2 minute read
REMEMBER: Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Little Free Pantry
[My] Sister and I fill the library food box once a month. We had heard rumors that people more fortunate than others were raiding the box. I did not believe it to be true until I saw it on Monday, Dec. 27 while filling the box. I now understand why the box sits empty. We will find a more personal way to help the truly needy. Shame on the greedy, especially during the holidays. The incidents we witnessed were disheartening but I believe Gulfport is an amazing place with the majority of its citizens being kind, giving, and generous. –J. Leigh Woolf, St. Petersburg
Gulfport Rebound
Standing here in the peaceful outdoors it’s easy to critique the operations of a city, business, or individual. But out here when chaotic times come-a-calling, nature resets its operations and counts on its environment for safety and security. Birds hunker down, animals retreat to their dens, and marine life heads for the depths or the estuaries until the “storm” subsides. For certain, no one can predict when this current COVID storm will subside… Enter Gulfport Rebound! Refreshing as the first cold front of autumn or the cleansing rain of spring, a program designed to acquire and retain funds within city limits to assist the residents and businesses blows into town! I’m inspired and hopeful for a trend to follow for upcoming festivals and fundraisers to continue to build on this sustainable model for a strong, healthy, successful Gulfport! –Kurt Zuelsdorf, Gulfport
The Gabber welcomes and encourages letters and commentary. One letter per person, per month. All letters must be signed with your real name, and should be as brief as possible. Letters may be lightly edited for content, clarity and length. We will not print letters that incite violence, include personal attacks on private citizens or that are intentionally misleading or inaccurate. Letters sent to the Gabber for print will also appear online and on the Gabber’s social media pages. Commentary posted to the Gabber’s website and social media pages may also be used in print. Opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of the Gabber owners, advertisers or staff. Send letters to news@ thegabber.com or mail them to 2908-B Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL, 33707.