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Kids Paint the Town Spooky in Gabber Contest

Abbagail Rantanen picks her paints.
Photos by Melissa Zodda
By Gabber Staff
Downtown Gulfport shops were bathed in witches, pumpkins and fantastical creations for Halloweendows, the Gabber’s window-painting contest for kids, sponsored by the City of Gulfport on Saturday, October 30. Kids in three age groups had free range to paint their Halloween hearts’ desires on participating shop fronts downtown, including Beach Bazaar & More Bazaar, Neptune Grill, Qi and Caddy’s Gulfport.
Congratulations to Marisol Mujica, 3, Leonara Kalchurina, 7, and Amilya Valltos, 12!
Want more Halloweendows? See the kids’ creations at thegabber. com.

Jayce Valtos was hard at work.

Isadora and Amia pose with their Halloweendows.

Thomas Lynch shows his stuff.

Marisol represents in the youngest category.