5 minute read
TAIWANFEST Taiwan’s buried Japanese literature brought to light
by Charlie Smith
Many people think of Taiwan as a Mandarin-speaking island nation south of Japan. In fact, its literary tradition includes a great deal of writing in Japanese, which has escaped the attention of many book lovers.
Vancouver resident Iris Chen, curator of the Taiwan Bookstore at TAIWANfest, only discovered this after enrolling in online courses offered through a private school in Taiwan.
“I spent the whole year systematically reading Taiwanese literature from 1895 until now,” Chen tells the Straight over Zoom. “I read about 355 books last year.”
She was able to do this with the Readmoo app, which makes Taiwanese literature available online. One of her teachers, Hao-Wei Sheng, offers several courses focused on Japanese-language literature by Taiwanese writers. “He spent a lot of effort to translate and to document all that,” Chen says.
Taiwan was a Japanese colony from 1895 to 1945, when a great deal of this literature was created. But after Chinese nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek imposed martial law on Taiwan after the Second World War, the Japanese language was suppressed and
Yu-Hsun Chu has written a book focusing on the courage of Taiwanese writers under martial law. this literature disappeared from public consciousness. It’s only emerging now through the efforts of Sheng and others.
“So, basically, we have to relearn everything in Mandarin,” Chen says. “When I looked at this, I thought, ‘That’s ridiculous. We have such a rich culture.’”
Another of her instructors, Yu-Hsun (Chuck) Chu, is the author of When They Were Not Writing Novels: Portraits of Novelists From Taiwan Under Martial Law, which reveals what novelists did during Taiwan’s four decades of dictatorship after the Second World War. Chu will speak in Mandarin about this book at the Vancouver Public Library as part of TAIWANfest.
“I hope this compilation helps readers get reacquainted with the spirit, will, and courage of earlier Taiwanese writers,” Chu says on the TAIWANfest website. “I also hope that those less inclined towards literature can realize that the lives of these people, and their passion and commitment to this world, are just as exciting as a novel, even if they have never read literature before.”
His newest novel, The Testimonies Will Be Denied, is set in 2067 after China has invaded Taiwan. It’s a subject that deeply troubles Chen, given China’s desire to annex her homeland.
“For me, I’m so afraid to read the book because it’s like a prophesy,” Chen says.
TAIWANfest launched the Taiwan Bookstore in 2016 to draw attention to books that are banned in China. Chen operated it at the festival in subsequent years, putting many of her favourites on the shelves.
“My taste is a little bit on the quirky side,” she admits. “I don’t usually read really popular novels or articles.” This year, the festival is focusing on connections between Taiwan and Indonesia and Malaysia. As a result, the Taiwan Bookstore will feature a display called Painting With Words in the 700 block of Granville Street on September 3, 4, and 5. Visitors are encouraged to bring a flashlight and discover literature from the three countries. “I think Malaysia, Indonesia, and Taiwan all share one thing in common: we need to deal with the trauma after colonization,” Chen says. g
TAIWANfest presents Yu-Hsun (Chuck) Chu at 1:30 p.m. on September 3 in Mandarin in the Montalbano Family Theatre at the Vancouver Public Library central branch. His talk will be available later with English subtitles on YouTube.
In the Provincial Court of British Columbia
Between Ajay Sharma dba Northwest Engineers
File No.: C-86822 Registry: Surrey
TD Canada Trust, Wilfredo Negranza and Stefan Stanton
To: Stefan Stanton
TAKE NOTICE THAT on July 28, 2022, an order was made for service on you of a notice of claim issued from the Surrey Registry of the Provincial Court of British Columbia in proceeding number C-86822 by way of this advertisement. In the proceeding, the Claimant, Ajay Sharma, claims the following relief against you: 1. damages for amount misappropriated from cheque fraud and for mental distress; and 2. disbursements incurred in identifying and locating you. You must fi le a responding pleading within the period required under the Small Claims Rules, failing which, further proceedings, including judgment, may be taken against you without notice to you. You may obtain, from the Surrey Registry, at 14340 57 Ave, Surrey, BC V3X 1B2, a copy of the Notice of Claim and the order providing for service by this advertisement. This advertisement is placed by Ajay Sharma, whose address for service in this case is his lawyers’ address: c/o Alfonso Chen Taylor Janis LLP #202 – 905 W Broadway Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K3 If you know of a Stefan Stanton or of the circumstances surrounding one or more of the forged cheques belonging to Ajay Sharma, please provide such information to counsel for Ajay Sharma, Alfonso Chen, at 604-423-2646

Our Peer Support Services is accepting applications for our Friendly Visiting Program at Jewish Seniors Alliance (JSA).
This volunteer training will prepare you with the skills to interact with seniors in our community and will enhance employment opportunities and personal growth. The program is available to people 18 years and older.
Training will consist of fi ve sessions, evenings 5pm - 8pm for a total of 15 hours. You will become more skilled with age-related challenges, grief and loss, isolation, loneliness and many other issues facing older adults including helping seniors cope with their increased anxiety and isolation caused by of COVID-19 JSA is an inclusive organization and reaches out to all seniors from all ethnic, religious or cultural backgrounds.
This training is being offered at no cost. At the end of the training you will get a certifi cate. Monday, September 12 / 5pm - 8 pm Thursday, September 15 / 5pm - 8 pm Monday, September 19 / 5pm - 8 pm Thursday, September 22 / 5pm - 8 pm Monday, September 26 / 5pm - 8 pm (All sessions are via ZOOM with Trainer Grace Hann)
For more information charles.leibovitch@jsalliance.org 778-840-4949 grace.hann@jsalliance.org 778-828-1917
People who identify as part of the LBGTQ community are invited to apply.