1 minute read

The Bo3tygr4

\the last Neanderthal populationsin Gorham's Cave and it is illustrated with a photograph of this site as well as with one of the Gibraltar skull. Neanderthals lived across Europe and Asia from about 300 thousand years ago and we pick up the last survivors on the Rock be tween 28 and 24 thousand years ago. Climate gradually fragmented the existing pxjpulations, relicts surviving in glacial refugia. Gibraltar appears to have been an especially privileged location where the last Neanderthals found a small piece of paradise.

lust-A-Nililile Frae Easter Raffle

Bob, Marie and the team at Just-A-Nlbble in the International Commercial Centre have once again donated a nice cheque to charity (this time to BFBS Charities) on the strength of their very successful free Easter Raffle with great prizes. Everyone who spent over £5.00 at Just-A-Nibble in the lead up to the draw was given a free raffle ticket, and Just-A-Nibble added to the charity total, Pictured is Katherine of BFBS collecting the cheque from Bob atJust-A-Nibble. Katherine also drew the prize winners from the hat.

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