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Upcoming Events
Updates to this information are often posted on our online events calendar at GatewayGardener. com, so check there for the latest details.
Give us the details of your upcoming gardening, lawn or landscaping event and we’ll add it to our website and include it in our next issue. Deadline for printing in March 2021 issue is February 1, 2021.
How to reach us: Mail: PO Box 220853, St. Louis, MO 63122 Email: info@gatewaygardener. com
U City in Bloom Plein Air
Festival. This year’s event will take place virtually. Visit UCityinBloom.org for details.
Now through Oct. 2nd Hillermann Bucks Redemption
Days. Redeem your Hillermann Bucks during these days! Match dollar for dollar with real cash, for up to 50% off your purchase (depending on how many you have collected). Use them for in-stock merchandise in the Garden Center, Nursery, and Greenhouse. See the back of the bucks for rules. October Bucks will be accepted during this time in 2020. October Bucks will expire after the year 2020. Hillermann Nursery & Florist, 2601 E. 5 th St., Washington, MO. (636) 239-6729, hillermann.com.
Now through Oct. 23 rd , Mon., Wed. and Fri. Blooming Minds Series: Education & Connection in the
Garden. An 8-week series for independent learners to foster a love and appreciation of nature, science and plants. Focusing on a different topic every week, weaving together science, history, arts and crafts. For children 1 st through 5 th grade. A wonderful opportunity to take a break from screen time and discover the positive, healing connection that time in the garden can offer. Group size is limited to six to ensure safe social distancing, and some classes are already sold out, so be sure to visit greenscapegardens. com/events to check out the list of classes and register. Greenscape Gardens, 2832 Barrett Station Rd. Manchester, MO, 314-821-2440.
Oct. 3 rd
9am-2pm—Native Plant Expo & Sale. Plant Sale only, no swap or sharing of plants or seeds. Face coverings and physical distance required of ALL attending. Entrance/exit strictly controlled to limit on-site numbers. Please come back later if you see a line at entrance. Shop on-site or preorder from Missouri Wildflowers Nursery, Forrest Keeling Nursery, River City Natives, or Papillon Perennials. Proceeds benefit St. Louis Audubon’s Bring Conservation Home Program. www.stlouisaudubon.org/BCH. Hosted by The St. Louis Brewery, Schlafly Bottleworks, 7260 Southwest Ave., Maplewood, MO 63143.
Oct. 13th
1:30pm—Creating a Bottle
Terrarium: Four Seasons
Gardening. Explore the enclosed world of bottle terrariums, the self-contained plant environments within glass. Join Horticulture Educator Bruce Black to explore terrariums, their needs, and how to create a bottle version of a terrarium. University of Illinois Extension Four Seasons Gardening Webinar. To register visit go.illinois.edu/fourseasons and click on the specific webinar link.
Oct. 15 th
4-8pm—Green Curbside Hop. Featuring tasty treats from a variety of Green Dining Alliance restaurants in Maplewood—the nation’s first Green Dining District! Every participating restaurant will have a delectable tasty treat to tickle your taste buds. Visit each stop to pick up your sample, then pop over to the Earthday365 booth to pick up your Festival gift bag full of items and info to help you live your best green life (courtesy of St. Louis Earth Day Festival vendors). The entire event is designed for COVID safety and built-in social distancing. This event is a fundraiser for earthday365 and Green Dining Alliance (GDA) Relief Fund to help restaurants stay true to the green commitments under pandemic restrictions. For tickets, visit earthday365.org/ green-curbside-hop/
Oct. 17 th -18 th
Give Back to the Earth. Subaru gives back by sponsoring three socially-distanced volunteer cleanups around the St. Louis region for Earth Day’s Half Birthday. Gloves and bags will be provided, and each volunteer will receive a Festival Gift Bag. Masks required! RSVP at earthday365.org/earthday-half-birthday.
Oct. 18 th Earthday365 Half-Birthday
Speaker Series. An afternoon of environmental thought leaders and activists addressing the impacts of climate change and what you can do about it. Speakers include Zeke Hausfather, leading climate change model expert, David Lobbig, Curator of the Mighty Mississippi exhibit at the History Museum, and Myra Jackson of the Global Freshwaters Summit. In addition, there will be St. Louis Earth Day vendor and exhibitor video highlights, updated Experience Areas, a Scavenger Hunt and more—all online! Look for more information on earthday365.org’s Virtual Programs page.
Oct. 24 th -25 th
10am-4pm—Ghouls in the Garden Scavenger Hunt. A safe and socially distanced alternative to MBG’s usual Ghouls in the Garden children’s event. Go on a selfguided Halloween scavenger hunt, with family-friendly entertainment offered each afternoon. Costumes are acceptable as long as proper facial coverings can be worn (ages nine and over). Dated general admission tickets are required to enter the Garden in addition to online event registration. Visit the Garden ticketing website at missouribotanicalgarden.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110, 314-577-3100.
Oct. 25 th -31 st Tree Week at Missouri Botanical
Garden. A week to celebrate MBG’s tree collection, the horticulturists and arborists who care for it, and the season when trees and fall colors take center stage. Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110, 314-577-5100.
Nov. 1 st
1:30pm—History of Forest
Pest Outbreaks: Four Seasons
Gardening. North America has a history of exotic pests that extirpate individual tree species. Emerald Ash Borer serves as our modern example. In our current, ever-globalizing society there is significant risk for future outbreaks that may impact our trees, from the urban forest to our woodlands. JoinIllinois Extension Horticulture Educator Ryan Pankau as he examines past outbreaks on our continent to compare what we have learned historically with the current pests threatening our native trees. University of Illinois Extension Four Seasons Gardening Webinar. To register visit go.illinois.edu/fourseasons and click on the specific webinar link.
Nov. 7 th
10am-2pm—Native Tree Walk
at Bellefontaine Cemetery &
Arboretum. Enjoy a fall walk on the beautiful grounds of historic Bellefontaine Cemetery & Arboretum with Horticulture Supervisor Matt Garrett or other staff. Learn about the many naitve trees and wildlife conservation activities at Bellefontaine. Free. Limited t0 25. To register call (636) 303-7418. Upon arrival at 4947 Florissant Ave., a greeter will give parking and meeting instructions. Presented by Missouri Prairie Foundation, moprairie.org.