11 minute read
Thank You
During 2020, the pace of potential lifesaving research has continued at the Florey in the face of trying circumstances. Contributions by generous benefactors provide essential support, alongside government grants. Backing from donors, corporations, foundations and organisations act as a catalyst for our scientists, funding new ideas and innovations as they emerge - driving our ability to chase discoveries and to improve lives. We are grateful for the generous investment from all of our supporters in our relentless pursuit to improve the prevention, detection and treatment of diseases and disorders of the brain and mind.
Individual Giving & Philanthropy: $100 - $999
Colleen Abbott | Anne & Ian Ada | Moira Adam |
Christine Adams | Wendy Adams | Yvonne Ahmet
| Frances Allen | Lauris Allen | Keith & Margaret
Anderson | Richard & Anne Andrews | Frank
Archer | Marie Arendsen | Barbara Ashton | Tony
Atkinson | Philip A’Vard | Diane Ayton | Peter
Baird | David & Judith Balcombe | Rosemary
Baldasso | Helen Baldwin | Joyce Bambery |
William E Bamford | Kay Barber | Janet Barchett
| Kevin & Pam Barham | Philip Barlow | Phil & Judy Barnard | Nicholas Barton | Peter & Sharon
Beaconsfield | Walter Beale OAM JP | Heather
Bear | Josephine Beatson | Judith Beaufort |
Sally Beavis | Doreen Bell | Robert Bell | Alan
Benger | John Benger | Sandra Benjamin OAM |
Valerie F Benson | Priscilla Beresford | Silvano
Bertolin | Coral Beulke | Fay Bice | Heather
Bione | Katie Bird | R D G & Marjorie Birrell |
Rudy Birsa | Debbie Black | Olga Black | John & Jacqueline Blake | Betty Blaskett | Jocelyn
Bornemissza | Steve Boxshall | Ken Boyle |
Michael Boyt | Bronwen Bray | Kerry Breheney |
Bill & Marie Brennan | Janette Broom | Dennis J
Bryant | Louise Buchanan | Hans & Sally Bufe |
Beverley Bull | Margaret Bullen | Adair Bunnett
| Peter Burke | Barbara J Burrell | Norman &
Kath Bury | Jarrod Byham & Sally Emerson |
Carol Byrne | Tess Cafarella | Rosemary Callow |
Elizabeth Cam | June Cameron | Alison Campbell
Pete & Glenice Campbell | Keith Cattach | Theo
Cehun | George Chabvonga | Anthony Chaloner
| Sylvia Charlton | Candice Chemaly | Derek
Clapton | Diane Clark | Robert Clarke | Maija
Clarke | Barbara Coffield | Catherine Coghlan |
Sally Cohen | Alison Collett | A Collins | David
Copolov AO | Helen Corcoran | Kevin Cosgrave
| Sue Course | Helen Cowan | Richard Coyne |
Pauline Craig | Lloyd Crawford | Joan Creber |
Annabel Crook | Fiona Cubitt | Joy Curtis | Henry
Cvik | Arthur & Anne Davey | Geoffrey Davey |
Celine De Silva | Benjamin & Leanne Deutscher |
Joseph Ditoro | J & Dianne Dixon | Irene Doddrell
Ciaran Doherty | David Doig | Sarah Donnan
Antoinette Doran | Michael Dowling | Kevin
Doyle | Rosemary Drenen | Alison Driver | Terry
Drover | Jan Dunbar | Kimiko Duncan | Dierdre
Dyer | Celia Dynon | Margaret Dyson | Geoffrey & Pauline Eastmure | Jennifer Edwards | Ali Eideh
| Marie Einoder | Barbara Elliott | Gary Elliott
| Robin Elliott | Peg Elmore | Emily Elst | John
Emerson | David Farnsworth | David Feldman
| Zandy Fell | Paula Field | George Fink | Tony
