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Upcoming Events
Parks and Recreation Children’s Garden Club.
FREE. Greenscape Gardens & Gifts, 2832 Barrett Station Rd., Manchester, MO, 314-8212440.
Updates to this information are often posted on our online events calendar at GatewayGardener.com, so check there for the latest details.
Give us the details of your upcoming gardening, lawn or landscaping event and we’ll add it to our website and include it in our next issue. Deadline for printing in Winter issue (November-February) is October 1st.
How to reach us: Mail: PO Box 220853, St. Louis, MO 63122 Email: info@gatewaygardener. com
Sept. 10th 9am—St. Louis County
Oct. 1st
9am—St. Louis County Parks
and Recreation Children’s
Garden Club. FREE. Sherwood’s Forest Nursery & Garden Center. 2651 Barrett Station Rd., Manchester, MO 63021.
Now through Sept. 16th Brightside St. Louis Bulb Sale. Now is the time to order your Brightside bulbs. Brightside Red hybrid Darwin tulip has returned. Also available are Pink Impression hybrid tulips, plus the popular Carlton daffodils and Brightside’s exclusive Midwest Mix that includes six varieties of hearty daffodils. Visit www. Brightsidestl.org to view bulbs and submit an order or print out a mail-in order. Or call (314) 772-4646 before Sept. 16th. Orders will be available Sept. 30th amd Oct. 1st.
Sept. 8th 5-7pm—Fall Planting Party. Bring your pots to fill with fall color. A great time with friends! RSVP to reserve a table at (314) 846-0078. Planthaven Farms, 6703 Telegraph Rd., Oakville.
Sept 9th 8am-noon—Grow Native! Native by Design. Successful Native Gardens for Pollinators and People. Learn about a variety of native garden design, stewardship topics from six speakers and enjoy breakfast with other native gardening enthusiasts. $15 for students with valid I.D. $25 for MPF members and its Grow Native! Program, $30 for non-members. Price includes buffet breakfast. Register at grownative.org. Leclaire Room at the N. O. Nelson Campus of Lewis and Clark Community College, Edwardsville, IL.
Master Gardener Speakers Bureau volunteers are available to speak to garden clubs, church, civic and other groups. Choose from 53 programs, including A Dark Side to Winter Damage, Backyard Composting, Soil Preparation, Daylilies, Orchids, and more. Explore the complete list of topics at www.stlmg.org. Look for the Speakers Bureau tab in the top margin. (A $50 fee funds Master Gardener programming in our community.) Sept. 10th 10am—Concrete Leaf Class. Learn how to make a concrete leaf for your home or garden using assorted leaves. Your leaf will need to stay and dry and cure for 3 days after the class before taking home.
Tim Gamma – B.S. Horticulture Board Certi ed Master Arborist Tom Gamma ISA Certi ed Arborist
Instructions on painting at home will be given out at the class. $30.00. Space is limited. Please call 636-239-6729 to sign up. Hillermann Nursery & Florist, www.hillermann.com.
Sept. 9th 3-7pm—Fall Wildflower Market. Talk to native plant experts and shop from a wide selection of native plants suitable for all conditions. Cash and checks, some vendors take credit cards. Shaw Nature Reserve, Hwy. 100 & I-44, Gray Summit, MO. For more information visit missouribotanicalgarden.org.
Sept. 15th 6:30pm—Maples for Missouri Landscapes. Jim Van Valkenburg of Sherwood’s Forest Nursery & Garden Center. Part of the Patio Garden Speakers Series hosted by the St. Louis Elks. Contact Doug Wolter at drwplants@gmail. com with questions. Elks Lodge #9, 12481 Ladue Rd., St. Louis. This event is open to the public.
Sept. 16th-18th Missouri Master Gardener Association 2022 Annual Conference. Hosted by Central Missouri Master Gardeners, Lake Area Master Gardeners and Missouri Master Gardeners Association. Two days of tours and educational opportunities, plus a pre-conference advanced education opportunity on Friday. All Missouri Master Gardeners as well as those who enjoy gardens and nature are invited to register (registration closed Aug. 22). Capitol Plaza, Jefferson City. See momga.org for details.
