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Upcoming Events

themselves. Sherwood Forest Nursery and Garden Center, 2653 Barrett Station Rd., Manchester, MO 63021. RSVP requested to Sherwood Forest at (314) 966-0028.
Upcoming Events Meetings, Classes, Entertainment and More
Updates to this information are often posted on our online events calendar at www. GatewayGardener.com, so check there for the latest details.
Give us the details of your upcoming gardening, lawn or landscaping event and we’ll add it to our website and include it in our next issue. Deadline for printing in the September issue is August 1st.
How to reach us: Mail: PO Box 220853
St. Louis, MO 63122 Email: info@gatewaygardener. com
Fun for Kids
May 6th
9am-Children’s Garden Club. Mother’s Day Baskets and Planting Veggies. Queeny Park – Nursery #1, 1675 S. Mason Rd. (Queeny Park East Entrance), St. Louis 63131. Sponsored by Wiethop Greenhouses. Please RSVP to Wiethops at 314-821-2598.
June 3rd
9am—Children’s Garden Club. Summer Color Bowl. FREE, no reservations required, everyone welcome. The Children’s Garden Club is designed to educate and bring delight in gardening to children with projects they do
Plant Sales, Garden Tours and Other Events
May 4th
Evening in the Garden. Passiglia Landscape, Nursery & Garden Center, 1855 MO-109, Wildwood, MO 63038. (636) 458-9202, passiglia@passiglia. com. Passiglia.com.
May 5th-6th
3-7pm Fri. (members only), 9am-1pm Sat.—Spring Wildflower Market. Shop from a wide selection of Missouri native wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, vines, sedges and trees suitable for all conditions and grown by local nurseries in the region. Talk to native plant experts and enjoy beer, wine, spirits, cheese, honey, crafts and more. Shaw Nature Reserve.
Noon-9pm Fri., 9am-5pm Sat.— Gardeners of Florissant Annual Sale. During Valley of Flowers weekend in Florissant. Annuals, perennials and beautiful hanging baskets will be available along with a variety of heirloom and hybrid tomatoes; hot, super hot, and sweet peppers; herbs; and possibly other vegetables. Sale will be on the Ice Rink at the James J. Eagan Civic Center 1 James J. Eagan Civic Center.
May 6th
9am-3pm—Franklin County Master Gardeners Plant Sale. JC Penney parking lot in Washington, MO. Shop from a wide selection of plants.
May 6th
8:30am-12:30pm—Webster Groves Women’s Garden Association Plant Sale. Homegrown shade and sun perennials, natives, container plants and specimen hostas from a Hosta Society member garden. Garden club members will answer questions about growing and caring for your plants. Proceeds fund support of Webster Groves schools, Ruhe Park Garden and community organizations. First Congregational Church of Webster Groves parking lot, 10 W. Lockwood. Cash, credit, debit and checks accepted. wgwga.org.
9am-noon—Mason Ridge Garden Club Annual Plant Sale. Perennials and native plants from the Longview gardens and members’ gardens. Proceeds directly benefit the Longview Gardens. Cash or check only. Longview Farm Park,13525 Clayton Road, the northwest corner of Clayton and Mason, Town and Country. (314) 479-3156 or claire@ chosid.us.
May 7th
10am-5pm—Washington County in Bloom Flower Festival. Seed and plant swap. Craft and Plant booths, 5 expert speakers presenting workshops, food trucks and more. Forshana Farm, 16270 W. State Highway 8, Potosi, MO. Visit WashCoFlowerFestival. com for more info.
May 13th
9am-3pm—Plant America Garden Expo. 308 Civic Park Drive. Activities for kids, plant sales, growing vegetables, flowers, garden clubs. Geo cache Treasure hunt, vegetable gardening, composting, native trees and plants, food trucks, and nature tours. Sponsored by Jardin du Lac, Boone Country, Fleur de Lis and O’Fallon Garden Clubs, and MO Green Future. (314) 850- 4831 (call or text) and PlantAmericaGardenExpo@ gmail.com.
May 13th
9am-5pm—65th Annual African Violet Show & Sale
“Visions of Violets.” Presented by the Metropolitan St. Louis African Violet Council. Horticulture-Design exhibits, educational info and supplies. African violets and other gesneriads. Area growers will be on hand to give plant care advice and share information about this organization. Open to the public and free with Garden admission. Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Blvd., St. Louis 63110.
Yogi Donuts. Passiglia Landscape, Nursery & Garden Center, 1855 MO-109, Wildwood, MO 63038. (636) 458-9202, passiglia@passiglia. com. Passiglia.com.
10am-2pm—Native Plant Sale. Presented by Grow Native! World Bird Sanctuary. 125 Bald Eagle Ridge Rd., Valley Park, 62035. Entry fee to World Bird Santuary is $8/car for one adult, $12/car for multiple passengers. 9am-noon—Kirkwood Garden Club Plant Sale. Kirkwood Train Station, Kirkwood, MO.
8am-noon—Mississippi Valley Garden Club Plant Sale. Alton-Wood River Sportsman’s Club., 3109 Godfrey Rd, Godfrey, IL 62035. We will have many perennials, herbs, natives and houseplants. Irises, daylilies, hosta, and more.
Gently used gardening items, books.
May 19th-20th
5-8pm Fri., 7am-noon Sat.
O’Fallon MO Garden Club Plant Sale. Native plants, annuals, herbs and houseplants from club members own collections. Gently used gardening items, books, etc. Experienced gardeners available for assistance. 46 Spangle Way Dr., O’Fallon, MO 63366. Visit www. ofallonmogarden.com.
May 20th
Evergreen Meadow Walking Tour. Join one of Bellefontaine Cemetery and Arboretum’s horticulturalists for a walking tour exploring the natural areas on the east side of the property. From meadow to forest, this tour will explore native plants and plant communities and discuss the natural history of BCA and the surrounding region. We will also discuss the value of restoring native areas and their impact on wildlife. Be prepared to walk on uneven terrain with moderate slopes. Upon arrival to 4947 W. Florissant Ave, a greeter will give parking and meeting instructions.To register for this event, email outreach@ mopraire.org or call 636-303-
7418. Sponsored by Missouri Prairie Foundation and Grow Native!
May 28th
Supporting Native Bees in the Home Garden. Passiglia Landscape, Nursery & Garden Center, 1855 MO-109, Wildwood, MO 63038. (636) 458-9202, passiglia@passiglia. com. Passiglia.com.
June 2nd and 3rd
Conifer Society Central Region Conference and Speaker Series. Features the renowned horticulturist Panayoti Kelaidis as keynote speaker on Friday evening, coach buses to four beautiful conifer gardens on Saturday, conifer auctions and more. For details, and registration, visit conifersociety.org/news-events/ event/2023-central-regionannual-meeting/. Registration closes May 10th. Event is at Double Tree by Hilton Conference Center, 10100 College Blvd., Overland Park, KS.
June 10th 9am-5pm—St. Louis
Carnivorous Plant Society
Annual Sale. Missouri Botanical Garden Jack C. Taylor Visitor Center. 4344 Shaw Blvd., St. Louis, 63110.
Master Gardener Speakers Bureau volunteers are available to speak to garden clubs, church, civic and other groups.
Choose from 53 programs, including A Dark Side to Winter Damage, Backyard Composting, Soil Preparation, Daylilies, Orchids, and more.
Explore the complete list of topics at www.stlmg.org. Look for the Speakers Bureau tab in the top margin.
(A $50 fee funds Master Gardener programming in our community.)
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The Gateway Gardener PO Box 220853 St. Louis, MO 63122