEM is not recent, but it is important now more than ever. She said, people need to ask themselves “Are we telling everyone’s stories?” because that is important in order to facilitate a well-rounded and inclusive environment.
Debate centers on politics of ‘New Campus Left’ Students, faculty discuss history of leftist movements on college campuses At a public debate titled “Do We Regret the Rise of the New Campus Left,” Thursday, Oct. 18 in Commonwealth Auditorium, the College of William and Mary Debate Society discussed the issue of campus activism. The debate pitted two teams from the Society representing alternate views, then opened up discussion to the audience to allow floor speeches. The teams on stage were comprised of two students each who took turns giving speeches arguing in favor of or against the tactics of the New Campus Left. The debate was prefaced with an explanation that the debaters had not picked the sides they were representing, and so their speeches did not reflect their personal views. Middle East studies department chair Stephen Sheehi, who described himself not as a representative of his department but rather as an activist and a member of the community, opened the event by defining the ‘New Campus Left’ and highlighting the history and importance of direct action. “I want to take issue first with the term ‘the New Campus Left,’” Sheehi said. “I think this is kind of a misnomer; activism has always been on campus, it’s never really died down. I think that there have been some issues on campus at William and Mary lately that have brought things to the forefront but it’s been around for a long time.” However, Sheehi did point out a few ways in which he considers the campus leftist movement to be different from past decades. “But what I would say if we’re going to pin down
what constitutes the left now that might differ it from, say, the 60s … is that the issues that stem now from the left now on campus are issues of social justice … of structural racism, of gender and sexual equality,” Sheehi said. “These are things that concern the left but in ways that are seen as structural components of the way we live our lives in the United States as opposed to the mainstream liberals or what one would call the ‘left’ of the Democratic party.” The team arguing in favor of the rise of the New Campus Left emphasized the historical roots of leftist campus activism and results brought on by the mobilization of students. It argued that such galvanization encouraged people in the middle to become more politically active and translated to broader application in policy as students were increasingly stimulated to vote. Ultimately, the debaters reasoned that activism which is characteristic of the New Campus Left is a better alternative to apathy. The opposing team distinguished between ideology and policy, taking the stance that the tactics of the New Campus Left did not bring about substantial policy change, instead alienating moderates and making it easier for a unified majority of the right to undermine the left. The duo claimed that the aim of the New Campus Left became largely about engaging in a “politics performance” and what it means to be on the left. They argued this pushed students to mask their real politics in order to feel accepted. When the debate opened up to audience speakers, many students voiced their concerns about the impact of the New Campus Left on those with differing ideals. The conversation then turned toward the expression
of conservative voices, with some arguing that conservatives were shut down on campus while others took the counterposition. Maggie Aschmeyer ’20, who spoke during the audience segment, expressed her surprise at the course of the debate.
I think that we’ve been getting a lot more radical left action on campus recently in William and Mary. — Jessica Berry ’19
“I figured out about this through Facebook, like everything that I do in my life,” Aschmeyer said. “I didn’t really know what [the debate] was going to be coming in; it kind of went in a different direction than I was expecting … it was talking about radical social activism versus not doing that. … The floor discussion was a little bit more what I was expecting, talking about conservatism versus liberalism and who’s allowed to speak and all that.” President of the Debate Society Jessica Berry ’19 explained that the inspiration for the debate came largely from seeing this issue discussed among colleges
and universities at a national level in recent years, but that she felt it was especially pertinent to the College this year. “I think that we’ve been getting a lot more radical left action on campus recently in William and Mary at least this year,” Berry said. “And I know that there are a lot of people who have a lot of different feelings on it, and I’ve been seeing people on Facebook discuss it a lot, but we hadn’t really seen a lot of people breaking out of their social media bubbles to have discussions across the aisle.” According to Berry, the Society thought the debate would be a good format for this discussion because students can see people representing different points of view on the issue within a structured yet friendly conversation. For instance, Sheehi said, most people would likely perceive an attempt to stop an Islamic State group extremist from giving a talk at a Mosque as reasonable, and that type of action is not entirely different from more regional leftist movements. “Just sort of transpose it in another country, in another context, and that might help us think about perceiving how to discuss this with our fellow citizens,” Sheehi said. “And that fosters movement.” Sheehi closed the event by noting the United States context of the debate and challenging students on both sides of the issue to remove themselves from their insular contexts. “When one is thinking about these issues, what is permissible, what constitutes civility, who should be shut down, who should not be … you might want to pass these ideas and analogies over in other places,” Sheehi said.
College conducts conversation surrounding priorities for future Katherine Rowe, event organizers kick off event with online survey collecting audience member opinions CHARLES COLEMAN THE FLAT HAT
Thursday, Oct. 11, members of the College of William and Mary community came together to describe and discuss their plans and hopes for the College’s future. The conversation was made up of faculty, staff, administration, alumni and students all interested in how the College will continue to prosper in the years to come. The discussion was designed to highlight individual ideas among the community’s and facilitate group agreements on what the College should work toward to improve its role for its students and the world. The event was led by linguistics and Africana studies professor Iyabo Osiapem and Executive Director of the Alan B. Miller Entrepreneurship Center and leader of the Entrepreneurship Initiative at the Mason School of Business Graham Henshaw. Osiapem and Henshaw began the discussion alongside College President Katherine Rowe with an online survey available to audience members. The survey asked attendees what they would like to see in the College’s future. “I was hoping very much for a mixed conversation,” Rowe said. “Mixed in the sense that it was a conversation that gathered many different roles and kinds [of] expertise.” The survey questions focused on ideas of if and how the College can increase its diversity, what should be prioritized for the College’s future and where it should be headed. Attendees then chose a table with an assigned discussion question similar to those featured in the survey. The resulting conversation focused on what the College can do to create a more dynamic and inclusive environment as it expands its role for the students. Ideas such as creating campus-wide diversity and teaching students career adaptability were discussed
and agreed upon by those in the room. In one table’s discussion about ways the College can become more dynamic and diverse, Associate Director of MBA Admissions Joshua Lustig ’05 shared thoughts about getting comfortable with the uncomfortable and pushing boundaries. “Testing and measuring new ideas, asking what if and why not and not being afraid to do that, pushing the boundaries but embraces our history tradition and prestige here but again not being afraid to push it and to expand on our tradition,” Lustig said. “Looking dynamic by getting comfortable by the uncomfortable so again really pushing ourselves to embrace the tradition here but really take it to another level.” English professorSuzanne Hagedorn spoke on behalf of Hispanic studies professor John Riofrio. “We need joy — joy in learning and rediscovering it in students and faculty,” Hagedorn said. “We want to be historically innovative, not just historic, and embrace our identity as a liberal arts university.” Capital Budget Analyst Abby Houser ’05 said the College should become a more inclusive and diverse community in the options and experiences that it provides for students. “We think that means access to opportunity for all students and staff and continuous support for those folks here,” Houser said. “Being genuine about inclusivity, so not just saying we’re inclusive but actually doing it, walking the walk. ” Overall, the room largely agreed on working to become an increasingly diverse community that learns to adapt to the times without losing the things that make the College what it is. Other thoughts from the room included the idea of identifying and overcoming barriers for non-traditional students, improving collaboration throughout the College and building strong financial foundations. Toward the end of the event, Osiapem and Henshaw shared the
results of the online survey that was taken at the beginning on the projection screen. The results showed a mix of responses, but each question generally had a clear majority. Thirty-five percent of the room voted yes to whether it should be the College’s job to prepare students for specific careers, and 65 percent voted no. An overwhelming 99 percent of the room voted that the school should be more accepting of and accessible for non-traditional students. Finally, when asked to vote for which department the College should prioritize, 34 percent voted for science and technology, 10 percent for applied science, 10 percent for arts and entertainment, 19 percent for social sciences, 4 percent for medicine and 23 percent for business. While there was some dispute as to why this poll did not include any humanities departments, a majority of the room agreed that the STEM programs at the College should be prioritized. At the end of the event, Rowe, who took part in the conversation by moving among the tables, spoke to the room. “My biggest takeaway was just how ambitious this room was,” Rowe said. “This was the beginning of a conversation.” Many attendees had ideas in mind about the College’s future. Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Public Affairs Henry Broaddus said the event was a great open conversation, which was reflected by the smiles and laughs as the room cleared out. This event allowed the administration to have to opportunity to hear about a different viewpoint’s new goals for the College’s future. “We are in the business of helping to cultivate the essential capacity that will provide our students with the ability to be transformative citizens and professionals and where their ability to think about the changes that they experience and navigate them is going to be an enormous success factor,” Rowe said.
