1 minute read
cnniiD" prize puzzle
by Alan Gravett
5. You could steal a kiss under it!(9)
8. Emile ™> French author (4)
9.& 19. He looked out,in a Carol(4,4,9)
10. Car part — where the Brobdingnagians opened their eggs(3,3)
11. This bird doesn't celebrate Christinas!(6)
13. List of things to be done at a meeting 96)
15. Where 9&19 looked out(6)
16. Entrance to a farm building (4,4)
18. Edward Lear's Pobble had none!(4)
(Decorative Crajti
1. (South American)pulse(4,4)
2. Put on a play (6)
3. Respond - it is used in a chemist's lab.(6)
4. Pig's meat(4)
6. When 9&19 looked out(6,3)
7. Not employed enough (9)
12. Meat dish often cooked for Christmas(53)
14. Immediately (2,4)
15. Rural community(6)
17. Christmas - boy's name
by Eddie Eliott
Adrian Pozo, founding drummer of Gibraltar's most successful hit record group,is back on the Rock follow ing the break-up ofMelon Dieseland making plans for the next move in his musical career, with his lifelong colleague Guy Palmer and the simi larly gifted Stephen Maclaren.
"When 1 was last in Madrid, I was surprised at how many doors were open to me.I'm sure we could do something good again. We are rehearsing together and it sounds good."
Q/remember you as a football mad youngster,when did itstart for you?
"I had seven years when I first played for Lincoln with my mates. I rememlier we grew up together under the'Gaffer',the late Malcolm Brennan, who took us all to Jersey for a tournament. Over the years I still play with the same mates. Wan derers now in Division Three and five-a-side."
QHow did you gel into musk, and drumming?
"1 was always keen on drum ming — on the table,sneaking into rehearsal rooms, silling at the drums behind Guy Palmer and Daniel Fa. I couldn't afford a real set of drums until I was about twenty;they cost me £230.1 learned by watching others — Peter Chichon (now Breed 77), Laurie Acris and others — watching their style. But you can't copy anyone, you just steal bits and pieces. We drummers talk the same secret lan guage to each other, same prob lems,cotton reels keeping the cym bals level — a drummers union.
"1 was always available to play. Phil Valverde used to call me for gigs, dances, pop,pasadobles. Na tional Days — I loved it all. The groups I played with did covers Kiss, Beatles and that stuff.
"Then about eight years ago we formed Melon Diesel, decided to be more professional, and went to try our luck in Madrid in'97. We had a