Best Car Accessories For Your Long Journeys Going on a long drive inevitably means that you need a lot of car gadgets. Here are some of the best car accessories you must have a look at. From docking your phones to having a car bin to a proper seat for your pets, the list is endless. FOBO Bluetooth Tire Pressure Monitoring System When you are on those long drives, you often need to check your tyre’s pressure. The FOBO is designed to help you check that pressure automatically on the go. This device comes with a corresponding mobile app and includes four tyre sensors one in car unit. The entire system together will help you measure your car’s tyre pressure on the go. No more stopping by the roadside and trying to figure out the existing tyre pressure anymore. USB Aromatherapy Diffuser For Your Car There are so many things in our car that it often smells too bad. What you need in such cases is a cool aromatherapy diffuser. It will distribute the aroma evenly in the car and make those obnoxious smells go away. The columnar shape of the diffuser will blend with your car decor, the purpose of which is to keep your car smelling fresh all the time. A must have for those who often head out for those long drives. KlipAL – The Ultimate Smartphone Companion Docking your Smartphone in the car is often so difficult. But not anymore if you have something as cool as the KlipAL Smartphone companion. This ultra versatile Smartphone holder is one of the best accessories car lovers would love to make use of. From using it as a dock to a photography stand, this companion is perfect for the modern Smartphone users. Use it to dock your smartphones in the car and take your mobile navigation to a new level on the go.