12 minute read

Acknowledgement of our donors

Our scientists continue their pursuit to advance brain research.

Contributions from generous benefactors, alongside government grants, provide essential funding to allow our researchers to follow up on ideas and innovations as they emerge. The generous support we receive from donors, corporations, foundations and community

Founding benefactors

Kenneth Myer

Ian Potter

Florey champions

Charles Allen

Charles Goode

Mark Jones

Harold Mitchell

Baillieu Myer

Kenneth Myer

Martyn Myer

Florey Future Fund

Principal Benefactors

Carl and Wendy Dowd

Estate of Mary Lugton

Harold Mitchell


Primrose Potter Associates

Lyndsey Cattermole

Estate of Majorie Talan and Akos Talan

The A.N. and B.O. Williams Foundation

Brains Trust

Charles Allen / Graeme and Letitia Billings / Angelo Bladeni / Jack and Meg Bowen / Peter and Jan Clark / Nigel Gaunt / Gaye and John Gaylard / Wayne and Suzanne Gill /

Ai-Gul and Andrew Guild / Ronda Hall / Linda

Herd / Kate and Warren Joel / Hugh Kelso / Peter Lumley / Lana Moran / Peter Nixon / North Projects / Ross and Christine Oakley / Tony and Helen Pyman / Michelle Quigley / Caroline Robertson / Nicola Rollerson (APS Foundation) / Graeme Samuel / Gary and Glenise Travaglia

Major donors

Elisabeth Allan / Peter Armstrong / David

Asprey / John and Lorraine Bates / Berwick

Opportunity Shop Incorporated / Caledonia / Lyndsey Cattermole / Deirdre Collier / Ian and Maria Cootes / Darbyshire Family in memory of Caitlin / Brian M Davis Charitable Foundation / DHB Foundation managed by Equity Trustees / Carl and Wendy Dowd / Rose Downer / Charles and Cornelia Goode

Foundation / Ronda Hall and Family / G P

Harris Foundation / Annette Hayes / Hearts groups is driving our ability to make discoveries to better diagnose, treat and prevent diseases of the brain and mind that we study. and Minds Investments Limited / E A & N Hulak Foundation / JDR Family Trust

We are grateful to all our supporters including those below and those who choose to remain anonymous, joining us in our belief that an investment in science is hope for the future.

/ Klintberg Family / Emma Lang / Massey

Charitable Trust / Harold Mitchell / Lana Moran / Allen and Maria Myers / Menika

Lanard Jandd Charitable Foundation / Dennis and Fairlie Nassau / Mark Nelson / Tom and Ruth O’Dea / Judith Overbeek / Primrose

Potter / Qiankang Life Science Melbourne

R&D Centre / RobMeree Foundation / Stafford Fox Medical Research Foundation

/ TDM Foundation / The Mark Foundation / The Minderoo Foundation / The Valda Klaric Foundation / The Yulgilbar Foundation / Raymond Trewartha / Richard and Juneth Wall

Gifts in Wills – The Florey Society

Peter Armstrong / John and Lorraine Bates / Sally Beavis / Dianne Berlin / Coral Beulke / Hazel and Edward Brentnall / Tess Cafarella

/ Irene and Jeffrey Court /John Crutchfield

/ Barbara Darvall / Geraldine de Malet / Cathy Foster / Marguerite Garnon-Williams

/ Doreen and John Gordon-Kirkby / Jane Hargreaves / Jean Hofmaier / Annelie Holden

/ Helen Lightfoot / Harold Luntz / Elaine Mann / Peter McCarthy / Kris Meade / John Milne / Christine and Garnet Morgan / Bob Muirhead / Judy Overbeek / Dianne Pascoe

/ Richard Pestell / Sherry Pratt / Josephine

Ridgeway / Annette Rogers / Alma Ross / Melanie Scaife / Kai Simpson / Marie Smyth / Ralph and Maureen Stavely / Wendy R Taylor

/ Kay Thomas / Rod Thomas / Kay Tudor / James Walduck / Richard and Juneth Wall / Michael Wignell

Estates and bequests

Darbyshire Family in memory of Caitlin / Margaret Friend Trust / Estate of Violet Elaine Harding / Estate of Denys McCullough / Estate of Graham Douglas Rogers / Estate of Grahame Max Smith / Estate of Sydney Ronald Strauch / Estate of Daniel Veysey

