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BEST OF VANCOUVER Heritage goes way beyond the look of buildings P laces tell stories. O en, these are tales about people and the times they lived in those settings. is is the reaby Carlito Pablo been home to various cultural groups and their social histories. Usually overlooked, these areas have been and are important footholds for many immigrants to start ecoson why people feel deeply connected to nomic life in Vancouver.” certain places. It also explains the human desire for some of these stories to live on. ST. PAUL’S HOSPITAL

As Heritage Vancouver executive dir- “As a highly public place since 1894, St. Paul’s ector Bill Yuen tells its, places represent Hospital has a signi cance for Vancouver meanings to people. that goes far beyond the historic building. It


“For us, it’s really important to be able plays a large role in the local economy, with to help people understand those meanings many businesses relying on St. Paul’s for so that they can understand the city better,” a large amount of their business. Over the Yuen told the Straight in a phone interview. years, St. Paul’s has also become an import-

Although the traditional view of heritage ant xture in local public memory. Whether focused on historic and architecturally nota- it is the memory of a hospital experience, ble buildings, he noted that this approach has the annual Lights of Hope celebration, or evolved into a broader understanding. St. Paul’s important role on the frontlines of is change is re ected in the new Van- the HIV/AIDS crisis in Vancouver, St. Paul’s couver Heritage Program approved by city presence in the West End is deep. Its move council on March 10, 2020. e updated will be consequential. How will new developVHP is based on six guiding principles, ment address the void St. Paul’s will leave in and one of these is “cultural heritage”. A sta report to council drew from a Bill Yuen, executive director of Heritage Vancouver, says older storefronts like this one on Kingsway are often much-loved gathering spots that are extremely significant to different cultural groups. the West End and how can the historic building be used to present the meanings of St. framework by the United Nations Educa- is inherited from past generations”. sta report noted, quoting UNESCO. Paul’s are important questions.” tional, Scienti c and Cultural Organiza- Cultural heritage is not limited to tangible ese intangible aspects of cultural herittion on what heritage entails. things like buildings, historic places, monu- age include “oral traditions, performing HEATHER LANDS

UNESCO’s de nition of cultural heritage ments, and artifacts. “It also includes lived arts, social manners, rituals, celebrations, “More details of the Heather Lands project cites the “legacy of physical artifacts and in- expressions inherited from our ancestors practices and knowledge and techniques re- were released recently. As a partnership betangible attributes of a group or society that and passed on to our descendants,” the city lated to traditional handcra s”. tween the Musqueam Indian Band, SquaYuen said he has heard some people say mish Nation, Tsleil-Waututh Nation (MST)

BEST f SERVICES that their heritage is “not a Victorian building”. He said heritage can take many forms, and it could be an economic activity or and the Canada Lands Company, the recent update starts to show how the ‘enduring recognition of the culture, traditions and values

LAWYER WHEN ACCIDENT STRIKES REAL ESTATE AGENT something as speci c as a type of food. “But a lot of these things happen in of the MST’ will be re ected in the design. It is especially important to have more areas 1. Krista Simon (Hammerco) 1. Jason Lim (RE/MAX Crest places,” he said. “ ey happen in build- in the city where we can have an experience 2. Warnett Hallen LLP Realty) ings, and there is a connection there.” through place, the cultures, values, and trad3. Kevin McLaren (Hammerco) 2. Tim Neame (Sotheby’s Yuen added that a broader understand- itions of the MST nations. Also of note is the

IMMIGRATION LAWYER 1. Catherine Sas (Sas & Ing) 2. Daniel K. McLeod 3. Ryan Rosenberg (Larlee Rosenberg) International Realty) 3. Jordan Howard (Macdonald Real Estate Group) DOGGIE DAYCARE ing of heritage ts in good urban planning. “When we grow the city and when we develop, at least from my perspective, we don’t start from a blank slate,” he said. According to him, new development fate of the historic Fairmont Building. Once a school, a hospital, and the RCMP headquarters, di erent groups attach di erent meanings to the building. For First Nations, it is a painful one. As city council instructed 1. The Pet Shop Club should enhance what is already in place sta to explore relocation of the building—

BIKE LAWYER 2. Urban Puppy Shop “so that the history comes out or the things whether it will be moved and, if so, how the 1. Hammerco Lawyers 3. The Doghouse that are meaningful about a place come out various histories, including the signi cance 2. David Hay, Q.C. (Richards Buell Sutton) 3. Warnett Hallen LLP IMMIGRATION CONSULTANT 1. Sophie Yan (Top Consulting Group) FUNERAL HOME 1. Amherst Funeral and Cremation Services 2. Mount Pleasant Funeral Home 3. Glenhaven Memorial Chapel stronger”. e Straight asked Yuen to list some of Vancouver’s noteworthy heritage. Here, in his own words, are four examples. OLDER STOREFRONTS ON MAIN STREETS LIKE KINGSWAY of reconciliation, will be re ected—is an important heritage question.” MACLEAN PARK HOUSING PROJECT “Because of the tendency to associate heritage with age, postwar-designed buildings 2. Fred Li (FP Immigration & HOME-CLEANING “While many may be considered unremark- are not generally considered heritage. e Associates) SERVICE able in appearance, older storefronts on MacLean Park project stands in contrast to 3. CICS Immigration Consulting 1. AspenClean main streets like Kingsway can be critical to the traditional heritage styles of Strathcona

NOTARY 1. Cheryl Kwok 2. Alexander Ning 3. David Watts DOG-WALKING COMPANY 1. Urban Dog 2. Stellar Petcare 2. 3. Without a Trace Cleaning Life Maid Easy VISIT BEST OF VANCOUVER ONLINE AT STRAIGHT.COM communities. Simply because they are older, they can be more a ordable for neighbourhood businesses and services. ese are signi cant social spaces, much-loved gathering spots, and places selling goods and services we rely on for daily needs. In addition to being important for the diversity of retail and services at more a ordable price points, and expresses a design philosophy rooted in modernism with its use of concrete, simple geometric forms, and separation of people from streets. Importantly, this housing project is a physical reminder of 1960s urban renewal. is project was one of three built to house displaced residents from the planned demolition of Strath3. Ru Stu Dog Services areas on arterials like Little Saigon, South Hill, Punjabi Market, and Greektown have cona—Hogan’s Alley was demolished in order to build the freeway.” g

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