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The Flat Hat
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Event aims to bridge LGBTQ generational gap Students, faculty, staff share experiences at Center for Student Diversity talk LESLIE DAVIS FLAT HAT SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR
In honor of LGBTQ history month, the College of William and Mary’s Center for Student Diversity held its second annual LGBTQ intergenerational dialogue event Oct. 11. The event connected 12 students, faculty and staff to discuss the community’s lived history and experiences across the decades. “This conversation came through talking with a lot of students about the reality that in queer communities we often don’t have queer parents,” CSD Associate Director Roxie Patton said. “Our history, our narratives, our stories are often lost, unless we have people who are writing books about that specific time period.” The group started by discussing the impact of the legalization of same-sex marriage and debated whether activism placed in this effort came at the expense of other issues impacting the LGBTQ community. Modern languages professor Emeritus George Greenia spoke of his own experience at the College with legal recognition for benefits. “It sort of takes the wind out of our sails if we have been mainstreamed, normalized,” Greenia said. “We are now married, but I’m grateful for it. I fought a 20-year battle here on this campus for domestic partner benefits. We got them now with no legal challenge to that.” Greenia said that his marriage of 32 years allows people to
understand the nature of his relationship, whether he is trying to get a gym membership for his husband or healthcare. “I feel like I got a position of strength,” Greenia said. “I am arguing from something that is accessible to them. They recognize marriage as something that is always been part of their world. So, if I say that I want a membership for my husband, we can start talking about these things as a normalized function in an environment that it has never been normal before.” Patton said that the focus on marriage equality allowed progress on other issues to slow, especially with transgender and employment rights. “I felt like oftentimes younger LGBTQ folks got roped into being like this was the most important thing before employment rights, or protection for transgender folks, or talking about hate crimes, or the fact that hate crimes have still gone up in the last ten years against LGBTQ people,” Patton said. “I felt like, yes, this is a really great thing and I’m glad it’s moving forward, but I felt like where we lost our steam was pushing for was some of these basic rights to safety and sense of wellbeing.” Assistant Director of Health Promotion Eric Garrison M.Ed. ’94 also discussed the importance of referring to LGBTQ people as family. Garrison said that in his generation, that family often met at bars, which led to a prevalent drinking and smoking culture. “That was where our family met,” Garrison said. “Now, family meets in Sadler. They meet here — spaces that weren’t safe for us.”
When discussing mental health and the LGBTQ community, Maya FarrHenderson ’20 said that the heavy drinking and smoking environment created a negative culture for dealing with mental health issues. “In the generation directly prior to mine, I feel like a lot of the community was a bit of enabling environment to bad mental health coping mechanisms, especially with substance abuse and alcohol abuse,” FarrHenderson said. “There are so many queer spaces that are centered still around bar culture.” Greenia reminded the group about the importance of LGBTQ spirituality, as it intersects with mental health as a form of coping. “We should remember that many of our gay brothers and sisters are deeply spiritual,” Greenia said. “It’s part of their emotional strength. There is where a lot of healing takes place, including in the mental health range. We have access to the full range of human experience.” After the discussion, Garrison said that his takeaways from the discussion were hope and gratitude. “As much as I grow from having older people to talk to, I grow from having younger people to talk to.” Garrison said. “I am a firm believer in reverse mentorship.” FarrHenderson left the event with a similar attitude. “Having a chance to sit down and talk with people who are older than me and have paved the way for me to be as out and proud as I am and have that ability is always fantastic to have those kinds of conversations since it is rare that I am able to,” FarrHenderson said.
Perception of Orientation staff as white, Greek deters applicants First Year Experience Director Lauren Garrett ’02 says FYE aims to represent ‘nuanced’ identities ORIENTATION from page 1
are some pieces where people see who their OAs were, they see their OADs, and make a decision whether this is an activity worthwhile for me to participate in.” Garrett explained that while it is difficult to represent every single student’s experience on campus, FYE nevertheless aims to represent complex identities. “How does one person’s voice or story have an entire category or identity or personality covered?” Garrett said. “… Everyone is going to have their own nuance, and that’s what we need.” FYE staff gave a number of reasons for over
and under-representation of certain campus populations among OAs. For example, FYE staff cited continuing perceptions of the Orientation staff as predominately white, outgoing and members of the fraternity and sorority community often discourages applicants from applying. In fact, Garrett said almost a thousand students open the application and never finish it. Garrett said this perception of who OAs are can further the marginalization some students already feel. According to Garrett, students who feel “othered” on campus report the perception that they are underrepresented in the OA hiring process.
“I think there is the perception of the OA is often they are ‘cool’ kids,” Garrett said. The fall 2018 team of OADs endeavored to address representation discrepancies in the body of OAs this year by looking to combat negative perceptions and perform outreach to expand who applied to become an OA. The OAD staff visited various campus organizations and student populations to encourage diverse student populations to apply. “We made it our mission to find groups of people across campus in all avenues whether that is based on race, gender, age, transfer versus non transfers, making sure we have student athletes, … making sure [we reach] those unique populations,” OAD Hannah Malowitz
’19 said. “And I think that we succeeded to the best of our ability based on the applicants that applied.” While over-representation of members of FSL and of white students remains a salient issue, OADs and FYE staff said that they never forget aim to center a staff mission of increasing diversity and representing the traditionally marginalized populations on campus. “I think it’s important to see people from diverse experiences and diverse populations as leaders in these positions,” OAD Abhi Chadha ’20 said. “I think just seeing these people in leadership tells someone with a diverse experience … ‘You can still succeed and thrive at this school.’”
