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Upcoming Events

Updates to this information are often posted on our online events calendar at GatewayGardener.com, so check there for the latest details.

Give us the details of your upcoming gardening, lawn or landscaping event and we’ll add it to our website and include it in our next issue. Deadline for printing in Winter issue (NovemberFebruary) is October 1st.

How to reach us: Mail: PO Box 220853, St. Louis, MO 63122 Email: info@gatewaygardener.com

U City in Bloom Plein Air Festival.

This year’s event will take place virtually. Visit UCityinBloom.org for details.

Now through Sept. 18 th

Brightside St. Louis Bulb Sale. Now is the time to order your Brightside bulbs. Brightside Red hybrid Darwin tulip has returned. Also available are Pink Impression hybrid tulips, plus the popular Carlton daffodils and Brightside’s exclusive Midwest Mix that includes six varieties of hearty daffodils. Visit www.Brightsidestl.org to view bulbs and submit an order or print out a mail-in order. Or call (314) 772- 4646 before Sept. 18th. Orders will be available in October.

Sept. 3 rd

Pumpkin Field Day. Learn more about commercial pumpkin production including fertility management, variety selection, no-till production and insect disease and weed management. Onehour tours at 10a.m., 1p.m. and 2p.m. with a limit of 20 people on each tour. Presenters will be on hand to address various pest and production-related topics. Light refreshments will be provided. This program is FREE, but pre-registration is REQUIRED. Please register online at: https://web.extension. illinois.edu/registration/?Registration ID=22482 Registered participants will be notified via email should any such changes be made due to local or state guidelines. It is highly suggested that masks be worn and we will be practicing social distancing. For more information, call 618-939-3434.

Sept. 4 th

11am-3pm—American Red Cross Blood Drive at Hillermann’s. Give blood and join the lifesaving mission. A mask is required to donate (masks will be available if you don’t have one). There will be temperature checks and a text will notify you when to enter. All blood donations are tested for COVID-19 antibodies - results are sent to the donor app 7-10 days later. Donors will receive a free t-shirt. To make an appointment, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Hillermann Nursery & Florist, 2601 E. 5 th St., Washington, MO. (636) 239-6729, hillermann.com.

Sept. 12th

9am-4pm—“Naturally Different” Gardening Event. Featuring G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time) native plants, including the fabulous pawpaw tree. Sample pawpaw fruit and learn how Missouri’s native fruit tree can be used in any landscape. Morning and afternoon “goat yoga” sessions, native plantings tours, including a silvipasture process featuring sheep. Experts available to help you choose plant collections for pollinators, songbirds, edibles and rain gardens. Preorder plants or purchase ticket for goat yoga at https://bit.ly/ ShopNatives. Event is free except for $30 for pre-paid yoga tickets. Forrest Keeling Nursery, 88 Forrest Keeling Lane, Elsberry, MO 63343. 800-FKN2401, forrestkeeling.com.

Sept. 12 th

11am-1:30pm—Missouri Prairie Foundation Native Plant Sale. Preorder pick up only, no sales day of event. Contact vendors directly to make your orders by Sept 10. World Bird Sanctuary, 125 Bald Eagle Ridge Road, Valley Park, MO. Vendors: River City Natives. https://www. rivercitynatives.com/shop Gaylena’s Garden. View the plant list on Facebook and submit your order via email to gaylenasgarden@ gmail.: https://www.facebook.com/ Gaylenas-Garden-103825317932028/ Ozark Soul. Order via email or phone: natives@ozarksoul.com; 816-809-4062. Please visit www.ozarksoul.com/ozarksoul.php for a current availability list. In your email or voicemail, please include your phone number and note the date and location of event. Forrest Keeling Nursery. Order by calling 800-356-2401 or online: https:// forrest-keeling-nursery.myshopify.com/

Sept. 19 th -Oct. 2nd

Hillermann Bucks Redemption Days. Redeem your Hillermann Bucks during these days! Match dollar for dollar with real cash, for up to 50% off your purchase (depending on how many you have collected). Use them for in-stock merchandise in the Garden Center, Nursery, and Greenhouse. See the back of the bucks for rules. October Bucks will be accepted during this time in 2020. October Bucks will expire after the year 2020. Hillermann Nursery & Florist, 2601 E. 5 th St., Washington, MO. (636) 239-6729, hillermann.com.

Sept. 19 th

8am-noon—Monarchs at the Meadows. Learn about monarchs and the native plants that host them. Pick up pre-orders from Forrest Keeling Nursery and Missouri Wildflower Nursery (visit their websites to order). Experts from Wild Ones, Missouri Pollinator Network and more. Meadow Circle Dr., South Parking Lot facing Technology Dr. and Hwy. 40., Lake St. Louis, MO.

Oct. 2 nd 3 rd and 4 th

Noon-8pm Friday, 9am-5pm Sun. and Mon.—Best of Missouri Market. Handmade artisan and craft items, and food, mostly from Missouri artists and producers, including native plants from Missouri Wildflower Nursery. Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw, St. Louis.

A pond adds a beautiful, natural and relaxing focal point to your garden.

Our local member hobbyists can help answer your pond and fish questions. Join us on Facebook, visit our website or sign-up for a complimentary newsletter. Keep track of local, regional and national ponding events with our online calendar. Our Sponsor page has listings of pondrelated businesses in the Bi-State area. View photos, blogs and videos of ponds, plants, filtration, Koi varieties and more. Detailed info at www.gatewaykoiandpondclub.org or email pamjokerst@gmail.com.

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