Fisher | Anne Fletcher | David Forrest | Isolde
Forstmanis | Ian Foster | The Freilich Prescribed
Private Fund | Gemma Furtado | Patricia
Galbraith | Jenny Galloway | Siok Gan |
Dorothy M Gannon | R Gehrig | Lesley Gerrish
| Gwenda Gibbs | Tess Gibbs | Norman & Lorna
Gilmore | Clare Gleeson-McGuire | Caroline
Gliddon | Suzanne L Godwin | Tony Goldschlager
| Margaret Gonshor | Isabel Goodwin | Patricia
Gordon | Susan Gordon | Lesley Gorrell | Dirk
Goudberg | Debra Grace | Susan Grant | Ian Gray
| Louise Gray | Peter & Jocelyn Gray | Malcolm
Kingsley Green | Gwenda Greenwood | Noel
Hall OAM | Shirley Hallows | Joan Hamilton | Christopher Hammond | Barry Hancock | James Hancock | Katherine Hannan | Hartley Hansen
QC AM | John Harcourt | Shane Hargreaves | Lucy Harper | Yvonne Harper | Judy Harradence | Richard Harrison | John Hasker | James Hawkins
| Ronald Hayes | Helen Haynes | Brian Head
| Ross & Rochelle Hedges | Peta Heffernan | Elizabeth Heinze | Pam Hermansen | Wilma
Herschell | David Hewett | Loris Hewett | Mabel Hibbert | Daryl & Roslyn Hill | Geoff Hill | Michael & Lorna Hipkins | Sarah Hirschi | Winifred Hirst | Annelie Holden | Judy Holden
| Dorothy Holland | Chris Hopkins | Julian & Christine Hopper | Robert Howey | Constance
Howse | Maria Hudson | Timothy Hutton | Joan Ikin | G Jacobson | George Janko | Anne Jaques | Brian R (Peter) Jessop | Michael & Heather Jobling | Patricia John | Dick & Lorna Johnson | Carolyn Jones | Elizabeth Jones | Joan Jongebloed | Ruth Kain | Albert Kaplan | David Kaufmann | Jillian Keetley | Peter Kelly
| Peter Kelly | Stephen Kenmar | Pat & Alun
Kenwood | Bryan & June Keon-Cohen | Joan
Kerr | Wesley Kilham | Jodie Killer | Leslie
Kilmartin | Terry & Janet Kinsella | A J Kirkham
| Janice Korevaar | Nina Kraskov | Geoff Kroker
| Marie Ku | Barry & Ann La Fontaine | David
La Fontaine | Kwee-Yin Lai | Meriel Laird | Don Lancaster | Marigene Larew | Frank Larkins
AM | Peter Lauritsen | Judith Lawrence | Ingrid
Leibbrandt | Peter Lemon | Iris Alison Leslie
| Patricia Levy | Bruce Lithgow | Clare Lo | Elizabeth Loorham | Anna Louey | Peter Lupson
| Kevin Luscombe AM | Frances Luxon | Nina
Macgeorge | Charity Mackinnon | R & M Maeder
Olga Magee | Leonard Makin | Elaine Mann |
Jayne Manzie | Margaret March | The Marchris
Family Charitable Gift | June Marks | Ruth
Martin | Heather Mason | Janet Mather | Mavis
McAllister | Darryl McAndrew | Peter McArdle | Linda McArthur | Deborah McBride | Ian McCay |
Phyllis McConchie | V M McCormack | Katherine
McGloin | Alexander McIntosh | Doug & Janice
McIver | Bernice McKelvie | Bruce McKenzie | John A McKenzie | Raymond McLean | Theresa McManus | Betty Meadows | John Michaux | Donald Mierisch | Fiona Miller | John Milne |
Samuel & Sadie Mir Foundation | John & Heather
Mitchell | John & Elizabeth Mitchell | Nelly
Mitchell | Heather Mitchener | Erika Mohoric
| Gillian Montgomery | Gai Mooney | Alison
Morgan | Craig Morgan | Garnet & Christine
Morgan | Inge Morter | Richard Moshinsky | Ann
Muffatti | Jenifer Mullen | Bruce & Judy Munro |
James Munro | Joan Nathan | Amanda Naylor |
