1 minute read
Written January 6, 2021 by Sam Henderson
If you turned on the TV or the radio, surfed the web or spoke to anyone today then you know that as you read this our democracy is being tested in D.C. It is an ugly scene, but hopefully we pass the test.
But in Gulfport today, the sun was out and the air was crisp. People were working in their yards, checking out downtown, going to school and doing their jobs. It was a beautiful day here. We had a council meeting on Tuesday where there were disagreements, as there should be, and then everyone went home; back to their lives.
The world is not the bleak, divided, hateful place that we are shown too often on one screen or another. The goodness in the world is in the hand that holds the door open for you, in the eyes of the person who waves and smiles from behind their mask on Beach Boulevard, and in the words and embraces of those who care about us.
When much if the world is mayhem, bear in mind that it is not the whole world. In Gulfport, we are a ragtag community of people who chose to be here because we like friendly places, copper sunsets, dogs in strollers, being ourselves and living life in the slow lane. Let’s all take a little bit of Gulfport with us when we step out into the harder world, and let our kindness be more contagious than the strife that we encounter.
Cathy Salustri