Trusts and foundations

Alzheimer’s Association (US) / Australian NPC Disease Foundation / Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation / Brain Foundation / Weary Dunlop Foundation / Equity Trustees / Fight Parkinson’s / FightMND / Flicker of Hope Foundation / Frick Foundation / Anne Marie and Arturo Gandioli-Fumagalli Foundation

/ Patricia Madigan Charitable Trust / Ernest and Piroska Major Foundation / MND Research Australia / MS Australia / Tom and Ruth

O’Dea Fund – managed by Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation / One in Five / Percy Baxter Charitable Trust / Perpetual Trustees – Perpetual Impact Philanthropy / The CASS Foundation / The Heart Foundation / The Ian Potter Foundation / The Lionel and Yvonne Spencer Trust / Trish MS Research Foundation / Estate Late Olga Mabel Woolger

Supporting research excellence

Collier Family in memory of John / Darbyshire Family in memory of Caitlin / Estate of Wally and Jean Jackson / John Milne / The Harold Mitchell Foundation / Allan and Maria Myers

Gifts in honour

Marion Adcock / Trevor Alex / All About Eyes / Jonathan Allen / Scott Allen / Brodie Anderson / Carole Anderson / Debra Andrews / Margaret Andrews / Mary Angelico / Chris

Ansted / Paul Anthony / Nicole Armatas / John Ashlin / Regan Atkinson / Louise

Auldsmith / Shane Austin / Avigrain / Robert Bailey / Michael Baker / Jacqueline Barker / Steven Barrett / Tom Barry / Richard Bartlett / Trudy Bauzon / Peter Baxter / Michael

Beardmore / Natasha Beck / Emily Belfrage / Kaye Bell / Jonathan Benson / Matthew

Benson / Matthew Bevin / Rekha Bhambhani / Laura Birley / Carmel Blake / Blaze Acumen / Madonna Blyth / Tani Bogoda / Donata Booth / Margaret Boutsikos / Alasdair Bradley / Allan Bradley / Clare Brennan / Scott Bretland / Colin Brett / Stephanie Broad / Amy Brown / Georgia Brown / Kaylene Brown / Rebecca

Brown / Trish Brown / K Brown / Nick Buddell / Alexis Bundy / Michelle Burns / Graham

Burrows / Hayley Butler / Brendan Byatt / Skye

Byer / Shayne Callaghan / Robyn Cameron / Sarah Cameron / Braiden Camm / Joanna

Carbone / Gavin Casey / Anthony Caslin / Kerry Castle / Chris Cauchi / Christine Cauchi

/ Travis Cauchi / Margaret Chamberlain / Geoff Chappell / Tom Charlton / Joanne

Chegwidden / Eric Cheng / Chiropractic

Solutions / Alok Chouraria / Kingsley

Churchward / A Clark / Frances Cleary / Deborah Clerke / Phil Clinkaberry / Tracey

Coats / Janina Cole / Vicky Collins / James

Conway / Tanya Cooper / Jamie Cornwill /

Victoria Corps / Briony Croall / Thomas

Crompton / Brian Cronin / Thomas Curran / Colleen Cutcheon / Nigel Dally / Margaret

Daly / Carly Damen / Edward Daniel / Alan

Davidson / Nicholas Davies / Abby Davis / Nathan Davis / Sam Davis / Susan Dawson / Allison D’Cruz / Ryan Dean / Harold Dean /