Soh Neo | Alison Nghiem | Pamela Noble | Nola
Nugent | Helen Oakes | Anne O’Brien | Doris
Enid O’Brien | Joanne O’Connell | Suellen Ohl |
Bob Oldfield | Kerry O’Meara | Sue O’Neill and Enid Telford | Thomas Ophoven | Damien O’Shea
| Marcia O’Shea | Mary O’Sullivan | Ashley Parker
| Scott Parker | Trish Parker | Judith Parkes |
Ann Parris | Frances Parris | Eleanor Partridge
| Gunvant Patel | Jean Paton | Patsy Patten |
Janet Pavlakis | Vanessa Payne | Ross Peacock |
Evelyn Pearce | Chris Pearson | W A & P Pearson
| William Pearson | Doug Pedler | Elizabeth
Pender | Freda Perahia | Wayne Pethick | Sylvia
Petryk | Ian Phillips | Glenyse Pianta | Michelle
Picker | Dorothy Pill | Pincus Family Foundation |
Pearl Pinto | Jeff Piscopo | Ken Potter | Katherine
Psomas | Suzanne Pullen | Margaret Raspin |
Verna Rattray-Wood | Judith Raymond | Sam
Recht | Tannia Recinos | Jennifer Reid | Ann
Reid | Donald Rewell | Ruth Richardson | Mary
Richardson | Janet Riddell | Joyce Risstrom |
Marius Roberts-Szudzinski | Murray Robertson
| Patricia Robilliard | Maree Robinson | Dianne
Rock | John & Margot Rogers | Bruce & Judy Rose
| Bradley Ross | M Rothman | Jennifer Ruthen
| S Samra | Margaret Sanderson | Colin Sando
| Lauren Sanford | Norman Sargeant | Henryk
Schneider | Mary Semple | John Seymour | John & Pamela Sharwood | David Shaw | Frances & Keith Shaw | Andrew Shenton | Jo Shetliffe |
Rohan Shukla | Alexandra Siapantas | Alfonsina
Sicari | Elizabeth Sier | Kenneth J Sims | Susan
Sims | Robert & Elisabeth Sinclair | Eileen Slack
| Justine Sloane-Lees | The Slome-Topol-Rosen
Family Charitable Trust | Betty M Smith | Carol A
Smith | Keith Smith | Laura Smith | Meta Smith
| Graham Snell | Kathleen Spain | Alexandra
Spremic | Edward Stabb | Glenda Stacey |
Stanovic Family | Christine Starcevic | Ralph & Maureen Stavely | Beryl Steinke | A W Stephens
| Judy Stephens | Betty Stinson | William Stone
| Arnis Stonis | Melanie Strathearn | Shirley
Strossa | Stephen Stuart | Takako Subocz |
Kange Suda | Greg Sullings | Lyndall Sullivan
| Ronald Sultana | Celia Sutterby | George
Svenger | Elizabeth Swain | Jill Swan | Peter
Swan OAM | Peter Symonds | Angelo & Ernesta
Taranto | Ann Tauber | Anne Taylor | Wendy
Taylor | Linda Thomas | Wendy Thomas | Karlene
Thompson | Elizabeth Thomson | John & Leslie
Thrum | Andrew Tinney | Joan Tomlin | Norma
Torriero | Evelyn Townsend | Gad Trevaks AM |
Elizabeth Trevena | Jan Troup | Eugenia Tsaclidis
| Margaret & Peter Tse | Eddie Tucker | Joan Tullo
| Bruce Turnbull | Valerie Turnbull | Margaret
Ullin | Eleanor U’Ren | Jennifer Vallins | Cathy van der Zee | Henri van Reesema | Christine
Vincent | Michelle Vong | Wendy Wagstaff | J R
Walker | Judith Walsh | Irene Ward | Jake Ward
| Dorothy Warren | Coral Watkins | Mark & Ruth
Watson | Geoffrey Webb | Philip Weickhardt |
Geoff & Anne Welsh | Neil Westaway | Trevor &
Crystal White | Robyn Whiteley | Kaaren Whyte
| Suzanne Will | Harry Williams | Kim Williams
| Vera Williamson | Dennis Wills | Scott Wills |
Nola Wilmot | Timothy Withers | Liz Wood | Joyce
Woodroffe | Rosemary Worssam | Judith Wright |
