1 minute read
What does being an American mean to you?
Photos by Gabrielle Reeder
Devon Francke, Minnesota:
“Honestly the first word that comes to my mind is freedom. We are a free country. That’s one of the great things about living here is that we have the choice to do what we want to do, to be who we want to be. I sort of see that in a way that we all have a responsibility to each other and to the country to keep it that way. Everyone is going to have their own means of being able to do that. Whether that’s being in the military and fighting for this country or kind of doing what we’re doing here today and trying to help keep our country clean, green and healthy for everyone that lives here. It’s about having the duty as an American, no matter who you are, to help make this a better country and to continue to keep it free and great nation.”
Carrie Outlaw, St. Petersburg:
“Respecting other people’s point of view and leaving the world better than when you arrived.”
Dacia Jordanov, St. Petersburg:
“Choices and education. So I value my education. I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished and I think that having those opportunities and choices has made me what I am today and I am proud to be in America.”
Ken Simmons, Gulfport:
“We should accept a responsibility to become involved in the environment, I‘m here today with Keep Pinellas Beautiful to clean up this neighborhood as a part of their beautification project and improve the community.”