Opinions Editor Ethan Brown Opinions Editor Katherine Yenzer fhopinions@gmail.com
The Flat Hat
| Tuesday, October 23, 2018 | Page 5
Politicizing sexual assault disrespectful to survivors
Chloe Folmar THE FLAT HAT
Registration challenging but survivable
Alyssa Slovin THE FLAT HAT
All I see is red when I log into my Degree Works. Sorry that my zero-completed courses have not brought my GPA above 0, sorry that I have yet to declare a major and sorry that I have not taken a capstone yet! It feels like I’m being reprimanded every time I log into the website. If it was not already clear, I am a freshman here at the College of William and Mary. Fall registration left me with heart palpitations and sweaty palms. “What ifs” filled my mind and left me worried for days. But, at the end of it all, I was lucky enough to get the classes I wanted. Was all of my stress for nothing, or is this a flawed system? “In order to get into a calculus class, I dropped my biology class, but then I couldn’t get back into it again because the labs filled up. I ended up in tears and it felt like everything in the world was ending,” Kristen Salter ’22 said. When I heard this, my immediate thought was that the process should not be causing this much distress only days into Orientation. There must be some better system. But, really, there isn’t. Specialized groups such as athletes, ROTC members and those with disabilities get priority registration, but other than that, everyone is on a fairly even playing field. “I don’t know what a better method would be besides time slots, possibly based off dorms. Yet, that would not be fair because my friend could get one of the earlier time slots and get all of the classes she wanted while I wouldn’t get any of the classes I wanted. I’m not really sure how there can be a better way,” Salter said.
Kami Sullivan ’19 has experience with both registration and priority registration. I asked her about the difference between the early and regular time slots. “I thought [priority registration] would be my saving grace. However, being a physics major, with most of my major requirements, there has never been a risk of me not getting into a course. But for some requirements — like COLL 100 and 150 — it was a huge help,” Sullivan said. This response shocked me. Around campus, people regard priority registration as the be-all and end-all of registration. Sullivan has helped me realize that the further I get into my major, the less stressful registration will become. “As long as you have a backup plan, know what classes you want and occasionally ask a professor for an override, you will be fine. And by the time you’re a senior, they know you need to meet your requirements so they will start to prioritize you,” Sullivan said. So, is the system really flawed? For another perspective, I wanted to discuss registration with someone who has inside knowledge while also being a student. Peer Advisor Natalia Critchley ’21 said that her biggest concern was the website itself. “I wish it didn’t really crash … I guess it’s inevitable, but I wish they could figure it out …But [registration is] the best it can be,” Critchley said. Critchley said that her best advice would be to write down all of your options and backups before registration and send override emails as quickly as possible. “I always have my CRNs in an Excel spreadsheet with several pages of extra classes full of CRNs because it’s good to just get in somewhere you could be okay,” Critchley said. “I even just check to see if a class’s status has changed before registration. Some classes might all fill up from seniors and juniors, and so I’ll even send the override email then.” Is registration broken? Maybe a little bit. But from one optimistic freshman to anyone who wants answers, I think it is definitely survivable. Email Alyssa Slovin at amslovin@email.wm.edu
Is registration broken? Maybe a little bit. But from one optimistic freshman to anyone who wants answers, I think it is definitely survivable.
Saturday, Oct. 6, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court following a heated confirmation process. Much of the controversy over Kavanaugh’s appointment arose from allegations of sexual assault. U.S. President Donald Trump nominated Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court July 9. To be confirmed, a judge faces questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee, which eventually votes on whether to send the nomination to the full Senate. The Senate then votes to confirm or deny the nomination. Three weeks after Kavanaugh’s nomination in July, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the committee, received a letter from Christine Blasey Ford alleging that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her at a party while the two were in high school. Ford requested that this information be kept private. Six weeks after receiving the letter, Feinstein forwarded it to the FBI. Sept. 14, Ford allowed the allegations to be published anonymously in The New Yorker. Sept. 16, she stepped forward in The Washington Post. Feinstein was aware of sexual assault allegations against a man due to be confirmed to one of the highest positions of power in the country. If the allegations were true, confirmation to the Supreme Court would place more power and opportunity into Kavanaugh’s hands, possibly endangering the women around him. The FBI could have investigated these allegations thoroughly before the Senate confirmation hearings began. Why would Feinstein not have provided the letter to the FBI upon receiving it, rather than waiting for the confirmation hearings to end? Surely Feinstein was not planning to keep the contents of the letter to herself, so the only explanation for waiting so long to release it was a political calculation to delay the confirmation rather than a desire to achieve justice for Ford, Kavanaugh or the country as a whole. Ford was treated like a political pawn by Democrats like Feinstein throughout the process. But she was also mocked and treated like a liar by Trump, who impersonated Ford at his rally by asking himself questions like, “How did you get there?” or, “How many years ago was it?” and repeatedly answering, as Ford, “I don’t know.” Dismissing Ford’s allegations altogether, he decided instead to focus on the fact that Kavanaugh’s “life is shattered.” Trump now claims that Kavanaugh was confirmed because of these derogatory comments. By mocking Ford’s story in order to rile up an audience, Trump was also politicizing sexual assault and using Ford for partisan gain. Students at the College of William and Mary should take both sides’ treatment of Ford as negative examples. The administration as well as students at the College, in my experience, have done well showing support for sexual assault survivors as well as taking preventative measures and raising awareness of the issues. During Orientation, we discussed sexual assault at multiple different sessions. It is an issue that comes up regularly in discussions around campus. Sexual assault is something we need to treat with the gravity and seriousness it deserves. Treating allegations dismissively and making light of sexual assault are two reasons that many women feel uncomfortable coming forward with abuse. There should not be a place for that on our campus. One of the ways that we as a student body must progress, however, is in the area of politicizing assault. Sexual assault is not a partisan issue; it is a human rights issue. We, as a campus, should be careful that we do not use the stories of sexual assault survivors to make a political point. Survivors are people, not political pawns. What is at stake is not the winning of a debate, but the lives of individuals. Taking this to heart is what will ensure that none of the serious problems apparent in the Kavanaugh confirmation process will pervade the College. Email Chloe Folmar at csfolmar@email.wm.edu
Donald Trump’s comments on men’s safety don’t ring true in current climate
Before coming to college, my mother forced me to watch a documentary titled “The Hunting Ground.” The documentary’s goal was to highlight the significant amount of sexual assault that takes place on college campuses and the number of reports not taken seriously from those who are the survivors of the sexual assault. The film paints a grim picture for women entering college. However, with the #MeToo movement on the rise and women across the country demanding justice, I had hope that perhaps our society would begin to take sexual assaults and survivors’ accounts more seriously. But, I lost that hope when Brett Kavanaugh was
nominated and appointed as a Supreme Court justice, and Christine Blasey Ford was ridiculed in front of our nation as she was forced to recall the alleged assault. Students had many conversations about this throughout campus. I heard quite a few men try to defend Kavanaugh to me. “Innocent until proven guilty,” they would cry. “Then what of Ford,” I wondered. A liar until proven truthful — well, they only wanted to see her as a liar. Hushed whispers took place across campus. Some angry, some worried, some completely scared. The hearing juxtaposed Ford and Kavanaugh. Ford calmly stood in front of the nation’s elite retelling a night that forced her to undergo many years of therapy, while Kavanaugh sat in front of the nation, angry, loud and aggressively sharing his story. Ford’s testimony was emotional with her recalling how Kavanaugh could not rape her because she happened to be wearing a swimsuit under her clothes. She recalled he and his high school friend’s laughter, saying, “Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter, the laugh — the uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.” Ford, like many women, convinced her high
