2 minute read
Clarification on GMC Grant Recipient
Dear Editor: Thank you for the great coverage of the Gecko Ball in last week’s Gabber. The Sonia Plotnick Women’s Health Fund (SPHF) is honored to be one of the recipients of the grants by the Gulfport Merchants Chamber. The article referred to us as “Sonia Plotnick Foundation,” so I wanted to clarify who we are. The Sonia Plotnick Women’s Heath Fund (sphf.org) has been providing healthcare financial assistance to local women for over 25 years. In the past few years, we have also provided scholarships to lesbians studying in a healthcare field at SPC. As a small grassroots organization, we are funded by donors, local grants and fundraising events. We greatly appreciate the support of the Gulfport community, which has enabled us to continue our mission. – Carol Vitelli, Chair of SPHF
Make Gulfport Elections Partisan
Dear Editor: Gulfport’s non-partisan elections are wrong. Gulfport elections, by general consensus, attract a small percentage of eligible voters. Besides general apathy about who sits on the council, relatively few in the Gulfport electorate know anything about the candidates. They know what they learn from lawn signs and self promoting mailings. Political parties identify a candidate’s political ideology, the backbone for what the voter is looking. Incumbents will usually win in non-partisan elections. In the 20 years I have lived here, that is undeniable. – Bruce Plesser, Gulfport
Editor’s Note:
If you’d like to learn more about Gulfport’s candidates, you will also find extensive coverage of them in the Gabber, every election season. Now accepting Humana, Freedom, Optimum, United, Now accepting Humana, Freedom, Optimum, United, Wellmed, Medicare, and most commercial insurance. Wellmed, Medicare, and most commercial insurance.
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