Gwen Younger | Barbara Yuncken | Edmund Zarb
| Stasia Zika
Individual Giving and Philanthropy:
$1,000 - $9,999 David Abraham | Joan Adler |
Michael Aitken | Pauline Atkins | James and
Judy Allen | Rita Andre | Neal Blewett AC |
Patricia Boekel | Graeme Bowker | Arnold
& Mary Bram | Edward & Hazel Brentnall |
Grace Cavanagh | Diana Cherry | Nathasha
Choi | Faye Clarke | Patricia Clennett | John &
Christine Collingwood | Brian Connor AM | Mark
Costello | Geoffrey Cottrell | John Coughlan |
Keith Curry | Cuthbertson Family Fund | June
Danks | Eril Deighton | Rose Downer | Susan
Duncan | Andrew Erikson | Carolien Evans |
Janine Ferguson & Graeme Ellen | John Floyd
| Fred Frohlich | Rosemary Geer | Peter &
Janet Gilbertson | Shirley Gionfriddo | Andrea
Goldsmith | Louise Gourlay OAM | Peter Gray & Colette Reeves | Lesley Griffin | Sandra
Hacker AO | Harbig Family Foundation | Robert
Henwood | Rosanna Hoad | Bill Holdsworth | I
Y Hoolihan | Andrea Hull | John Izon | Kathleen
Johnston AM | Malcolm Kennedy | RE and NA
Kent | Peggy Knight | Pamela Knott | Helen
Kosky | Noel Langford | Will & Angie Leaf |
William P Lewis | Brian Marshall | Graeme
Matthews | Jenelle McColl | Muriel (Pat) McLaren
Adrienne McMahon | Elizabeth Mildwater |
Judith Moore | Helen Ng | June Nixon-Smith | J and M Nolan Family Trust | Valerie Osbourne |
Patricia Peck | Mary Phiddian | Ron Pitcher AM
| Ann Poole | Deborah Reich | Ralph & Ruth
Renard | Caroline Richardson | Stephen Rix |
Judy Roach | V N Sanders Charity Trust | Say
Family Endowment | Frank & Anna Shelton | Nell
& Hermon Slade Trust | Russell Stewart | Gary
Stiliano | Richard Stradwick | Christine Sweeney
| Dorothy Tagg | Gregory & Wendy Taggart |
Jenny Tatchell | Kathryn Thaniel | Debbie & Peter
Thomas | Jean Thomas | Michael Troy | Devin
Trussell | Duncan Tuck | Kay Tudor | Katrina Tull
| Patricia Turner | David Vernon | John & Robyn
Vroland | Richard & Juneth Wall | Karen Wells | John White | John Wilde | Garth Willey | Margaret Wilson | Sineke Winter | Katharine Wood | Susanna Woodall | Meredith Woods
Individual Giving and Philanthropy: $10K+
Lorraine & John Bates | Ian & Maria Cootes
| Brian Davis - Brian M Davis Charitable
Foundation | Helen K Groves AO | Hearts and Minds Investments | JDR Family Trust | Harold Mitchell AC | S Baillieu Myer AC | Judith A
Overbeek | RobMeree Foundation | The Stuart Leslie Foundation | The Valda Klaric Foundation | Graeme Peter White | James S Wiley
Brains Trust Donors Christine Aarons | Graeme & Letitia Billings | Angelo Bladeni | Colin & Angie
Carter - Carter Family Foundation | Lyndsey
Cattermole AM | Anthony & Geraldine Conabere
| Barbara & Will Darvall | Tamie Fraser AO | Tom & Jennifer Garlick | Wayne & Suzanne Gill | Peter & Sandra Gillooly | Ai-Gul & Andrew Guild | Ronda Hall | Linda Herd | Kate and Warren Joel
| Andrew Keen | Hugh Kelso & Michelle Quigley
QC | Peter & Lois Lumley | Harold Mitchell AC
| Bruce Moran | Lana Moran | Dennis Nassau
| The Hon Peter Nixon AO | Ross Oakley OAM & Christine Oakley | Anthony & Helen Pyman