school self that because Kavanaugh did not rape her she should not come forward. However, when she saw that Kavanaugh was nominated and understood the power a Supreme Court position could have on the rights of women and other assault survivors, she contacted her California representative Anna Eshoo. Kavanaugh delivered his testimony red-faced and spitting with rage. Kavanaugh said, “This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process, but you have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy.” The hearing and Kavanaugh’s confirmation not only destabilize women’s rights but have forced countless survivors to relive their sexual assaults. The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, the organization that administers the National Sexual Assault Hotline, saw a 738 percent increase from its normal amount of calls during the hearing. Many people, including some I have talked with on campus, claim that Ford is trying to gain publicity. However, RAINN also found that false reporting is relatively low, around two to 10 percent of around 321,500 sexual assaults occurring per year. U.S. President Donald Trump commented on
the struggles and threats Kavanaugh has had to face since the hearing. However, Trump did not comment on the threats and struggles Ford has had to face or respond to the fact that Ford cannot return to work as she is receiving too many death threats. Trump says it’s a scary time for men in America, but he has never had to sit down with his male friends and ask them how they are getting across campus at night, if they will have someone to walk home with, and to text them if anything serious happens. He has never had to walk across campus with keys gripped between his knuckles ready to strike if someone makes a move. Nor has he ever had a group of girls make derogatory remarks about his body. Kavanaugh’s confirmation has altered the course of history. It has reminded every woman that she is not safe in America, and it’s made us clutch our keys a little bit tighter as we walk across campus. Because if we were to be sexually assaulted, the perpetrator would be innocent until proven guilty, but we would be liars until proven — well, we would just be liars. But remember, it’s a scary time for men in America. Email Emma Ford at erford@email.wm.edu
The Flat Hat
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Page 6
Political engagement requires a greater emphasis on facts for current national dialogue
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: six blind men encounter an elephant for the first time. They place their hands on the animal to figure out what it looks like. Later, the men have a heated debate, each one defending their woefully incomplete view of the animal. One man felt the trunk; he argues it’s a serpentine beast. Another felt the tusk and insists it’s covered in a shell, and so on. When I was in college, public policy debates were a lot like this parable. I hate to admit it, but my fellow students and I could be a lot like the blind men: arguing without a complete picture of the issues at hand. Every generation probably looks back at its college years and feels that way. What makes the situation unique for you and me is that we’re grappling with a lack of information in a time of great polarization and hyperpartisanship. That’s a dangerous mix that has serious consequences for our democracy. According to a study conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, between 2000 and 2016, the number of college freshmen who described their political leanings as “middle of the road” dropped by nearly 10 percent. In my experience, this hardening of political views makes people more likely to simply adopt the position endorsed by their political party — and less inspired to seek out new information that might challenge their assumptions.
The summer before my senior year, I attended an event that Free the Facts held for interns in Washington, DC. Turth be told, I showed up for the free food, but I got involved and brought the organization to my campus twice because of what I learned. That approach has done little to advance our national debate about important issues, and it’s left young Americans feeling pessimistic about our future. According to the MTV/AP-NORC Youth Political Pulse Survey, nearly 7 in 10 young Americans think our country’s politics are “dysfunctional,” in part because people can’t come together and work out their differences. There is one bright spot in the survey: 79 percent believe our generation would do a better job of running the country. I agree, but we will have to lead differently. Fortunately, Free the Facts wants to give us that opportunity.
Free the Facts can come to William and Mary, where our Founding Fathers learned and debated, to help you learn everything you need to know about America’s entitlement programs. The summer before my senior year, I attended an event that Free the Facts held for interns in Washington, DC. Truth be told, I showed up for the free food, but I got involved and brought the organization to my campus twice because of what I learned. Many organizations want to get students civically engaged, but most of them serve a partisan aim. Free the Facts is different. Its goal is to get America’s brightest minds working on our toughest policy challenges — and through its college tour and leadership programs, the organization supports students who want to get involved, regardless of what party they vote for or which policy solution they want to pursue. Free the Facts can come to William and Mary, where our Founding Fathers learned and debated, to help you learn everything you need to know about America’s entitlement programs. Without the facts, we’re all just blind people arguing over an elephant … That’s why you should email contact@ freefacts.org to see how you can get involved! Email Venkatram Gopal at contact@freefacts.org.
Barefoot in Swem: A harrowing tale of discomfort
Kimberly Lores THE FLAT HAT
When I first arrived at the College of William and Mary, upperclassmen clued me into many of the interesting and offbeat things that go on at this school — whether that be the aggressive squirrels that run rampant on the trails or the colonial reenactors who sometimes pop up on campus. Yet nobody warned me about the frequency with which people walk around Earl Gregg Swem Library without wearing any shoes. Since I have only been a student at the College for less than two months, my time at Swem has been somewhat limited. Yet nearly every time I enter the library, my eyes are assaulted by the sight of someone going completely barefoot. I’m not just talking about people who might occasionally slip their sock-covered feet out of their rainboots while sitting in a comfortable armchair on the second floor; the problem is much more severe than that. In fact, I have seen several students walking around with absolutely no socks or shoes on their feet. People get up to plug in their laptops, to print out a paper or even to take a stroll across the first floor to go to Swemromas totally shoeless.
This is disturbing to me for a number of reasons. First, it is always rather unpleasant to see a person’s bare feet, no matter how well-manicured those feet might be. Then, there is the issue of hygiene. Not only is this practice unsanitary for others who might walk around on the same floor afterward but also for the barefoot people themselves due to potential contraction of bacterial or fungal infections. I just fail to see how the risk could be worth the reward in this scenario. Is the momentary relief of sliding your feet out of your shoes really worth the potential health hazards that go along with ambling through a very busy public place like Swem? Finally, there is the problem of common decency. Kicking up your bare feet in the middle of a library, where people are trying to concentrate on their studies, shows a lack of respect for the space of others. Especially on a college campus, where there is already such a small amount of privacy, it is rather rude to impose on other people even further by acting as if the public library is your own personal space. I really do understand the temptation to kick off your shoes. If you’re going to be stuck in the library on a Sunday afternoon completing hours of calculus problem sets or literary analysis, you want to be as comfortable as possible. I am here to propose a solution. Wear your regular boots or sneakers to Swem and bring a pair of slippers, moccasins or flip-flops to change into if you ever begin to feel the urge to go barefoot. These shoes will provide a good deal of comfort and coziness while also ensuring that you respect the personal space and hygiene of others. Swem is not your living room. In fact, it’s not even your dorm. So please, for the love of all that is good and sanitary in this world, stop going barefoot there. Email Kimberly Lores at kmlores@email.wm.edu.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: DISAGREEMENTS WITH DEMOCRATIC PARTY’S TACTICS I seem to find myself in the minority in today’s national Democratic Party. I disagree with the tendency of most Democrats (including political candidates for Congress and those in the news media) to constantly bash Donald Trump over his obnoxious personality and divisive comments. As very-conservative “Morning Joe” Scarborough has said on his MSNBC show, when Democrats talk negatively about Trump it just makes his supporters
“ “ “
angrier and more protective of him, while corroborating their paranoid belief that the Democrats and the liberal part of the media are out to get Trump. Rather, as Joe suggests, Democrats need to focus on communicating their values to the people and telling the people how the federal government can be a positive force for a lot of good and how it can make life better for all Americans in our country. They don’t seem to realize that research has consistently
shown over the past forty years that most Americans agree with them that we need to protect the safetynet programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, College Student Loans, and Unemployment Insurance Benefits. These are winning issues and popular programs that we should constantly be talking about, not trashing Trump. Sincerely, Stewart B. Epstein phenom51@mail.com
Went by @theflathat offices, still in the Campus Center basement. Glad to see that back in the day I was already doing some hard-hitting journalism. – Gary Robertson on Twitter
Am I in it for the “eco-clout” or am I filling a void? Stay tuned. – Kate VanDerzee on “Confusion Corner: Owning succulents is more than an aesthetic, it’s a responsibility”
Briefly thought that this was going to be about William & Mary dying three hundred years ago.
