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Who would win in a fight: Dracula or Frankenstein?

Photos by Gabrielle Reeder


Roxanne Anderson, St. Petersburg: “Oh definitely Dracula because he’s got quite the bite.”

Amanda Sisson, Clearwater: “I’d go with Dracula because Frankenstein’s pieced together; Dracula would just pull him apart.”

Bobby Boos, Los Angeles: “Definitely Dracula, because I’m already a late night guy, it just kind of fits it. After dark. I’m alive.”

Davy Alder, Newcastle, England: “That’s a fair question. Tough, tough, but I’m going to put my British pounds on Dracula because I think he’s pretty damn smart and I’m putting the brains ahead of the brawn.”

Editor’s Note: Yes, we know it’s actually Frankenstein’s monster, not Frankenstein.

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