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Customised solutions
The GCSP was born out of a tailor-made course designed to meet the specific needs of government actors. We continue to grow with and through our partners, who have diversified across sectors and around the world to include international organisations, NGOs, civil society organisations, media and the private sector. We partner with organisations worldwide to design and deliver highly customised courses and solutions to meet their specific needs and prepare them to effectively respond to the challenges they are facing. To do this we draw on our leading-edge expertise built throughout the last 25 years, and which we continuously develop to reflect the changing world in which we live.
We design and deliver interactive learning journeys, employing a broad range of modern education and facilitation methods.
We are commi ed to providing Swiss quality and excellence at all levels.
We focus on the knowledge, skills and mindsets professionals need to be more effective in their roles.
We offer a learning environment that enables the co-creation of knowledge by bringing together academics, practitioners and participants. NEEDS DRIVEN
We foster a sense of community in our courses and through our global Alumni Network, which connects professionals worldwide.
We embrace diversity as a fundamental learning principle, while enhancing understanding of the value of inclusivity and building capacity in order to realise it.
At the GCSP we are driven by the urge to create a lasting impact and to make a difference in the world through all our activities. This is particularly true of our customised solutions. We do this by investing time up front to fully understand the context of our partners, their strategic policy and organisational needs, and what outcomes they want to achieve through the joint project. We co-design the interventions. Our courses and customised solutions take place in Geneva, in our partners’ locations globally or fully virtually.
Examples of high-impact projects include
▪ A Strategic Foresight course for the Executive Office of the UN
▪ Crisis Management and Leadership courses for the Swiss Confederation, the European Commission, the World Health Organization and Swissbased NGOs
▪ A series of ten virtual Executive Sense-making Retreats for 130 senior
health emergency responders for a UN agency and its 250+ partner institutions, providing “in the moment” leadership and experience sharing during a challenging time for many of them ▪ A global assessment of the International Organisation for Migration’s leadership and a proposal for a leadership development strategy prepared by the Geneva Leadership Alliance
▪ An Inspiring Women Leaders course in partnership with the Kofi Annan
International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) in Ghana, and with the EU and UN in Kosovo
▪ Virtual course on Leadership in Mediation for the Mediterranean Women
Mediators Network in partnership with Durham University
▪ A partnership with the National Training Academy of Egypt (NTA), for which we designed a four-month residential and online course on Adapting to Changing Contexts, as part of the NTA’s Executive
Presidential Leadership Programme (EPLP)
▪ Courses on Effective Governance for participants from across various sectors, including government and civil society (presented for Tunisian diplomats for the first time in 2020)
▪ A customised course on Leadership for Peace through Conflict Analysis,
Resolution and Management for Georgian nationals on behalf of the
Foundation for European Future