1 minute read
By Carla Angelene Carpio
“Daylight”, “Lamp of the day”, “Great luminary” or whatever you want to call it! It is the closest star in our planet earth that hosts life in different important aspects. The light and energy produced by it during the daytime serves as a pivotal point for life to emerge and survive. As human minds keeps searching for the unknown and human technology keeps on evolving, sunlight can now turn intoelectricity that can charge your
High School, solar panels are installed in various areas. There’s a total of 6 mini solar panels that can power LED lights, scattered inside the school. There are also heavyduty 13 newly installed solar panels bought using the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) budget. When you go out of your classroom to use the comfort room, when you buy food during recess or when you just simply wander around the school, maybe you’ve already walked by on some of the solar panels.
According to Sir Arnel Ibañez, the floor-tiled size solar panels
Utilizing solar energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions. It goes against the conventional wisdom to try to stop climate change and its terrible impacts. fossil fuels are the primary source of electricity. Solar power also reduces costs because of the free and abundant source of electricity. Even though the weather plays pivotal role, in warm nations like the Philippines, using solar energy is actually a smart idea becausebatteries can be used to store the electricity that is created. However, it’s really expensive and solar panel installation is challenging, as it is established that solar panel manufacture demands potentially hazardous chemicals that affect the environment.
Solar energy may not be the best replacement for electricity that is generated from fossil fuels because it has its own drawbacks. Time holds uncertainties; as the technology advances, maybe we can use electricity without producing huge carbon emissions, but for the meantime, let us do our part and use electricity in moderation while the sun still gives new tomorrows.