Sept. 17th 9am-3pm—Passiglia’s Fall Festival. Booths filled will
Local Vendor’s unique one-ofa-kind products, Live Music, Food and Beverages from local vendors, A Kid’s Korner with a small animal petting zoo and pony rides noon to 2pm, special offers for this event. Register for prizes. Passiglia’s Nursery, 1855 Hwy 109, Wildwood. Call 636-431-4061 or visit passiglia. com.
10am—Fall Burlap Wreath Class - Join us in making a beautiful burlap wreath for your front door. You will learn how to make the wreath base from burlap, make the ribbon loops for the center and decorate it with permanent fall botanicals. $40.00. Space is limited. Please call 636-239-6729 to sign up. Hillermann Nursery & Florist, www.hillermann.com.
Noon-4pm—Illinois-Indiana District American Rose Society Meeting and Show. Open to the public. Community Center Building, Gordon Moore Park, 4550 College Ave., Alton, IL, 62002. For more info, email roseyacres!gmail.com.
Sept. 22nd 5-7pm—Fall Planting Party. Bring your pots to fill with fall color. A great time with friends! RSVP to reserve a table at (314) 846-0078. Planthaven Farms, 6703 Telegraph Rd., Oakville.
Sept. 23rd-25th 3-5pm Fri., 9am-5pm Sat., 10am-2pm Sun.—20th Annual Northern Midwest ZNA Koi Show & Pond Expo. The event will be held at Timberwinds Nursery in Ellisville, MO and is open to the public with free admission. There will be raffles, attendance prizes, koi judging and speakers on various topics of ponding and gardening Saturday, along with the judges’ talk and tour of the tanks on Sunday. Show koi will be removed from tanks for transport home on Sunday at noon. Koi, goldfish and pond & garden-related vendors will be open all three days. Show schedule is available on www.nmzna.net and www. gatewaykoiandpondclub. org. Come enjoy the beautiful living jewels of Japan! Fun for the whole family! Outdoor event-rain or shine! Gateway Koi and Pond Club hosts monthly educational meetings and fun events. Check us out on the website above and on Facebook! Or call 314-2769461.
Sept. 24th 10am—Concrete Leaf Class. Learn how to make a concrete leaf for your home or garden using assorted leaves. Your leaf will need to stay and dry and cure for 3 days after the class before taking home. Instructions on painting at home will be given out at the class. $30.00. Space is limited. Please call 636-239-6729 to SPLASH Pond and Garden Tour. Visit beautiful water gardens, ponds, and outdoor spaces. Breakfast, lunch and dinner included. Proceeds support Project Healing Waters. Visit Chalily.com for details or call 636-527-2001.
Sept. 25th 1-2pm—Learn about Healing and Meditation Gardens. Part of Passiglia’s Walk & Talk educational programs. Walks start at the nursery patio. Also enjoy a yoga class taught by Maria Nisbet to get you started on your zen. Passiglia’s Nursery, 1855 Hwy 109, Wildwood. Call 636-431-4061 or visit passiglia.com.

Sept. 30th 3-6pm--Native Plant Sale. Roeslein & Associates. 9200 Watson Rd., 63126 Oct. 7th-9th Noon-8pm Friday, 9am-5pm Sat. and Sun. (8-9am Sat. members only)—Best of Missouri Market. Handmade artisan and craft items, and food, mostly from Missouri artists and producers, including native plants from Missouri Wildflower Nursery. Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw, St. Louis.
Oct. 9th 5-7pm—U City in Bloom Plein Air Festival. This year’s event features an art show, reception and sale at University City Community Center, 975 Pennsylvania Ave. 63130. For further information contact Judy Prange at judyprange@outlook. com. Visit UCityinBloom.org.
11am-3pm—Family Fun Days! Petting zoo and more. Planthaven Farms, 6703 Telegraph Rd., Oakville.
The 20th Northern Midwest ZNA Koi Show hosted by Gateway Koi and Pond Club
& POND EXPO SEPTEMBER 23, 24 & 25, 2022
Fri. 3-5pm, Sat. 9am-5pm and Sun. 10am-2pm TIMBERWINDS NURSERY 54 CLARKSON ROAD ELLISVILLE, MO 63011
Free event. For more information visit www.nmzna.net, www.gatewaykoiandpondclub.org or call 314-276-9461.