| Caroline Robertson | Greg Roebuck - The Roebuck Foundation | Nicola Rollerson | Gary & Glenise Travaglia | Richard & Juneth Wall | Meredith Woods
Brains Trust Ambassadors Alastair Clarkson
| Robyn Davidson | Peter Hudson AM | David Koch | Eddie McGuire | Gillon McLachlan | Neil Mitchell | Pharmacy Alliance | Mike Sheahan | Gemma Turvey | Steve Vizard
Community Groups Berwick Opportunity Shop
Incorporated | Cumberland View Retirement
Village | Inner Wheel Club of Bairnsdale | Inner Wheel Club of Pakenham | Kilsyth Scottish
Country Dance Group Inc | Mooroolbark
Umbrella Group | Pakenham Opportunity Shop | Wonthaggi Italian Senior Citizens
Companies Bendigo Stadium | BP Employee
Matching Fund | Clara Biotech | Darvan Pty
Ltd | Marin Accountants | National Australia
Bank Workplace Giving | Qiankang Life Science
Melbourne R&D Centre | Reece Australia | Ritchies Victoria Community Benefits Program
| Storr Transport Workplace Giving | Suncorp Group Workplace Giving | Thiess Pty Ltd Workplace Giving
Gifts in Wills Estate of Ethel May Billing (incl Peter Billing Trust) | Estate of John Kilian
Brunner | Estate of John Campbell | Estate of Marie Cadle Campbell | Estate of Peter John
Irwin | Estate of Jill Annette Lynch | Estate of Marjorie Isabel Marris | Estate of Pierina (Lucy)
Lucia Piccoli | Estate of John David Richards
| Estate of Margaret Ilona Robson | Estate of Eleanor Frank Roth | Estate of Henrietta Ethel Schefferle | Estate of Marjorie Constance and Akos Talan | Estate of Doreen Merle Taylor | Estate of Jocelyn Mary Traill
Grants Alzheimer’s Association (US) | Annemarie & Arturo Gandioli-Fumagalli Foundation | Australian NPC Disease Foundation | Australian Rotary Health | Bell Charitable Fund | Bethlehem
Griffiths Research Foundation | Brain Australia
| CASS Foundation | DHB Foundation | Epilepsy Foundation | FightMND | Heart Foundation | JEM Research Foundation | Judy Mattear and Family Fund - Mutual Trust Foundation | Li Ka
Shing Foundation | Michael J Fox Foundation
| Perpetual Impact | Ralph and Betty Sims
Fund - Australian Communities Foundation | Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation
| Stafford Fox Medical Research Foundation | The Finkel Foundation | The Jane Frances Hayes and Frederick William Hayes Charitable Trust | The Yulgilbar Foundation | TMG Family Fund - Mutual Trust Foundation
Trust Companies Australian Communities Foundation | Australian Philanthropic Services Foundation | Equity Trustees | Mutual Trust Foundation | Perpetual Trustees
Travel Award Donors Andrew Darbyshire AM | Deirdre Collier | Estate of Wally and Jean Jackson
| Harold Mitchell Foundation | John Milne | Life Technologies | Perkin Elmer | Christine & Alan Purton | Rembach Family
In-Kind support IntelligenceBank Pty Ltd | KPMG
Special Acknowledgement and Thanks Graeme Billings | Ergad Gold | Kate Joel | Graeme Kelly | Ross McDonald | Wayne McMaster
Peer-to-peer Fundraising Charlotte NielsenEpilepsy’s Purple Day | Naomi Anderlini - Great Ocean Road Running Festival 2020 | Kellie Adams - Silver 4 Silver (research into NiemannPick Type C disease)
In celebration of birthday Alasdair Cameron
Gordon | Louis Piscopo