– Abe Winterscheidt on “What happened to the monarchs?: Anna Chahuneau ’18 draws attention to disappearing butterflies through documentary”
variety A R
Variety Editor Heather Baier Variety Editor Carmen Honker flathat.variety@gmail.com
The Flat Hat
| Tuesday, October 23, 2018 | Page 7
Spanish artist Roser Bru’s paintings travel from Chile to Swem library ADITHI RAMAKRISHNAN // THE FLAT HAT The collapse of democracy in Chile hit Juan Conde ’86 very close to home. Conde grew up in Chile with his parents. He lived through the Sept. 11, 1973 Chilean coup, as well as the military dictatorship that was eventually established. “A lot of the fighting that went on in terms of overthrowing the government took place right around the house I grew up in, because we were two or three blocks away from one of the presidential palaces,” Conde said. “Chile was a very small country at the time, so everybody knew somebody that was part of the dictatorship or somebody that had disappeared because of the military dictatorship.” Conde’s parents tried to leave the country when Chile’s elected government was overthrown. Conde was in sixth grade when he left Chile and moved to Northern Virginia. He attended a boarding school in Massachusetts and then came to the College of William and Mary in 1982. “In William and Mary, I found a place where I could freely express my opinions and study whatever I wanted to without any repercussions from the government,” Conde said. “To me, William and Mary was a bit of a haven compared to what it would have been like if I had stayed in South America and in Chile.” After majoring in religion and minoring in Hispanic studies, Conde spent much of his life collecting art from various creators. Among them was Roser Bru, one of Latin America’s most notable contemporary painters. Born in 1923, she fled Spain at a young age due to the prohibition of Catalan language and culture. She fled again to France during the Spanish Civil War and was then one of about 2,000 refugees that secured passage on the S.S. Winnipeg to Chile prior to World War II. The collapse of democracy and harsh military dictatorship in Chile inspired many of her paintings, which take on themes of politics, maternity and femininity. In 2013, Conde donated five of Bru’s paintings to the College, where they became a part of the President’s Collection of Art. Today, the paintings are on display on the second floor of Earl Gregg Swem Library, near the Center for Geospatial Analysis. Conde’s personal experiences with the Chilean dictatorship combined with his appreciation for Bru’s work led him to share the paintings with the College. “Roser Bru is one of the most acclaimed artists in Chile,” Conde said. “I felt it would be important as a piece of history of my country for [the paintings] to be displayed where people could learn about that time period in my country … where military dictatorships were trying to combat communism in the most oppressive manner.” The process of putting Bru’s paintings on display has been an arduous one, spanning three to four years.
Melissa Parris, exhibitions and collections manager at the Muscarelle Museum of Art, collaborated with Hispanic studies professor Regina Root to brainstorm display spaces for the artwork, but many did not pan out. One of the potential locations for the set of paintings was Washington Hall, but the attempt to move them there for display in 2014 was unsuccessful. “Melissa Parris and I worked very hard to place [the paintings] in [Washington Hall], gaining approval from the program and the department’s policy committee,” Root said. “The chair at the time, however, felt the paintings didn’t represent all the languages housed in the department, and there were safety concerns.” In spring 2017, the paintings ultimately transitioned from the Muscarelle to a display in the Sadler Center and moved to the second floor of Swem in fall 2018. Parris feels that Bru’s paintings are a welcome contrast to the art traditionally featured in Swem and is glad that they have found a home there. “We had a number of portraits of deans and chancellors that had gone on view [in Swem], and it’s a very formal portraiture that’s not really speaking to the student body in terms of their experiences and their lives,” Parris said. “I’m super glad that [Bru’s paintings] are something to counter the other very formal, patriarchal portraits that are there.” Root centered much of the curriculum in her COLL 100 class, Censura/Censorship, on Bru’s paintings — particularly the five that are on display in Swem. “In the [COLL 100] course, the paintings are part of a larger context of censorship as expressed by artists, authors and filmmakers,” Root said. “Bru’s paintings and the amazing life story that accompanies her work have guided our thoughts and projects.” Root said that Bru’s work in particular conveys critical messages about human interaction and betterment. “Whether representing the hope of refugees embarking on a journey to another country or the literary and artistic portraits to inspire our collective thoughts, Bru’s paintings ask us to ponder what actions we might take to make the world better for ourselves and others,” Root said. “There is no innocent bystander in [the Bru] exhibit.” Mary Trotto ’21 and Jackie Golden ’21 both enrolled in Root’s class in fall 2017 and performed indepth research on one of the paintings, “Ejecución por Garrote Vil,” for their final group project and presentation. Trotto appreciated the figurative nature of Bru’s work. “All of [Bru’s] paintings were very abstract; there’s a lot of ways to interpret [them],” Trotto said. “We looked at the year [‘Ejecución’] was painted, where [Bru] was at the time
and what was going on at the time, and we could really tell the message behind it.” Golden felt Bru’s deliberate use of color brought something different to each individual painting. “[‘Ejecución’] was a dark subject matter, so [Bru] picked purples and reds,” Golden said. “But some of her other paintings, like [‘La Memoria: A los 50 años de la llegada del barco Winnipeg a Chile’] were a lot more colorful, and even though she was being forced to leave her country, it’s more of a symbol of hope.” Bru created the painting that Trotto and Golden studied, “Ejecución,” in defiance of the new Chilean regime following the overthrow of its socialist president in 1973. The painting “Ejecución” was featured in Chile’s very first exhibit opposing its new leader, army chief Augusto Pinochet. Bru’s painting sends a clear message against methods of violent torture, as the subject of the painting, Salvador Puig, was severely tortured and executed. “It’s empowering that [Bru] went through [the Chilean dictatorship] and still wanted to express her emotions through the paintings,” Golden said. “[Bru] especially expresses the idea of no torture and establishing a common ground with everybody, but in a way that’s nonviolent.” Root hopes the political and societal messages present in Bru’s paintings will start key conversations now that they are on public display. “One thing that really excites me about [studying Bru’s paintings] is the awareness it conjures for critical conversations on history, memory and human rights,” Root said. “Many understand human rights as a concept, but not everyone enacts the day-to-day considerations that make for universals.” According to Parris, the goal is to keep Bru’s paintings on display on Swem’s second floor throughout the 2018-19 academic year. Parris is hopeful that Bru’s art represents key steps forward for the College in terms of representation and inclusion. “What we’re really trying to achieve with the public art program is starting a conversation,” Parris said. “When you think about the thousands of years of art that we could look at … there’s very little representation of women in the arts, so it’s a great thing to put a woman artist forward, and hopefully, that will inspire other people as well [and] bring diversity to campus.” For Conde, the role of the College in shining a light on his home country and Bru’s story is inspiring. “It is really magnificent to see how students are taking on some of the thinking that [Bru] was pushing forward and making it relevant to today’s situations,” Conde said. “From that perspective, I’m really heartened to know what [Bru] was pushing forward has not come to an end.”
