7 minute read
Arts 6 Crafts
The Arts Centre, on Prince Edward's Road holds art classes for children and adults. Children can take partfrom 5-6pm on Mondays, 5-6,30pm on Tuesdays and 5-7pm on Thursdays. Adult classes are held on Mondays and Tuesdays from 6.30pm-8pm and Wednesdays from 6.30pm-8.30pm, with an additional life painting olass on Wednesdays 7pm-9pm. Tel: 79788.
The Fine Arts Association Gallery on 1 st Floor over the glass factory in Casemates IS open 1 lam -2pm and 4pm -6pm Mon day • Friday, Saturday 1 lam - 2pm.
The Arts b Crafts Gallery next door is open Monday - Friday 9,30am - 5pm(sum mer) 6pm (winter), Saturday 9,30am3pm.
The Poetry Society meets on 20th of each month. Contact: Audrey Batty on 44355 for information.
Charity Events
Charity Boot Sale at Safeway s Car park every Sunday.
Church Services
Bahia Tel: 43637 for meetings.
Church of England Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Tel: 78377. Sung Eucharist, Sun day 10.30am. Sunday School.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints Suite 21a Don House,30-38 Main Street. Tel: 50433. Sundays 10am, Church of Scotland St Andrew's Church, Governor's Parade. Tel: 77040, Worship and Sunday School 10,30am, Bible Study
Tuesdays 7 30pm.
Evangelical Bretheren Assembly, Queensway Quay, Sunday 11am, Tues day Bible Study 6pm, Thursday Prayer Meeting 6pm, Methodist 297 Main Street.Tel : 77491. Sunday services 11am and 7pm, Mid week Fellowships.
Roman Catholic Cathedral of St Mary the Crowned,215 Main Street Tel: 76688 Fax: 43112.
Board Games
The Chess Club meets in Studio 1 at John Mackintosh Hall from 8pm to 10.30pm on Tuesdays.
The Gibraltar Scrabble Club meet at the John Mackintosh Hall every Monday. Bank holidays will be changed to Thurs day of that same week. Please contact Vivian Mifsud or other committee mem bers on 71967 /Gib mobile 54000835 Time: 7pm-11 pm All players welcome.
Dance Modern & Latin American Sequence Danc ing sessions every Monday at the Catho lic Community Centre at 8.30 pm (begin ners classes at 7.30 pm. Everyone over 15 years welcome,www.gibnynex.gi/inst/ cccseqdance/start.html or www.geocities.com/ccgseqdance/ start.html
Old ft Modern Sequence Dancing ses sions at the Catholic Community Centre at 8pm, beginners at 7.30pm, every Wednesday.
The DBA Old 6 Modern Sequence Danc ing sessions at the Central Hall every Fri day at 8,00 pm, beginners at 7.30 pm. Fur- ther details on Tel: 78282 or e-mail manvio@gibnet.gi Everybody welcome.
Senior Citizens Teatime Dances are held at the The Youth Centre, Line Wall Road on Monday afternoons 2pm-5.30pm, All senior citizens welcome for coffee, tea and biscuits. Entrance free.
Children aged 4 plus may attend classes in classical ballet, Spanish dance and hiphop at the Liza School of Dance on 3rd floor of the Methodist Church, 297/299 Main Street, Classes on Wednesday & Friday from 6pm at Chiltern Court(4Cs). Tel : 58111000.
Line Dancing at Queensway Club, Cen tral Hall every Wednesday at 8pm -9pm beginners; 9pm - 10pm advanced. Eve ryone welcome, including visitors to the Rock. For further information contact Helen 50381 or mobile 540137760.
History 6 Heritage
The Gibraltar Heritage Trust is located at The Main Guard, 13 John Mackintosh Square, Tel: 42844.
The Gibraltar Classic Vehicle Associa tion is dedicated to the preservation of the Rock's transport and motoring herit age. It aims to assist members in the res toration and maintenance of classic vehi cles, Members and vehicles meet on the first Sunday of every month at Safeway's car park from 10am. Prospective mem bers are very welcome to attend. Tel: 72481 Fax: 72033 E-mail : gibclassic@gibnynex.gi.
Outdoor Activities
Ornithological and Natural History Society rambles are walked on the last Sunday of the month(meet Span ish side of frontier, just to right of the Aduana vehicle exit at Sam), Tel: 74645/ 71956 for details, All welcome. GONHS organises birdwatching every Saturday when a member will be available on site at Europa Point Observatory to the right of the lighthouse frorn 2pm. The GONHS Birdwatching and Naturalist walk up the Mediterranean Steps takes place every Sunday from 9am to 11am. Contact 72639/76818 for details on GONHS.
Performing Arts
The Trafalgar Theatre Group meets on 2nd Wednesday of each month at The Garrison Library 8pm. All welcome.
Cannon Bar quizzes are held on Tuesdays with at least three quizzes per night. Start ing with a warm up, then two other quiz zes, including a theme quiz. Starts at 8,30pm,all welcome and prizes are given. Free entrance but a donation to charity is requested. Tapas served after the quiz. The Edinburgh Arms, Naval Hospital Road, has a quiz night from 8.30pm every Monday with prizes and free tapas.
The Tunnel in Casemates has a pub quiz and entertainment on Sunday nights.
Social Clubs
Scots on the Rock: Any Scots visiting the Rock can contact Charles Poison (Tel: 78142) if assistance or information is needed.
Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (Gibraltar Province) meets at the RAOB Club, Vault No. 1, Jumpers Bastion on the following days: Provincial Grand Lodge, 1st Monday of month, 8pm, Executive Meeting, last Monday of month 7pm. Knights Chapter, 2nd Monday of month 7.30pm, Examining Council,3rd Monday of month 7pm,William Tilley 2371,Thurs days 8pm. Buena Vista 9975, Wednes days (fortnightly) 7pm, Por Favor 9444, Wednesdays (fortnightly) 7pm. Farewell 10001, Tuesdays 8,30pm, Goldacre 10475(social) last Friday of month 8pm. The Tuesday Ladies'Club meets at 8.00 pm at the Queensways Club on the firs> Tuesday of each month. And is open to all women in Gibraltar who enjoy meet ing people and making new friends. It is a non-profit making organisation, and any proceeds are donated to charity at the end of the financial year. Contact Anne Tel: 43869, or Margaret Tel: 70816
Special Interest Clubs B Societies
Gibraltar Horticultural Society members get together on the first Thursday of the month at 6pm,John Mackintosh Hall. The society's main feature is the Annual Flower Show held in Spring, Other events include slide shows, demonstrations on flower arrangements and outings to gar den centres plus an annual tour around the Alameda Gardens, Non-members welcome.
Gibraltar Internet Club meetings are held monthly on Mondays at the College of Fur ther education from 7pm to 9pm, All are welcome to attend, whether experienced surfers or just starting to get acquainted with the net. There are a number of com puters connected to the internet as well as a number of machines with programs for the creation of web pages. Also avail able is a colour scanner for anyone who wants to scan pictures for personal use.
The Gibraltar Photographic Society meets on Mondays at around 8pm at Wel lington Front. Basic courses in photogra phy, competitions etc.
UN Association of Gibraltar PC Box 561, Suite 6/265 Irish Town, Gibraltar, Tel: 50426/72780 or Fax: 70370 for info.
Sports Supporters Ciubs
Portsmouth PC supporters would like to start a Club. Anyone interested please call Billy 58873000.
Arsenal Supporters Club meets at Amigo's Bar in Marina Bay where a large screen shows all Arsenal games. Mem bers annual subscription £15. For details visit Neil at Amigo's Bar (Tel: 79241).
Sports 6 Fitness
Golf: Med Golf tournaments are held monthly. Telephone Gibraltar 79575 for details of membership or tournament ven ues/dates.
Skating: The Gibraltar Skating and Xtreme Sports Association opens its Skate F^rk at Coaling Island, Queensway, Tuesdays to Saturdays,5pm to 9pm, The Skate F^rk has state of the art ramps for those dar ing skaters who enjoy Xtreme/aggressive roller blading or skate boarding. The park also provides leisure skating facilities within its excellent skating rink(when not being used for roller hockey training). For further info contact the Fork's Manager Mr Eric Young 70710(Tuesdays to Satur days) or just turn up at the park.
Squash: The Gibraltar Squash Associa tion, The Squash Centre, South Pavilion Road.
Swimming:The Gibraltar Amateur Swim ming Association opens its swimming pool for early morning swimming every Monday to Friday morning 7am - 8.45am (swimmers can also swim any time be tween 12 noon and 4pm and 8pm to 9pm Monday to Friday). For information tel ephone: 72869.
Table Tennis: The Gibraltar Table Tennis Association will be holding training and playing sessions at Bishop Rtzgerald Mid dle School on Wednesdays from 6pm to 10pm and Thursdays 8pm to 10pm. For information contact Eugene l^ns on 72934 or just turn up at sessions.
Yoga: Integral Yoga Centre runs a full pro gram of Yoga classes from Monday to Mday at 33 Town Range. For more details Tel: 41389, Everybody welcome.
Support Groups
Gibraltar Cardiac Rehabilitation and Support Group meets monthly on the first Tuesday of every month at 8.30pm at the John Mac Hall, except for July and August. (4th March, 8th April, 6th May, 3rd June, 2nd September, 7th October, 4th November, 2nd December),
With Dignity Gibraltar is a friendly sup port group for separated, divorced, wid owed or otherwise unattached people. Regular meetings at 9pm at the Commu nity Centre, Line Wall Road. Contact Pili 71824 or Gladys on 71465 for information.
Clubs b Organisations shouldsubmit de tails to The Gibraltar Magazine. PC Box 561, PMB 6377, Suite S3D International Commercial Centre, Main Street, Gibral tar for inclusion in this guide.
The Caipe Singers' rehearsal takes place at the Gibraltar Music centre, Wellington Front, every Tuesday and Wednesday 8pm - 9.15pm. Alleges from 15-60 welcome (if you have a reasonable ear and a sense of com mitment!). No strict audition neces sary, just a month's probation period.
Live Music Venues
There is regular live music at many of Gibraltar's venues.
The Lord Nelson in Casemates has live music on Friday and Saturday evenings. Jam session on Sunday evenings - all musicians welcome.
The Tunnel,also in Casemates,has live music every Friday night from 10pm and live etertainment on Saturday nights from 10pm until late(watch this spacefor details of theirThursday night live entertainment!).
There is live music at Corks on Irish Town every Friday from 9pm to late. Murphy's bar on City Mill Lane has live Irish music on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.
The Market Tavern (right next to Casemates Gates)has live music every Friday from 9pm until late, and karaoke on Wednesday and Saturdays from 9pm until late.
The Rock Hotel, Europa Road, has regular entertainment from 4-6pm with guitarist Tito Valerga, and on Saturday evenings with Masquerade.
Local duo Dreamwish play at the Ellott Hotel every Saturday evening from 8.30pm.