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South Pinellas Announcements
Plant It for the Planet in Gulfport
Plants abound at Eat Be Grow Sustain’s plant sale on Saturday, July 25. This Gulfport-based nonprofit makes it its mission promote permaculture, peace, and sustainable living. At the plant sale, they’ll also offer information about wildlife habitats and food security. Find the plant sale at 1301 49th St. S., but see the results of Eat Be Grow Sustain’s work in the community when you visit the Gulfport Food Forest in Clymer Park. Eat Be Grow Sustain asks everyone at the plant sale to wear a mask and maintain social distancing. One last thing: They need volunteers year-round. Call them at 727-560-0608 to learn more.
Watch the Watchers Virtually
Gulfport’s Neighborhood Watch has gone virtual, which means no matter where you are you can participate via Facebook. The group meets Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Find the group on Facebook by searching for “Gulfport, FL Community Crime Watch.” The meetings and group offer Gulfport residents a monitored way to learn about burglaries, BOLOs and stolen vehicles. Call 893-1022 or email Gulfport’s volunteer coordinator Jim Wright at jwright@mygulfport.us if you want more information.
Got Tuna?
If you do, the Gulfport Senior Center Pantry needs it. They also would like peanut butter, dry cereal, pasta sauce, soups and canned meats. Any Gulfport resident 50 and older can use the pantry. The Senior Center keeps the pantry open from 1 to 3 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays. If you have food to donate, drop it off anytime. If you could use food, bring your photo ID, a utility bill, or bank statement (to prove residence) and your SSI proof of income. Wondering if you can use the pantry? Call Rachel at 727-893-1231.
Gulfport is Ready to Help Businesses
It’s not to late to apply for City of Gulfport grant funding for eligible small businesses. If you or your business employ between three and 50 full-time employees within Gulfport city limits, you might get some money coming your way. Grants in the amount of $1000 are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while funds last, so don’t miss out. Apply online at mygulfport.us/ gatewaygrant, call 727-893-1045 or email cSotoTorres@ mygulfport.us.
Learn about local plants at the July 25 plant sale.

Learn about local plants at the July 25 plant sale.
Cathy Salustri
Don’t Forget to Register to Vote
Have you changed your address or your name recently? Do you want to switch political parties? Monday, July 20 is the deadline to register to vote in the August 18 primary election. All voters are encouraged to get election ready and update their voter information – including changes to their signature, name and address – prior to casting their ballot.
Voting in a global pandemic can be scary. Voters are encouraged to request mail ballot as soon as possible and vote from the comfort of your home. Visit votepinellas. com/mailballot, call 727-464-VOTE (8683), or email mailballotrequests@votepinellas.com for information on voting by mail.
Keep Informed with Alert Pinellas
Do you feel like you’re always the last to know? Alert Pinellas Emergency and Community Notification Service for Pinellas County lets your city keep residents up-to-date on critical information, quickly and with myriad delivery methods. Visitmygulfport.us/alertpinellas for more, and sign up for this free service. Follow prompts to register your email address to receive City of Gulfport emergency announcements electronically.
It’s Always Nice to Get a Call
The City of Gulfport’s Telephone Reassurance program is more than a morning wake-up call. This free service offers Gulfport residents 50 or older – and their families – comfort, security, and peace of mind. Volunteers make daily calls to registered members. If you cannot be reached, the volunteer follows procedures to confirm all is well. Registration is simple and free. If you or someone you know could use this service, call 727-893-2237 or stop by the Gulfport Senior Center at 5501 27th Ave. S.
Not-as-Rare GEMS
Gulfport residents 55 and older who don’t, won’t, or can’t drive, good news from the city: The Gulfport Extended Mobility Service has returned. GEMS, along with many non-essential-to-most city services, stopped operating at the local onset of the pandemic. Now, though, the city’s resumed limited transportation to places like the grocery store, doctor’s offices, and other places. GEMS also offers these services to residents with disabilities. The cost for GEMS? $70/year plus $2/ride. Call 727-893-2242 to learn more, or to request a ride. Please note: it can take a full business day to schedule a ride.
South Pasadena Remains Distant during COVID
While some cities will resume meeting in real life, South Pasadena commission will remain, for the time, socially distant. Commission meetings take place virtually, and the city has not yet announced plans to resume exercise, dance, and yoga classes. South Pasadena will post any and all updates at mysouthpasadena.com or on the Spectrum Channel 643.
Drivers Wanted
Meals on Wheels needs you… to drive. The Gulfport Multipurpose Senior Center, as part of the Neighborly Dining & Meals on Wheels program, delivers meals to those who need it, provided they’re at least 60 years wise. Little problem: They don’t have enough drivers. People who can volunteer to deliver meals should call Joe at 727-344-2111.
Curb Your Reading at the Library
Don’t feel safe going back into public places? The Gulfport Public Library has you covered at the curb! You can pick up requested materials — books, reemployment forms, tax forms, your copy of the Gabber, what have you — at the curb. You can either reserve books online, via email, or by calling the library, Pick up materials Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Get more details at mygulfport.us/gpl.