The Flat Hat
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
In an educational environment like the College of William and Mary, it is natural to assume that students will have their horizons broadened as they accumulate vast quantities of knowledge. What is perhaps most impressive about higher education is its ability to enable students to discover sides of themselves they never knew they had. For Zach Ferry ’20, college has done just that; his time studying at the College is responsible for unlocking his passion for innovation. Ferry’s mother went to the College, so he has always felt the influence of the school on his life. However, it wasn’t until Day for Admitted Students that he took notice of the energy and community of the school, which led to his decision to choose the College. The liberal arts agenda at the College has proven itself to be an excellent fit for Ferry, whose thirst for knowledge has driven him to regularly attend classes in which he is not enrolled. Many of his classes have been geared toward his major in government; however, he considers his time studying in Dublin for his global business minor to be far more defining than any other aspect of his education. “I do believe the global business minor was probably the biggest pivot in my life,” Ferry said. “I fell in love with the process of design thinking. I thought it was structured, yet imaginative. That combination is very hard to find.” Since discovering his passion, Ferry has garnered a reputation around campus for being quite the entrepreneur. In addition to being the president and co-founder of Tribe Innovation, Ferry is the inventor of The College Cloud —a
colorfully lit cloud designed to reduce stress and anxiety among college students — and even helped to develop the new interdisciplinary innovation and entrepreneurship minor. Ferry says he is inspired to engage in these inventive efforts by a general want to do good. “I think that I’m a little bit more aware of the good happening in the world than other people,” Ferry said. “I think that focus inspires me to do my own good.” Ferry believes the overwhelming focus on negativity in news media smothers creativity. He is an avid reader of The Optimist Daily, a news source that exclusively reports on positive solutions people have come up with in an effort to help solve some of the world’s problems. Ferry believes constant exposure to this type of encouraging information is what keeps him passionate about innovation. For Ferry, the best part of innovation is the process. “There’s falling in love with the problem,” Ferry said. “There’s falling in love with the solution. But falling in love with the process? That’s me.” Ferry says his process is driven by a desire to make things better. He is constantly keeping an eye out for problems of all types. Upon identifying the potential for a problem, Ferry seeks to learn from and empathize with the people who are affected by the issue. From there, it’s a matter of narrowing down all that he has gathered into one distinct problem. Ferry believes that in attempting to find a solution to a problem, it is important to always keep in mind the people most impacted. “The person is the thing that matters most,” Ferry said. “That’s a humancentric mindset. Not all organizations use that.” Sticking to the theme of focusing on people, Ferry’s next step in his process of innovation is to brainstorm with as many people as possible from a wide range of skills and expertise. He believes it is critical to work with a high number of diverse people so that the team as whole can come up with many distinct approaches to solving a problem. “Quantity over quality,” Ferry said. “Come up with those wild ideas, then you pick a few of those ideas to converge upon.” When the time finally arrives to create
a prototype, Ferry will continue to focus on people. “Get a physical, tangible model in your hands and give it to the consumer,” Ferry said. “Be open to feedback. Keep iterating on that process and further develop the product.” Of course, his process is dependent upon coming up with ideas. To help him do that, Ferry is always on the lookout for opportunities to learn and grow. He believes that having an inquisitive mind is critical for innovation. He feels that having a wide range of knowledge has helped to breed his ideas, and he tries to consume as much information as possible to use as a basis for future ideas. “I’m at a college; it’s a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of so many resources to just learn,” Ferry said. “I’m currently going to biology courses that I’m not signed up for just because I’m interested in a certain problem-solving method called biomimicry, which is taking nature’s processes and innovating them to adapt a human life. That is a beautiful thing, but you can’t come up with ideas on how to implement biomimicry without knowing biology and chemistry.” The College has enabled Ferry to grow his knowledge of an array of topics, including himself. He says that his time at the College has helped him to better understand the type of person he is and what he should do with his life. Looking ahead, it should come as no surprise that Ferry plans to continue engaging in innovation and entrepreneurship. “The goal is to start my own business one day,” Ferry said. “The road there is to experience a lot of different industries doing user experience research and design.”
Falling in love with the process: Zach Ferry ’20 talks innovation
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TRAILBLAZERS ZOE BEARDSLEY // THE FLAT HAT explanation for ea ch prototype, having the creator interact with it, and then we send that to the sustainability office where they review it for possible funding opportunities. We had one of our events catered to a specific sustainability problem. We yielded about six or seven prototypes for solving for food waste on campus, but we’re looking to have a different topic for our next event.” For those who are interested in learning more, Ferry thinks it’s very important to experience the environment of the design thinking process by attending one of the innovation sprints. He said that working at Tribe Innovation requires a certain kind of person, and before being hired, a one-on-one meeting is held to discuss responsibilities in addition to schoolwork as well as the emotional demand of the job. “We are a very empathetic organization, we don’t design anything for ourselves,” Ferry said. “When we work with clients, we practice empathy, we don’t take our own bias into account, hopefully at all, and not everyone can do that.” Ferry, Rushford and Wallace believe everyone on campus should try and work with Tribe Innovation, whether by attending an innovation sprint or consulting with them in order to help solve a problem that a club has. “I know what it’s like to run something that is out of your own volition, and it takes a lot of energy, and problems arise, and it’s your passion,” Rushford said. “My thing is, these problems are opportunities, and that’s kind of where we come in, they’re really opportunities for people to grow and for you to grow your passion. That’s where we come in, we’re here to solve the problem, whatever that is, we really just want to help people and help them innovate.”
