5 minute read
BEER Left-of-the-dial beers can deliver tasty surprises
by Mike Usinger
Bubble Stash offers a subtle kiss with tropical mango and pineapple flavours. Photo by Hop Valley.
One day, we’ll all look back on the past couple of years as one of the weirdest times in history. ink about this for a second: you’ll have more luck ying to the moon under your own power this week than popping across the bloody U.S. in a car to buy a six pack of Pyramid Apricot Ale.
Given that we’re still in the middle of a pandemic that keeps on giving, what’s the point of reaching for a straightforward lager as the summer winds down? Instead, go out of the box with the following four le -of-the-dial beers.
SUPERFLUX HEAVY FRUIT BERRY BLEND Sometimes weird is not only good, it’s a reminder that the whole point of life is to take chances. With that in mind, Super ux Heavy Fruit Berry Blend is one of the most bizarre beers you’ll ever try. Stranger than the Chapeau Banana Lambic you had at ‘t Brugs Beertje in Bruges, Batch Brewing’s Marrickville Pork Roll, or Scotland’s 67 percent ABV Snake Venom. Heavy is something of an understatement—it’s actually so thick with berry pulp, you can practically chew it. Pour it in a glass and it doesn’t look like a beer as much as a Margarita made with fresh strawberries, or a raspberry smoothie with an extra dollop of yogurt. But, even though it comes o as a distant cousin of kombucha on the nish, Super ux Heavy Fruit Berry Blend is most de nitely a beer, albeit one brewed with milk sugar and a raspberry/blackberry/ strawberry puree in addition to hops and yeast. And it will blow your freaking mind, for no other reason than, just when you thought no beer would ever surprise you again, this fruit-bombed experiment does. Added bonus: because actual berry chunks end up stuck to the glass, you’ll have zero trouble convincing yourself that you did the right thing by having a beer instead of a smoothie. Or a fresh strawberry Margarita.
HOP VALLEY BREWING CO. BUBBLE STASH IPA India Pale Ales—especially those produced in the Paci c Northwest—have a tendency to alienate those who don’t subscribe to the mantra “the hoppier the better”. Bubble Stash is cra ed to appeal to those who’d like to be part of the IPA party but not if that means cultivating a taste for fresh-cut pine tips and extra-bitter red grapefruit. e key ingredient in Bubble Stash, which has its roots in Oregon but is crashing the Canadian market via its parent company, Molson, is something called Cryo Hops. In industry-speak, Cryo Hops are “the concentrated lupulin of whole-leaf hops containing resins and aromatic oils. It is designed to provide intense hop avor and aroma, enabling brewers to e ciently dose large quantities of alpha acids and oils without introducing astringent avors or vegetative material.” Translated: there’s tropical mango and pineapple avours in each sip of Bubble Stash, but expect a subtle kiss instead of a steel-yourself IPA punch. Welcome to the Paci c Northwest India Pale Ale party, even if you haven’t gone all in.
OKANAGAN SPRING TERRACE MOUNTAIN SESSION IPA e label, in cursive script, says IPA, but this Okanagan Spring o ering will confuse even seasoned beer drinkers in a blind taste test. ere’s some hoppy bitterness on the tail end, but not enough that anyone will mistake Terrace Mountain Session IPA for a legendary Hart & istle Hop Mess Monster or Flying Monkeys Alpha Fornication. Instead of a full-blown hop bomb, Okanagan Spring’s IPA pours light and tropical, with the emphasis on light. ink Trident passion-fruit gum or Kasugai mango gummies (which taste great for no other reason than they are imported from Japan, and therefore seem twice as exotic as anything you’ll nd on these shores). As an added bonus you can actually feel good about yourself as you imbibe. Partial proceeds from Terrace Mountain—named a er an Okanagan spot once ravaged by re—will aid wild re prevention and relief in B.C.
INNIS & GUNN ISLAY WHISKY CASK LAPHROAIG With fall almost upon us, it’s time to dream of ways to make the most of the season. While pumpkin-spice lattes, Halloween, and a global campaign against lea lowers are all ne starts, nothing compares to the thought of a week in Islay, Scotland. Imagine kicking back on the craggy slopes of the Oa, watching the autumn fog roll in o the sea. e beauty of Innis & Gunn Islay Whisky Cask Laphroaig is that you start painting pictures in your mind right from the rst sip: remote Scottish cabins where central heating consists of a roaring centuries-old replace; made-for-Instagram peatlands of Flow Country in Sutherland; and, um, Islay whisky—smoky, complex, and mind-bendingly unique. e label reads “amber ale”, but there’s an indisputable heaviness to Innis & Gunn Islay Whisky Cask Laphroaig. Chalk that up to 12 weeks maturing in 10-yearold single malt Scotch whisky casks from the Laphroaig distillery. What you get right out of the bottle is gorgeous heavy smoke—bold and unapologetically frontand-centre. Pour it cold and you won’t be disappointed, but let it warm up a bit and you’ll dream of autumn peat res in Scotland where Madagascar vanilla beans and dark French-roast co ee are part of the undeniable magic. g
Check out the Georgia Straight’s upcoming issue on September 23rd and discover our readers favourite places to eat, drink and hang out.

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