Bill Dean / Caroline Demmon / Nina Demoulin

/ John Derrick / Karina Di Sisto / Anne Digby /

Linda Diggins / Steven DiTullio / Margaret

Donohue / Antoinette Doran / Lisa Dougherty

/ Dan Douglas / Jess Downey / Alexander

Drane / David Drew / Janice Driscoll / Naomi

Driscoll / Robyn Dryen / Peter Dunn / Cathy

Dwyer / Pip Earl / Alison Eaves / Dianne

Edgington / Cam Edwards / Jenny Edwards /

Kevin Edwards / William Egan / Elias ElHaddad

/ Emech Services / Con Emmanouil / Marian

Enticknap / Catherine Evans / Sharon Evans /

Keith Fairbrother / Jennie Fairs / Sara Falconer

/ Paul Farrell / David Farrugia / Anne-Louise

Fatren / Joshua Faulkner / Zara Fearon /

Francesco Fedele / Albert Fenech / Karyn

Fenwick / Devika Fernando / Alison Filinis /

Financial Counselling Victoria Inc / Raelene

Fogarty / Mark Francis / Lucinda Franklin /

Penelope Freame / Samantha Fuss / Garry

Gale / Helena Gallagher / Lenore Gallagher /

Martin Gallagher / Greg Garnham / Jane

Garrow / Jean Gaspar / Sandra Gatt / Rachel

George / Stewart Germann / Lorna Gilmore /

Lynette Gilmore / Mitchell Glanville / Mary Joy

Gleeson / Neeraj Goel / Rosemary Goggin /

Raph Goldenberg / Michael Goldring / Sonia

Goodwin / James Gordon / Theodore

Gouskos / Susan Gowler / Janine Green /

Kaylene Green / Cynthia Growden / Rebecca

Grubisa / Adam Grunsell / Genevieve Guthrie

/ Mary Haber / Emma Haining / Bailey Hall /

Scott Halliday / Gail Hammond / Sarah

Handcock / Matt Hankin / Ian Harding /

Amanda Harper / G P Harris Foundation /

Helen Harris / Jo Harris / Lyndall Harrison /

Jeremy Hartcher / James Hartles / Michelle

Healy / Siobhan Heenan / Stephen

Hemsworth / Robert Henderson / Fiona Herco

/ Max Herron-Vellacott / Richard Heseltine /

Andrew Hetherington / Danielle Hewitt /

Lindsay Hewitt / Belle Heywood / Barry Hirst /

Highview Homes / Phil Hillyard / David Hopkins

/ Lucy Horan / Abhijit Hore / Rebecca Horton

/ Bambi Howard / Ray Howell / Hub Australia

/ Jacinta Hughes / James Hughes / Brian

Hutch / Dylan Hutchinson / Claire Hutchison /

Natalie Hyland / Sebastian Ianzano / Martin

Inserra / Susan Iovenitti / Prashant Iyer /

Sybil Jack / Claire Jackson / Jenny Jackson /

Sheridan Jaffrey / Meryl James / Elliot Janover

/ Rhonda Jansz / Adam Jarvis / Poorna

Jayasinghe / Abby Jayasuriya / Viren

Jayawardana / Abhinay Jeggannagari /

Matt Jensen / Paul Joiner / Claire Jones /

Ken Jones / Mark Jones / Mathew Jones /

Nick Jones / Tanya Joshi / Tony Jovcic /

Hayley Juggins / Callum Kanoniuk / Vivienne

Kaplan / Michelle Karabidian / Nathan Kazuro

/ Charles Kean / Lewis Kenyon / Julie Kerr /

Kerry Kidd / Kel Kilner / Trevor Kilpatrick /

William King / James Kirby / Cheryl Kiss /

Martin Kivlighon / Tarquin Kloeden / Joe

Kmaid / Jenni Knight / Andrew Kompa / Layla

Korff / Monique Kowalczyk / Julia Krause /

Helen Kuchel / Kech Kuea Pan Paguir / Tia

Kurtz / Carmelina La Rocca / Magan Lai /

Ross Lambrou / Tinelle Langdon / Dean

Lanyon / Alex Lavermicocca / Andrew Lawlor /

Xanthy Le / Ben Leary / Melanie Lechte / Jane

Lee / Megan Leversha / Penelope Lewisohn /

Jonty Loader / Bev Lodge / Wey Mey Loh /

Philip Lomas / Mitch Loughnan / Carol Love /

Neil Lynch / Ben Lyons / Grant Macey /

Jacqueline Magee / Susan Melani / Jo-Anne

Malavey / Maltese Community Concil of Victoria Inc / Malthouse / Maria Mancini /

Alisa Mangulabnan / Mapex Services Pty Ltd /

Cinzia Marchesani / Leanne Marks /

Maroondah City Council / Brian Marshall /

Michael Marshall / Scott Martens / J Martin /

Lydia Martin / Carla Marturano / Marjorie

Maydwell / Chris Maynard / Roisin McCann /

Tim McCarron / Ian W McCay / Loveday

Mcclelland / Elizabeth McCoy / Gina McDougall / McFadden Property Pty Ltd / Natalie McIntyre / Lance McKewen / Merryn

