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Upcoming Events
Updates to this information are often posted on our online events calendar at GatewayGardener.com, so check there for the latest details.
Give us the details of your upcoming gardening, lawn or landscaping event and we’ll add it to our website and include it in our next issue. Deadline for printing in Winter issue (November-February) is October 10th . How to reach us: Mail: PO Box 220853, St. Louis, MO 63122 Email: info@gatewaygardener.com
Oct. 2nd
9am—St. Louis County Parks and Recreation Children’s Garden Club.
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THE GatewayGardener®
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Please make your check payable to The Gateway Gardener and mail it with this form to: The Gateway Gardener • PO Box 220853 St. Louis, MO 63122
Oct. 24th
11am-2pm—Ghouls in the Garden. Celebrate Halloween at a special trick-ortreating event. Come in costume and visit several stations throughout the Garden to fill your treat bag with special goodies. See the circus, dance with some trolls, and huff and puff with Three Little Pigs. Enjoy music, dancing, and photo opportunities. FREE for members-only, advance registration required. Membership level determines the number of free entries you receive. Nonmember guests beyond your allotment cannot register for the event, but may purchase general Garden admission tickets in advance to participate. Ticket availability is limited. Visit the Garden ticketing website at missouribotanicalgarden.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110, 314-577-3100.
Nov. 6th
9am—St. Louis County Parks and Recreation Children’s Garden Club. FREE. Planthaven Farms Garden Center. 6703 Telegraph Rd., Oakville, MO. Subject to safety guidelines.
Now through Oct. 3nd
Hillermann Bucks Redemption Days. Redeem your Hillermann Bucks during these days! Match dollar for dollar with real cash, for up to 50% off your purchase (depending on how many you have collected). Use them for in-stock merchandise in the Garden Center, Nursery, and Greenhouse. See the back of the bucks for rules. October Bucks will be accepted during this time in 2020. October Bucks will expire after the year 2020. Hillermann Nursery & Florist, 2601 E. 5th St., Washington, MO. (636) 239-6729, hillermann.com.
Oct. 1st-3rd
Noon-8pm Fri., 9am-5pm Sat. and Sun.— Best of Missouri Market. Handmade artisan and craft items, and food, mostly from Missouri artists and producers, including native plants from Missouri Wildflower Nursery. Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw, St. Louis.
Oct. 6th
4-5pm—Grow Native! Webinar: Skippers in Your Backyard. What are those mini jet-like insects flying around your asters, goldenrods and other fallblooming flowers? They’re skippers—day fliers like butterflies, but with stout hairy bodies like moths. Join Dawn Weber as she shares information about common skippers found in home landscapes, and the native host and nectar plants that support them. The webinar, to be held via Zoom, will be 45 minutes including a question and answer session. The webinar will be recorded, and sent to all registrants as well as posted to the Grow Native! YouTube channel. Register at GrowNative.org/events. FREE.
Oct. 15th
6pm—Birding Without Borders: A Program by Noah Strycker. Noted
birding book author Noah Stryker will share humorous and inspiring stories and slides detailing experiences from his big birding year described in his book Birding Without Borders. The book chronicles his 365-day quest to document as many as possible of the estimated 10,000 bird species on the planet. The program is part of the Jacquelyn K. Jones lecture series hosted by the Friends of the Mizzou Botanic Garden. Additionally, a representative from the Missouri Department of Conservation will talk about MDC’s program to reintroduce brownheaded nuthatches to Missouri. Monsanto Auditorium in the MU Bond Life Sciences Center on the MU campus in Columbia, MO. No registration is necessary. Those unable to attend can view the program live on the University’s YouTube link found at garden.missouri.edu.
Oct. 20th
4-5pm—Grow Native! Webinar: Contemporary Art and the Prairie. Join this panel discussion that brings together the communities of the Missouri Prairie Foundation and the Kansas City Art Institute in a shared passion for the landscapes in which we reside. Featuring 3 Midwest artists whose creative practices focus on the rich and nuanced significance the prairie has in our understanding of time, self and place. The webinar, to be held via Zoom, will be 45 minutes including a question and answer session. The webinar will be recorded, and sent to all registrants as well as posted to the Grow Native! YouTube channel. Register at GrowNative.org/events. FREE.
Nov. 6th
9-10am—Field Trip: Bellefontaine Fall Tree Walk. Enjoy a fall walk on the beautiful grounds of Bellefontaine Cemetery & Arboretum in St. Louis with Horticulture Supervisor Matt Garrett or other staff. Learn about the many native trees and wildlife conservation activities at Bellefontaine. The one-mile walking tour is FREE. Limited to 15 people. To register, email outreach@moprairie.org or call (573) 808-7007. Presented by Missouri Prairie Foundation, moprairie.org.