Pandemic Perseverance “Closed” signs appeared in almost every store window during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. WORDS by MILLA HIRSCH AND JINLING WANG PHOTO by MILLA HIRSH
rom March 2020 to January laid off, and within 10 days, collect- limit their inventory, the fluctuation 2021, close to 40,000 restau- ed $168,000 for local businesses. of demand has varied. rants closed in California. The “Maybe a hundred people orA second survey sent out by the road to normalcy has been rocky, dered gift cards, and I would say International Textile Manufacturers and an end is still far from sight. that around 12 of them came to Federation reported a 31 % decline The National Academy of Scienc- pick them up,” said Colling. “I feel for global textile orders in 2020. es states that 43 percent of busi- like they were doing that to make The Santa Barbara Better Tonesses in the United States tempo- more of a donation than even to gether Fund Small Business Grant rarily closed due to COVID-19. then come and use the gift card.” Program funded $500,00 in March Many of those businesses reportThe Center for Disease Control 2020 for struggling businesses in ed that the challenges they faced and Prevention’s six-foot social dis- the community. derived from a significant concern tancing requirement forced busi“We closed on, I think like Satsurrounding the health nesses to incorporated new deurday the twentieth, of their employees. March [2020]… so Local business ownwe ended up staying er of Merci Monteciclosed until May 1, to, Elizabeth Colling, and in that time, we experienced running applied for a PPP loan a cafe during the panand an EIDL loan,” demic first hand. Colling said. “We were so conFederal programs fused about what to like the Paycheck Prodo… I just immeditection Program (PPP) ately thought of just allowed many small the safety of my family businesses to pay and employees.” their employees by Montecito Country giving them loans for Mart is a small shoptheir paycheck costs. ping and dining comEIDL is a loan promunity center in Mongram that assists small tecito. struggling businesses. The pandemic When vaccines bebrought people tocame more available A peek into Elizabeth Colling at work at her cafe, Merci Montecito. gether with the local during March 2021, it community who showed support signs. Many created outdoor areas allowed for more opportunities, in new ways as businesses lost rev- for customers to feel safer. higher customer capacity, and hirenue while in-person opportunities On May 22, 2020, State Street ing new employees. diminished. closed access for automobiles to People grew tired of quarantine, One group, The 93108 Fund, become a promenade and provide and isolation and began Tourists hosted the Montecito Cash Mob to safety for outdoor eating. returned to explore and shop in the help support the businesses that The International Monetary Fund Santa Barbara community. suffered. reports that the global GDP (gross “Locals, tourists, I feel like that This fund lasted from April to June domestic product) will decrease by summer was the turning point that 2020, with 257 generous contribu- 3 % because of the drastic impact of really took us to another level and tors. The fund raised $70,000 by of COVID-19. it has been so good for our sales,” May 2020 for employees who were While most shop owners had to Colling said.
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