The Fortune News: Care Management

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BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR HEALTH: CHARLES’S STORY Trust yourself. Have patience. Become an information-seeker. This is advice Charles has for people being released from prison, and they were the tenets he followed during his own reentry in 2018. After 23 years inside, he faced many challenges adjusting to society, one of which was accessing primary healthcare. Although his journey remains unfinished, Charles is proud of the progress he’s made since he decided to take responsibility for his health at The Fortune Society.

helped him find a primary care doctor. “When I got my primary care doctor, it was off to the races,” said Charles. His doctor quickly obtained his medical records, which furthered his SSI application. She also referred him to hand and back specialists, who continue to strengthen his ligaments. The pain hasn’t gone away—but with professional help, Charles is learning to manage it.

In prison, Charles recalls how medical care can be traumatic, and how “I don’t play with my he faced combative “This is…the first health. I’m trying to guards and medical time I’m actually live as long as I can. professionals. living in society Thus, distrust This is my life, so I’m [as a] productive towards medical citizen,” he said. going to try to take professionals “[Fortune is] the responsibility for it.” among people with kind of hand that I justice involvement needed.” can be difficult to overcome. After release, Charles had to navigate However, this was not an issue for a confusing bureaucracy to apply for Charles. From the start, he was benefits and access primary care. One determined to receive the care he challenge he faced was obtaining deserved. At doctor’s appointments, copies of his medical records, a he’s clear, truthful, and asks questions. common difficulty after prison, which he needed to apply for Supplemental “I don’t play with my health,” he said. Security Income (SSI). At the time, he “I’m trying to live as long as I can. also didn’t have a primary care doctor, This is my life, so I’m going to try to who would have quicker access to his take responsibility for it.” medical records. In order to take responsibility for his He was especially motivated to seek health, however, Charles had to trust care for the chronic pain he continues himself first. to experience due to injuries he endured from physical violence in “I got to trust myself enough first prison. to allow me to trust you…” he said. “That’s the first thing I learned in But this changed at Fortune. Our Care helping myself.”  Management Unit not only gathered information for his SSI appeal, but 20

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