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OSP/HNC/OES Directory
A D M I N I S T R A T I O N / S T A F F C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N
(Preschool - Grade 3) 120 S. Desplaines Street, Chicago, IL 60661
Director of Education: Erin Horne | horne@fxw.org Principal: Courtney Britton | brittonc@fxw.org Assistant Principal of Early Childhood: Abby Acuna | acunaa@fxw.org Assistant Principal of Learning & Logistics: Marian Dowling | dowlingm@fxw.org Director of Innovation: Sarah Vaughn | vaughns@fxw.org Director of Auxiliary Programs: Tom Burke | burket@fxw.org Student Success Team Director: Hillary Mitoraj | mitorajh@fxw.org Social Worker: Melissa Gardner-Bilek | gardnerm@fxw.org Math Instructional Coach: Amy Buchheit | bileka@fxw.org Living the Legacy: Beth Amatangelo | livingthelegacy@fxw.org Nurse: Chloe Smith | smithc@fxw.org Office Manager: Monica Alvarez | alvarezm@fxw.org
(Grades 4-8) 751 N. State Street, Chicago, IL 60654
Director of Education: Erin Horne | horne@fxw.org Principal: Lauren Fitchett | fitchettl@fxw.org Assistant Principal of Student Support: Tiara Damper | dampert@fxw.org Director of Climate and Culture: Dr. Norma Guzmán | guzmanN@fxw.org Director of Auxiliary Programs: Tom Burke | burket@fxw.org Director of Athletics: Tim Forberg | forbergt@fxw.org Director of Innovation: Sarah Vaughn | vaughns@fxw.org Religious Education/Masses/Prayer Services: Brigid Cashman | cashmanb@fxw.org Learning and Logistics Coordinator: Meagan Dimit | dimitm@fxw.org Clinical Psychologist: Seth Preminger | premingers@fxw.org Social Worker: Alyssa Brescia | brescia@fxw.org Math Instructional Coach: Amy Buchheit | bileka@fxw.org Living the Legacy: Beth Amatangelo | livingthelegacy@fxw.org Nurse: Pam Madura | madurap@fxw.org Office Manager: Myra Luna-Rinconeno | lunam@fxw.org
One E. Superior St., Sixth Floor, Chicago, IL 60611
Head of School: Michael Kennedy | kennedym@fxw.org Executive Assistant to Head of School: Deb Keane | keaned@fxw.org CFO/COO: Karen Moore | moorek@fxw.org Director of Admission and Financial Aid: Sue Smeaton | smeatons@fxw.org Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Eboni Dixon | dixone@fxw.org
Athletics: FXWathletics@fxw.org Attendance: attendance@fxw.org Admissions/Financial Aid: admissions@fxw.org Billing/Tuition: billing@fxw.org Communications/In The Loop: communications@fxw.org Computer/IT: helpdesk@fxw.org Donations/Fundraising: advancement@fxw.org Living the Legacy: livingthelegacy@fxw.org Lunch Orders (HandCut Foods): Michelle Chamberlain | fxw@handcutfoods.com Security: fxwsecurity@fxw.org SET Program (Social Emotional Development & Technology): Sarah Vaughn | vaughns@fxw.org 7