4 minute read
Just Say No to Partisan Elections
I am very interested to read Bruce Plesser’s reasoning in his letter entitled “Make Gulfport Elections Partisan,” but I seriously disagree with his conclusion. I do not want more national politics in our city. I do not want to be divided from my neighbors because they belong to a different political party. I would prefer that the candidates did not accept funding from political parties.
I want to know where the candidates stand on our local needs and treasures; what they have done in Gulfport; and what they propose to do. I think The Gabber has done a good job of providing formats for candidates to present themselves and answer questions. I value the city’s role in facilitating candidate forums. I appreciate the way the League of Women Voters and also local volunteers have moderated candidate forums.
It is indeed time consuming to be an informed voter. For those who do not spend the time to be informed, I do not want them to vote for someone just because they are of the same political party, regardless of where they stand on local issues. –Nancy Robinson
Realtor Racism
Yesterday I had a hang tag put on my door advertising a Realtor asking me: “Interested in Moving? Let’s Give Them Something to Taco ‘Bout.” The hang tag has a cartoon of a Mexican taco with his arms spread wide proclaiming his desire to “Taco Bout Selling or Buying.” I imagine a lot of my friends and neighbors in Gulfport also received one of these racist hang tags.
I’m not going to name the Realtor but shame on her. I think she should be embarrassed by her behavior and I’ve written to her, telling her I will NEVER buy or sell a house with a Realtor demonstrating such racist behavior. –Steve Smith
Freedom to Vote
My name is Patricia and I’m writing from St Pete. The 2016 and the 2020 elections have heightened public distrust of our electoral processes. Many Democrats did not trust that the 2016 outcome was correct; Republicans now doubt the 2020 outcome. The Freedom to Vote Act sets national standards for us to safely and freely cast our ballots, ensure every vote is counted and elect people who will deliver for us. This is best for all Americans, regardless of political party. Voting and having our votes counted is the most fundamental of our rights. The modern-day filibuster took root during the Jim Crow era, when it was used to delay passage of important civil rights legislation. And today this rule has stopped even debating the Freedom to Vote Act. In order to realize the promise of democracy for all, Senators (Marco) Rubio and (Rick) Scott must vote yes on the Freedom to Vote Act and not let the filibuster stand in its way. –Patricia Silver
LGBTQ Veterans Tell Their Stories
[It] is quite tacky and rather rude when the very first sentence of the Gabber cover story regarding any veteran on Veterans Day finds it appropriate or necessary to include the words gay and queerness. This day is to represent all veterans with due respect regarding sacrifice and time served. Why would any assume or expect or want the people of a longtime family oriented town to hear or read about their personal sexual preference? That is not what Veterans Day is for or about. Again, is quite tacky and takes from the true meaning the day is supposed to represent. This is not gay history in military day. It is Veterans Day. Joking about Spanx? I come from a family of many veterans of multi wars, including an Air Force commander, some living, some deceased and some in active duty. A dad and four-plus uncles all World War II, a niece in active duty, three brother-in-laws [were] Vietnam vets, one we just had to bury this year as well as more than a few cousins of various branches of military in our large family tree. No living ones local at this time. Nonetheless, I think is highly inappropriate to try to turn Veterans Day into a gay recognition event. –Lannette Ann Olmstead, via Facebook
Of all things to celebrate Veterans Day, The Gabber comes out with an article on queers. If this newspaper is going to start going woke, you can unsubscribe me. Of all of the things that you can say about veterans, you wanna talk about homosexuals? Ridiculous. –Kelly Gamble
The Gabber welcomes and encourages letters and commentary. One letter per person, per month. All letters must be signed with your real name, and should be as brief as possible. Letters may be lightly edited for content, clarity and length. We will not print letters that incite violence, include hate speech or that are intentionally misleading or inaccurate. Letters sent to the Gabber for print will also appear online and on the Gabber’s social media pages. Commentary posted to the Gabber’s website and social media pages may also be used in print. Opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of the Gabber owners, advertisers or staff . Send letters to news@ thegabber.com or mail them to 2908-B Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL, 33707.