How can singing nursery rhymes overcome dyslexia?
Causes of Dyslexia
• The condition of dyslexia is caused by lack of rhythm in brain.
• The list of words are out of phase in the internal rhythm in brain.
Causes of Dyslexia • The youngsters face difficulty in encoding words and therefore memorize speech.
• Youngsters suffering from dyslexia struggle with speech rhythm.
Overcoming Dyslexia • Children can overcome dyslexia by learning nursery rhymes, dancing and singing.
• Usha Goswami, prof of cognitive development neuroscience at Cambridge found out that it is caused in children by the inability to hear the rhythm of words when spoken.
• Dyslexia is thought to be one of the most important learning disabilities.
Overcoming Dyslexia • Keeping up with rhythmic practice will help children overcome this problem. • Prof Goswami has suggested that clapping games, music, nursery rhymes and dancing can help cure the problem. • Children suffering from dyslexia should not put pressure of their brains. • Children with dyslexia should be thought how to use graphic designers like Venn diagram etc.
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