t n de u t S run ness i s u b ses ve u foc creati s on lution so
problem? Why is the problem happening? What insights can we draw from all of this data?’ and then designing according to that specific user.” Tribe Innovation has services targeted toward both clubs on campus and students. It holds innovation sprints for students, where they can go through the design thinking process solving for a specific issue at the College. In these sprints, students can learn the skills and mindsets of innovators that can be very beneficial when you graduate. SJ Rushforth ’20 is an innovation facilitator, which means she interacts with the clients of Tribe Innovation and brings people to the innovation sprints, as well as guides them through the design thinking process. Rushforth loves that design thinking is applicable to many different fields. “We have a group of facilitators, like me, but we all have very varied interests,” Rushforth said. “Design thinking is usually associated with business, but most of us are not in the business school. I’m personally very interested in healthcare, but the person I’m training right now is very interested in international relations. So, depending on who the client is, they’ll come forward, and a facilitator will claim it.” Dani Wallace ’19 is the graphic designer for Tribe Innovation, and loves the creativity involved with the business. “It kind of reminds people that everyone can be creative,” Wallace said. “That was what started it with me, reinvigorating campus with a little bit of creativity no matter what discipline you’re a part of.” Besides working with students and clubs at the College, Tribe Innovation also has a partnership with the Sustainability Office. The mission of the Sustainability Office is to support university-wide sustainability through environmental, social and economic responsibility. Tribe Innovation and its design thinking process helps the Office come up with ideas for that purpose. Ferry himself is very passionate about sustainability and was really excited to take Tribe Innovation in a new direction. “They provide us with the data, with a specific direction of the problem, and then we take that into our creative workshops and we allow students to come in and solve those workshops and create prototypes,” Ferry said. “We create a video
For a lot of people, coming up with a solution to a problem they’re facing can be a lengthy, stressful process. Thankfully, Tribe Innovation, the College of William and Mary’s new student-run business, is here to save the day. Tribe Innovation’s goal is to help organizations and students at the College find creative solutions to problems they face using the design thinking process. For Tribe Innovation President Zach Ferry ’20, this all started with one interesting class. “The business school launched a global business minor, and within that minor they offered a course on design thinking,” Ferry said. “A few of us really took well to the design thinking process, and we thrived in the classroom. [The professor] asked us to start this club back on campus called the Innovation and Design Thinking club. We were in love with the idea of innovation and design thinking in particular. After about a year, we realized there was a real need here on campus for a student organization to just generally solve problems, so we said ‘why don’t we draft up a business model?’ And that’s exactly what we did. So, it basically came about that the Innovation and Design Thinking club would become Tribe Innovation.” According to Ferry, design thinking is a process that can be applied to many different types of issues that individuals may face at the College and out in the world. “Design thinking is a creative problemsolving method,” Ferry said. “It is basically what designers use to solve problems. They focus more on the usability and the desirability of a product rather than the feasibility or the viability of a product. They take a human centric mindset when approaching a problem, doing customer research, asking, ‘What is the
The Flat Hat | Tuesday, October 23, 2018 | Page 9
Homecoming upset: Tribe topples Maine, 27-20 With win over 16th-ranked Black Bears, College improves to 2-2 in CAA KEVIN RICHESON // FLAT HAT SPORTS ASSOC. EDITOR
William and Mary squared off against a ranked Colonial Athletic Association opponent for the second consecutive week when it welcomed 16th-ranked Maine to Zable Stadium Saturday for Homecoming. With senior wide receiver DeVonte Dedmon, running back Albert Funderburke and sophomore quarterback Shon Mitchell sidelined with injuries, the College overcame the injuries and a slow start to recover and pick up its second CAA victory of the season in a 2720 upset over the Black Bears. “We talked to our players about the number of people that were out today,” head coach Jimmye Laycock ’70 said. “It’s part of the game. You have to step up and use that as an opportunity.” The Black Bears (4-3, 3-1 CAA) got off to a fast start, despite kicking off to start the game. On its first offensive play of the game, the Tribe (3-4, 2-2 CAA) snapped the ball over the head of sophomore quarterback Dean Rotger, and linebacker Sterling Sheffield jumped on the ball in the end zone to give the Black Bears a defensive touchdown and an early 7-0 advantage. The College’s offense got the ball right back on the Black Bears’ second kickoff of the game, but the Tribe failed to pick up a first down and gave quarterback Chris Ferguson and the Black Bears’ offense their first chance to add to their lead. However, the Tribe defense stood tall and forced a three-and-out of its own to give the ball back to Rotger and the offense. Neither team managed to pick up a first down for more than half of the first quarter, until Rotger completed a long pass to junior wide receiver Chris Conlan with just under seven minutes to play in the opening quarter. Conlan outran the Black Bears’ secondary and caught a deep ball from Rotger before getting tripped up inside the five-yard line. Two plays later, sophomore tight end Nick Muse caught a pass in the right corner of the end zone to even the score at 7-7 with 6:09 remaining in the first quarter. Nevertheless, the Black Bears’ offense came to life on its next drive to score its first points of the game, after the defense recovered the fumble to give the Black Bears an early lead. The Black Bears settled for a field goal by kicker Kenny Doak to retake the lead, 10-7. “All [the defense] can do is just do our best and try to stop them and this game we were able to stop them,” junior defensive tackle Bill Murray said. At the start of the second quarter, sophomore punter Will Michael was called into action once again and only managed to get off a 26-yard punt under heavy pressure. The Black Bears took advantage of good starting field position at their own 48-yard line and got into the red zone for the second time. However, Ferguson’s pass
on third down was tipped by Murray and picked off by junior linebacker Arman Jones. Jones streaked down the right sideline all the way to the end zone for a pick-six. Junior kicker Kris Hooper added the extra point to give the Tribe its first lead of the game, 14-10 with 13:19 left in the first half. Jones’ return was the Tribe’s first pick-six since the 2016 season against Delaware and the 90-yard return tied for the third longest interception return for a touchdown in Tribe football history. Both teams proceeded to trade three-andouts, before the Black Bears came up with a third down conversion to put Maine into Tribe territory at the 44-yard line with just under nine minutes to play in the second quarter. The Black Bears failed to pick up another first down and lined up in a punt formation on fourth down at the 36-yard line, but they faked the punt and picked up a first down to extend the drive. Two plays later, running back Ramon Jefferson dashed into the end zone for a 24-yard touchdown to help the Black Bears regain a 1714 advantage with exactly six minutes remaining in the half. Sophomore quarterback Ted Hefter entered the game for Rotger in the second quarter after Rotger suffered an arm injury. On the last drive of the first half, the Tribe picked up three first downs, but Hefter fumbled inside the 2-yard line to end a chance at taking the lead going into halftime. The Black Bears got the ball with good field position at their own 41-yard line for their second drive of the third quarter. With just over nine minutes remaining in the third quarter, the Black Bears were forced to punt. The College started its third drive of the half with a 43-yard pass from Hefter to Muse to set the Tribe up just outside of the red zone, looking to reclaim the lead toward the end of the third quarter. After struggling to convert on field goals and extra points last week, junior kicker Kris Hooper split the uprights with a 36-yard attempt to knot the score at 17 with 5:31 to play in the third quarter. The Black Bears threatened to retake a three-point advantage, but an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty forced them into a long field goal attempt that came up well short, keeping the game tied 17-17 with just over two minutes left in the quarter. At the end of the third quarter and into the start of the fourth quarter, the College started to drive again looking to break the tie with the Black Bears. The Tribe picked up three first downs on a methodical drive before striking on Hefter’s touchdown throw to junior wide reciever Jalen Christian for 30 yards. With that touchdown, the College took a 24-17 advantage, its biggest lead of the game. The touchdown throw from Hefter
was his first career touchdown pass for the Tribe. “I try to prepare every week in the hotel the night before as if I’m going to play off the first snap,” Hefter said. “I felt really prepared and really calm.” The Black Bears got the ball back after the touchdown with 14:17 remaining in the game. After picking up one first down, Ferguson threw his second interception of the game. Senior linebacker Josh Dulaney stepped in front of the pass to grab the interception and set the Tribe offense up in plus-territory. “I thought defensively we played lights out,” Laycock said. The College was unable to score another touchdown, but Hooper drilled his second field goal of the game despite only making two of six attempts coming into the day. The 37-yard field goal gave the Tribe a two-possession lead, 27-17, which was the largest lead of the afternoon thus far. The College prevented the Black Bears from scoring a touchdown on their next drive, but they still managed to convert on a field goal attempt to cut the deficit to just seven points. The Tribe’s offense was unable to run much clock and the Black Bears got the ball back with a chance to tie the game with under six minutes left. Their drive started at the College’s 45-yard line after a 13-yard punt return. Despite the good field position, the Black Bears failed to convert on a key third down with Murray breaking through to sack Ferguson and force the Black Bears to punt. The Tribe took over with 3:36 left in the game at its own one-yard line. The College could not run the clock out and a short punt by Michael gave the ball to Black Bears at the Tribe’s 36yard line for a potential game-tying drive. The College forced the Black Bears into a fourth down and Ferguson scrambled to his right and tried to throw for the first down, but the pass was deflected and picked off by junior safety Isaiah Laster. With less than two minutes remaining, the Tribe was able to run the clock out and claim a 27-20 victory over the Black Bears. “Obviously, it was a very special win,” Laycock said. The College was led by Muse’s 107 yards on eight receptions for one touchdown. After Rotger started the game, Hefter went 12-27 through the air for 170 yards and one score. Hooper converted on all three extra point attempts and two field goals. The Black Bears were led in the loss by wide receiver Earnest Edwards’ 196 yards on nine catches. Ferguson was 26-46 for 278 yards, but he also threw three interceptions. Next week, the College will travel to Rhode Island at 12 p.m. Oct. 27 for its final game before JAMIE HOLT / THE FLAT HAT the bye week. Nick Muse (above) led the Tribe with 107 on eight receptions in Saturday’s victory.