McKinna-Shoji / Scott McKinnon / Karen

Mclaughlin / Simon McLoughlin / Luke McRae / Kerri-Ann McWaters / Norma Meaney / Brendan Meikle / Troy Melbourne / Dawn

Meldrum / Lydia Melnikoff / Rajesh Menon / Rochelle Menon / Emma Metlikovec / Lynn

Middlebrook / Hasim Mifsud / Carissa Miller / Steven Miller / Wayne Miller / Alexandra

Mitchell / Tracey Mitchell / Colleen Moir / Jo

Money / Amber Moore / Karen Moran / Maha

Morcos / Alison Morgan / Jennifer Morgan / Laura Morris / Michael Morris / Brett Mortimer / Jagger Mortimer / Charles Moscato / Aidan

Moses / Mardi Moss / Judith Muir / Sean

Mulally / Elizabeth Mullen / Jacqueline

Munro-Smith / Jason Murray / Alisha Muys-Bell / Sharvana Nanayakkata / Need A Mechanic / Elaine Neill / Ian Nelson / Kyle Newlyn / Janis

Newman / Mark Newson / Le Nguyen / Barry Noble / Nerida Noble / Nos Group / Jean-Paul O’Shannassy / Lauren O’Brien / Vivienne O’Callaghan / Sara O’Connor / Kristy Odell / Michael O’Hanlon / Monica O’Hare / Marita O’Shea / Cathy Oliver / Daniel Ollier / One fleet / David Ord / Jenny Otis / Phillip

Outtrim / Natalie Papas / Beth Parker / Garry Parker / Jason Parker / Jesse Parker / Wendy

Parker / Krishnan Parthasarathi / Jarrah

Passlow / Kerrie Pate / Shirrelle Pattison / Adam Paver / Chris Pearce / Lester Pearce / Adrian Penny / Andrew Perkal / Anne Pilgrim / Andrea Pinto / Stuart Place / Plenty River

Services / Rocco Polistina / Jeanette Polley / Steven Polyzos / Elisa Porto / Antoinette

Poulton / Marcus Proctor / Caitlyn Profenna / Lisa Puglisi / Rita Pulis / Bobby Quiney / Paul

Ramadge / Peter Redfern / Sally Redman / Barry Reid / Jesse Reid / Sonali Reid / Graeham Rice / Right Roof & Frame / Lois Riley

/ Annette Rimmer / Allison Ringer / David Ritchie / Julie Rob / Karli Rob / Peter Robbins / Janette Roberts / Pamela Robinson / Karen

Roods / Zara Rothery / Chris Rowe / Jane

Royle / Helen Russett / Anthony Ryan / Paras

Sachdev / Kirsty Saddler / Nicholaos Saflekas

/ Vivienne Sant / Christopher Sargeant / Sharat Sashidharan / Lily Savage / Nicole

Saville / David Scally / Phoebe Scamps / Peter Scurfield / Seansonsiteautos / Troy

Searle / Oban Seex / SESG Barwon prison / Kyra Semmler / Judith Shadbolt / Jane

Shanahan / Shilpa Sharma / Jenni Sherlock / Denise Shingles / Leonardo Silvestro / Margit

Simondson / Nigel Slater / Lynette Sloane / Peter Smales / Deborah Smart / Trevor Smillie

/ David Smith / Doug Smith / Duncan Smith / Greg Smith / Julie Smith / Keiran Smith / Ryan

Smith / Slouise Smith / Neal Smyth / Michelle

Sorensen / Marjorie Squires / Chantelle Stacey

/ B Staj / Dejan Stamenkovic / Vesns Stanovic

/ STB Carpentry / Nadia Steadman / Barb

Steel / Megan Steel / Richard Stone / Susan

Stonestreet / Michael Streater / Cathy Stubbs

/ Kristine Sturgeon / Judy Sutton / Susan

Taylor / Matt Tennant / Ben Terry / The Coffee

Mob / The Executive Chair Pty Ltd / The

Loyalty Zone / The McKenny Family / Emma

Thomas / Mitchell Thomas / Kelly Thomas / Elizabeth Thompson / Rachel Thompson / Benjamin Thorpe / Matt Tills / Francis Tilsley / Catherine Tiplady / Jane Todd / Jacqueline

