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Gulfport Democrats Meet Virtually
Gulfport Democrats are finally meeting again – via Zoom, not at Stella’s. Check in with them Monday, July 20 at 7 p.m. The group is having elections and asking members to think about stepping up to be a bit more active. Interested folks are encouraged to call and discuss. The meeting will also discuss what “defunding” the police means in general and what it might mean for Gulfport. You will be able to actively participate in the meeting and input is welcome. Please let other interested parties know about the meeting. The link will be on their Facebook page: The Gulfport Democratic Club. Contact April Thanos at 206-501-7836.
Are You Prepared for a Hurricane?
It’s hurricane season, and the City of Gulfport has Pinellas County Hurricane Preparedness Guides available at Gulfport City Hall, the public library and the fire station. Visit mygulfport.us/hurricane-center for site addresses, planning tips, a list of recommended supplies and other useful hurricane-related information. The Atlantic Hurricane Season extends through November 30, so the time to prepare is now.
Tall Tales of Tall Grass
Gulfport’s code enforcement department consists of one person, and right now, the city’s directed him to focus primarily on life and safety issues (for example, a house with a pool that lacks a fence.) The officer does patrol the city for violations, focusing on one area of Gulfport a week. Gulfport’s Community Development department asks residents to be extra sets of eyes and report violations. The city promises the inspector will respond within one working day. Call 727-893-1061; if you get voicemail, please leave a detailed message. You may report anonymously, but if you want the office to follow up with you, the complaint will not be anonymous. And contact information you leave on the voice mail or give the officer becomes part of the public record.