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Fishing Fishing

For the catch of a lifetime visit the Fraser Valley, a world-class sport fishing destination that presents an opportunity for year-round fishing experiences for novices and experts Alike!



The Mighty Fraser River is home to a big game prehistoric giant dinosaur, the White Sturgeon! They have survived two ice-ages and are still living in the Fraser River. It is the largest freshwater species in North and South America and can reach over 20 feet in length and live well over 150 years in both fresh and saltwater. Over the last couple of years, 4 monster sturgeons have been caught, recorded and released, unharmed by a Chilliwack conservation minded fishing company, Great River Fishing Adventures.

The Fraser Valley is also the heart of the richest fishing grounds, where all 5 different species of Pacific Salmon (Chinook, Sockeye, Chum, Coho and Pinks) migrate, with annual run sizes that can be upwards of 40 million.

Steelhead, Rainbow Trout, Bull Trout and Dolly Varden offer a greater variety of species to encounter in this scenic panoramic mountainous view. Anglers use many methods of fishing such as spinning gear, casting and single and double-handed fly fishing.


Regulations exist to protect our fish stocks and maintain an ecological balance within our environment. Necessarily, the regulations change from time to time to reflect changes in the environment. It is the angler’s responsibility to read and understand the B.C. fishing regulations. Visit the British Columbia Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis form more information on regulations: env.gov.bc.ca/ fw/fish/regulations/


Grab a rod and go! The Chilliwack Visitor Information Centre offers a FREE rod loan program. Sign out a fishing rod and tackle box for a weekend and bring it back to the visitor centre when you leave!

tourismchilliwack.com | Chilliwack

Learn to Fish at the Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery. In one hands-on session you’ll learn where, when and how to catch fish. Launched in 2006, Learn to Fish is delivered to 25,000 youth and their families across the province each year.

For more information on learn to fish programs visit gofishbc.com

Fresh Fact

Learn from the experts, visit fishchilliwack.com to find a local guide and fishing expert who will show you the ropes!

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