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Welcome, 2022
By the time you read this, most of our staff will be in the middle of a week of long-awaited relaxation. We’re all relaxing in our own ways. For part of the week, I’ll be camping on a beach. One of the best things Barry and I did this year was sell my car and buy a travel trailer, because owning a newspaper isn’t exactly a fast-track to sleeping at the Ritz Carlton – and, really, we’re camping people, anyway, so the travel trailer allows us to travel the way we love. It also doesn’t hurt that it’s one of the most affordable ways to travel.
It’s been, in a phrase, a year. I’ve had a few people ask if we regretted buying the paper, and I don’t know what to say, because the answer is complicated: I love journalism, and I love Gulfport. I hate that we write things that upset people. I hate that it’s still a financial struggle some weeks, but I love that we’re able to afford to print the paper every week, and that y’all will read it. I hate that we haven’t found the right editor yet, but I love that we have so many applicants.
It’s exhausting and exhilarating and wonderful and I love it. I have no regrets.
I love, too, that our staff approached us with a new idea this year: Why not celebrate one person in Gulfport who epitomizes a part of Gulfport that makes it a little more Gulfport? My first thought: What a wonderful idea. My second thought: How do we choose just one Gulfportian?
On behalf of everyone at The Gabber, I’m pleased to introduce our final issue of 2021, where we celebrate the past year and one of the people who made it a better one. Please meet our 2021 Gulfportian of the Year, Albert Risemberg.
Please join us in celebrating Albert, the many different faces of Gulfport, and what it means to be part of a community like ours.
Happy 2022, everyone!
–Cathy Cathy@thegabber.com
Creative Director Joey Neill