1 minute read
Do you have any holiday traditions?
Photos by Gabby Reeder

Evan Dean, NJ: “We don’t really have holiday traditions aside from buying a tree last minute.”

Jazmine Fraga, Manchester, NH: “We listen to one of Andrea Bocelli’s Christmas albums when opening presents.”

Ainsley Bright, Salida, CO: “Holiday tradition: Advent calendar. Each year my mom sets out a box that has 24 little boxes in it. Each day in the month of December leading up to Christmas Day I opened a box. There usually would be a piece of candy and either a dollar or a fun little toy or activity to mess with.”

Dylan McManis, Lawrence, KS: “Every year me and my mom watch ‘A Christmas Story’ together, no matter where we are or who we’re with. It’s not Christmas to us without Ralphie and family celebrating with us.”