Tribe falls to CAA foe Northeastern in final game of regular season, 1-0 Tight play, back-and-forth scoring chances define last game of head coach Julie Shackford ’87’s first season JULIA STUMBAUGH FLAT HAT SPORTS EDITOR
The 2018 William and Mary squad is no stranger to last-minute comebacks. Oct. 2, senior midfielder Mackenzie Kober scored a game-winning goal with barely more than five minutes left. Sept. 6, sophomore midfielder Meredith Beam knocked the deciding goal off of the left goalpost with 1:13 left in regulation. Finally, Sept. 2, sophomore defender Alex Kuhnle hit twine to seal a victory with just 0:13 on the clock. Oct. 21 against Northeastern, it felt like that familiar last-minute goal was just one lucky break away, as the Tribe fought to even a 1-0 deficit and secure a spot in the Colonial Athletic Association postseason. But the game-saving tally never came, and now that tense Sunday afternoon will coalesce into a stagnant weekend of waiting to see if this season will continue. In its final regular-season match of 2018, the College (6-10-1, 3-5-1 CAA) was blanked by the Huskies (10-8-1, 7-20 CAA), 1-0. With the loss, the College faces the risk of its first playoffs absence in seven seasons. Northeastern, the 2016 CAA champions and 2017 runner-ups, started out this season on a tear, going 6-0 to open conference play. But by the time the College faced the team Sunday, it had fallen to 6-2 after a two-game losing skid. The visitors were forced to fight the Tribe for every inch of turf they gained in the afternoon match. The first scoring chance Sunday belonged to the Tribe, three minutes into the first half. Kuhnle cut into the box and passed to redshirt junior forward Sarah Segan, who didn’t get enough power on the shot to spin the ball past the hands of Huskies goalkeeper Nathalie Nidetch. That wouldn’t be the first of Segan’s opportunities in the game. She ended up leading the team with three shots, including two on goal, as the Tribe and the Huskies traded chances back and forth. For Northeastern, forward Chelsea Domond led the squad in scoring
opportunities. She answered the Tribe’s early chances by forcing relentless offensive surges. 16 minutes into the half, she managed to put the ball on net even as she fell to the ground for the Huskies’ first shot of the game. 10 minutes later, she threaded again through the Tribe defense, but couldn’t get the ball past junior goalkeeper Katelyn Briguglio. The chances continued to swing back and forth. A flurry of activity at the Northeastern net in the 31st minute saw shots by Segan, sophomore midfielder Erin Dailey and redshirt sophomore defender Lauren Kelly blocked away from the goalmouth. But just two minutes later, it was the Huskies that were throwing their arms into the air in celebration. Huskies forward Olivia Ware, who had come in as a substitution less than a minute before the tally, buried a cross in the back of the net to put the visitors up, 1-0. “We had the upper hand for almost all the game,” Segan said. “It’s an unfortunate goal.” The next few minutes were tense ones for the Tribe, as a series of near misses — a ball skidding just across the College goalmouth, a diving save by Briguglio, a shot sailing just over the crossbar — kept the deficit at one for the Tribe. In the second half, however, the team wrested back some momentum. Segan found more scoring opportunities, forcing a save on a header shot and placing crosses through the Northeastern penalty box that never connected for a pass. The Tribe spent the last five minutes feverishly trying to set up in the offensive zone for opportunities that never quite coalesced into that tying goal. As the final horn sounded, the College was forced to concede the 1-0 loss to end its regular season. “They have a couple dynamic kids up top, that’s probably the difference,” Shackford said. “But I think we held everyone in check.” The loss puts the future of the team’s 2018 season in flux; it now has to wait until Tuesday to find out if it will be competing in the postseason. If North Carolina-Wilmington defeats Elon in the final regular-season
match of 2018, then it will be the Seahawks heading into the playoffs instead of the Tribe. “I thought that was the best soccer that we’ve played all year,” Shackford said. “I thought we outplayed them in terms of possession and keeping the ball, creating chances … I said to the kids, if this is our last game, it’s a great one to build off of. If it was the last game for the seniors, I hope that they can keep their heads held high because it was a great game. I think that’s the way you want your last game to look like.” The match marked the conclusion of Shackford’s first regular season as head coach. With her return to her alma mater, where she once led the team to four consecutive National Collegiate Athletic Association tournaments as a player, she worked to bring a culture of positive reinforcement to the team. “I hope that we were able to get the program organized overall, let all of our kids know that we believed in them,” Shackford said. “They did a great job of buying in and developing and so I think for us it couldn’t have gone better. I never felt we were having a losing season ever, the whole way through, which is a credit to them.” The relatively young roster will have a strong existing core to build on heading into next season. Two players who have been key to this season’s successes, leading scorer Segan and starting keeper Briguglio, will both return for their senior seasons next year. Defensive core members Kelly and junior defender Hannah Keith will also be back with the team. After the 2017 squad lost half of its scoring power with the graduation of a sizable senior class, the ability to build on this year’s success is a unique chance the team never got last time around. But for this 2018 squad, it’s not time to say goodbye just yet. The team will be watching that crucial conference matchup Tuesday. And if the Phoenix win, the College will be traveling to postseason action Friday. “Right now we’re hungry,” Segan said. “… We keep getting better, and I think this is the time to peak. I hope other teams are afraid that when we go in, we’re in it for real.”
Sports Editor Brendan Doyle Sports Editor Julia Stumbaugh flathatsports@gmail.com @FlatHatSports
The Flat Hat
| Tuesday, October 23, 2018 | Page 10
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