Tol / Stuart Tong / Melissa Torpey / Justin

Torresi / Lillian Touma / Sharon Tredrea / Andy

Trigg / Justin Trotter / Julie Turville / Daniel

Underhill / Ann-Maree Vandermeer / Victus

International / Gavi Vignes / Hugo Visscher / Patricia Vitali / Duane Vivian / Kelvin Von der

Heyden / Antonio Vong / Jacky Walker / Deborah Walpole / David Walsh / Peter

Walton / Donna Warne / Nathan Warszewski / Joanne Watson / Dallas Watt / Andrew Watts

/ Kylie Wegener / Welbeck Interiors / Janet

Westland / Deborah White / Gary White /

Matthew Wilder / Sally Wilkin / Matthew

Wilkins / Frances Williams / Nicola Wills /

Danielle Wilson / Jai Wilson / Nigel Wilson /

Paul Wilson / Penelope Wilson / Tracy Wilson / Thelma Wiltshire / Andrew Wise / Cassandra

Wittwer / Stephen Wykes / Nick Wynne-Jones

/ Yarraville Club / Michael Edward Young /

Laura Zagorski / Franco Zannoni / Katrina

Zarifeh / Vernon Zhou

Community supporters

Andrew Adams / Kellie Adams / Bruce Allan /

Samuel Allman / Sally-Anne Ashton / Hayden

Asmussen / Josh Batchelor / Chris Belej /

Bendigo A Healthy Lifestyle Inc / Dan Blair /

Kate Boshier / Lucia Brennan / Shaan Briggs / Damian Buggy / Jason Bull / Kate Callingham

/ Brett Cartlidge / Janene Cass / Centre State

Rodders / Susan Conterno / R W Crowhurst

/ Michael Cunningham / John Darmody /

Mark David / Iain Davidson / Paul Delahunty

/ Paul Digney / Megan English / Luke Farrell

/ Sarah Fenton / Steve Finn / Dylan Flavell

/ Brett Foley / Sue-Ellen Ford / Ash Free /

Andrew Garbutt / Tony Goldschlager / David

Green / Dan Griggs / D Guengerich / Geoff

Guy / Jenni Hagedorn / Francesca Hargrave

/ Tina Havales / Linda Ho / Anthony Hudson

/ Cassandra Huett / Lisa Huett / Ray Isaac

/ Gareth Johnson / Semisi Kafatolu / Prabhu

Kaki / Constantine Karvelis / Nick Kelly / Rod

Kent / Michael Keyte / Pat King / Sean King / Gail Koehler / Nicholas Koehler / Des Koroneos

/ George Kostolias / Anthony Lawrence / Arundhathi Lekshmi / Brett Lewis / Michael

Lloyd / Ewan Lovett / Chevy Lowndes / Faye

Lucas / James Mackenzie / Nigel Macpherson

/ Peter Marsden / Caitlin McGrane / Keiran

McGrane / Clark McKeon / Carol McKinley

/ Madeleine McKinley / Michael McNamara

/ Oliver Morfeld / Chris Morton / Anthony

Moxham / Clint Murrell / John O’Donoghue / Isabel Pacheco / Nerissa Parker / Linda Percy

/ Monique Perry / Matt Peters / David Pham / Jeff Phillips / Stephen Phillips / David Picking

/ Ryan Pritchard / Ken Prokopec / Marcus

Quinn / Paul Quirk / Scott Quirke / Ange Rae

/ Ben Rampling / Priyantha Rathnayake / Chris Read / Ben Rice / Trevor Rice / Brett

Rigby / Jo Ritchie / Leah Rokesky / Adrian

Rowse / Richard Ruth / Grant Samuels / Paul

Sharkey / Paul Sheehan / Toby Simmons /

Michael Slaven / Andrew Slawinski / Greg

Smith / Alison Sollars / Brent Stafford / Matt

Stein / Reece Stephens / Adam Stewart / Kerry Stewart / Rebecca Stillman / Bernadette

Storer / Jason Storer / Vicki Street / Peter

Tasker / Todd Taverna / Karina Taylor / Nuddin Tengku / Dave Thomas / Vahland’s

Bistro / Jerome Walsh / Ashley Walton /

Matthew Warren / Tim Webb / Norma White

/ Chris Wickert / Andrew Wilkinson / Chay

Woodhouse / Alex Woods / Lisa Woolmer / Michael Young

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