2 minute read

What God is looking for regarding Worship


What God is looking for regarding Worship?


Remember the woman at the well? She had a very interesting conversation with Jesus that describes in detail what God is seeking. Let's take a look....

John 4:23-24 " yet, a time is coming and now is, when true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is a Spirit and His worshippers must worship in Spirit and in truth."

She asked Jesus should they worship here or worship there? I see it these days like this; people thinking worship is just in a church with a worship team, it's just music, it's just like this one sound or that one body of believers. Jesus laid out the formula for her day and every generation since then. He is looking for Spirit filled worship from a pure place of truth, no masks, no striving, no performance, no pitiful praise, but true worship!!!!!


Let's take a walk for a minute in the garden with Jesus....not just any garden, but YOUR garden! You may say to me 'but Jenny, I don’t have one'. We all have a garden it’s the place in our hearts that’s for the Lord.

For some, its thriving and beautiful and they are now wanting to see different levels and realms of the garden.

For others, it may be overgrown with weeds and not used much, if at all. No matter where you are at today with your garden we are all going to begin to examine the areas where we need to invite the Holy Spirit to take us up to new heights in our walk through this garden with Jesus.

Think this week work on the Garden of the Lord by getting your hands dirty, and pulling up weeds and preparing the soil. Let's get started!!

Jenny Weaver

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