2 minute read
We Protected You, Now It's Your Turn
Dear Editor: I would like to add my two cents to this debacle of vaccine or no vaccine. The younger set, and I’m including up to the 60 year olds that refuse to be vaccinated, have no clue as to the danger and disservice they are causing to themselves and others. I grew up when there were no vaccines. Yes, I contacted whooping cough, measles, rubella and chicken pox. Rubella caused birth defects if contracted while pregnant. Polio was rampant. We could not go to beaches, pools or play outside. I remember every time I felt an ache or pain I would freak out! Children were dying and in iron lungs. Those that recovered were left crippled and lame. Then came all the vaccinations. We all had to get them! Where are these diseases now?? The future generations were protected against these illnesses. We protected you. So now it’s your turn to protect us and future generations against these awful viruses. Please, all of you who have put off getting the vaccine do it now! It is easy to obtain and free. Thank you for saving lives. – Grace Wagenman
Thanks, Gabber!
Dear Editor: Thanks for continuing this great service. The Gabber is a vital Gulfport connection, especially during COVID isolation. And the current owners are the right people at the right time. – Devin Neitzert, via Square donation
The Gabber welcomes and encourages letters and commentary. All letters must be signed with your real name, and should be as brief as possible. Letters may be lightly edited for content and clarity. We will not print letters that incite violence, include hate speech or that are intentionally misleading or inaccurate. Letters sent to the Gabber for print will also appear online and on the Gabber’s social media pages. Commentary posted to the Gabber’s website and social media pages may also be used in print. Opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of the Gabber owners, advertisers or staff. Send letters to news@ thegabber.com or mail them to 2908-B Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL, 33707.
Comments from the Gabber’s Facebook Page:
School’s In, Masks Optional
There are no words for the stupidity in this state – Cindy Clayton
For sure, so stupid to believe all the fear mongering caused by the media, stupid to think parents don’t have the right to make choices for their children, so dumb to think that a vaccine that still has break through causes is the miracle of all ages, ridiculous to think we can destroy this virus! SMART to learn to live with it. – Cindy Fitzgerald
Or die from it. – Angie Snider
So much stress on the kids who are worrying about getting sick – Cheryle Webber
Gecko Crawl
Well, this article was painted differently than the “Schools In, Masks Are Out”… – Sara Anderson Allard